Sunday, December 30, 2007

Very obnoxious White Guy at Muddy's, 24th and Valencia, San Francisco

He is blowing his nose so loudly like no one is around. coughs so loudly. I am sitting facing him across the room. Gees, I actually avoid looking his way. He's got greasy dirty hair, glasses, crimson T-shirt, low-rised pants. It is low-rised because his belly is too big. He is reading some book and seems smart, in his secluded areas of interests of course. He strolled his bike in and making big noise with his hard-soled shoes. It is very funny that he took the bike to the back of the shop and came running to grab a table, because he saw someone coming in and would like to get his table. So, everyone was looking at him, because of the noise of his shoes. And, he of course, didn't notice that, since his world only has a resident and that's himself. He smells so bad, because he came over to get something for his tea or his table...

Before I forgot, Karen was asking for the files that I generate by copying the information from the master file and spreading the information to several files. It is Stella's project. So, Karen was asking about the status. I kind of like her that she's a cold, no bull-shit woman. I don't remember getting thanks from her. Not even once. She once kind of scolded me because I went to Paul for some information regarding X1 when I was supposed to go to her or Hang. But Hang did not address the email to anyone and I mistook that she wanted to go to Paul. Hence, that's the root of my confusion. Anyway, I will reply to Karen tomorrow, as it is the last day of December. I will also reply in a cold way. Well, I really can't. She's one of my bosses, unfortunately. Such is life. You will always who treated you the worse and who treated you the best.

I wish the obnoxious guy could stop blowing his nose. Such an apple of the eye. The one that's rotten with worms, of course.

Saturday, December 29, 2007


唔知點講, 有D人成日被人飛, 自己又唔忍飛人, 呢個就好似我啦. 唔單唔知點同其他人分手, 又唔願意放低0添. 獨自默默受痛苦. 好痛苦o架. 我真係唔鍾意做我自己. 我真係好希望有人可以同我一樣,老0細都一齊.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

6 pies bajo tierra y la cristianismo

Anoche terminé la primera temporada de 6 Pies Bajo Tierra. Todavía no es mi show favorito.

estoy en una estapa en que estoy muy, muy contra la religión organizada del oeste. la del este es más tranquila y más personal. La del oeste exige que la gente viva en algunas maneras y la del este recomiende las. Como un puñal, es más fácil para mí vivir en el este, porqué casi no hay violencia contra los maricones. La gente alla no cree que es un pecado. La gente cree que si no se le hace daño a otros, es bastante bueno para ir al cielo.

La cristianismo o la biblia no es lo mismo como la de Jesús Cristo. Todo es fictional. Es una herramienta que los políticos utiliza para controlar el mente del publico. Antes, el emperador romano creó la biblia la que utilizaba para justificar su corrupción de congregar el dinero de la gente y empobrarla. Para mentir a la gente que el dios iba a salvarla de la pobreza si la gente tuviera la fe y rezara y también seguiera construyendo

Monday, December 24, 2007


今天去拜訪了室友.跟他家人, 他妹妹也在那裡. 貴賓狗當然也在. 蹓了一下狗,後來就去健身房. 接著就買了一堆火鍋料,煮了一鍋火鍋.看了很多dvd電影. 也上網聊天. 反正無事一身輕.

Sunday, December 23, 2007


或者是夢一場. 總覺得很虛, 很不真實. 陪人一段,所有的付出,是不是一定馬上要有回報? 很難講. 對方如果不是相等的回饋,是不是要覺得委屈? 是不是要馬上抽身離去? 我這樣如此分析,我自己都覺得有點"娘".

談戀愛很辛苦. 尤其是追求別人,花錢,花時間, 花力氣. 到頭來覺得很虛...當時無暇的天使,到頭來跟你我沒兩樣.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

I am Legend......... nah..

How that woman saved Will Smith's life is still beyond me. She was there until midnight. with her son. drag the big body back to his house. Well, this is just one of the loose ends of that movie. I went to see it with Angel. You can call it a date. or Whatever.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Last day of the year, work-wise

Everyone is gone, pretty much. I had to go to Building 11 to get lunch today. There were so many people there. I guess it is because the other cafeterias were closed for the holidays. Hang and Karen were not there. Yoli was probably not there, either. I had the stupid carwash thing to take care of. They moved to Building M from Building C. So, I had to walked in the cold to Building M from Building D. I then sneaked out to go to the gym at Building L at 4:00 pm. Well, considering that I worked long hours yesterday and another hour at home at night. I think it is okay. I am an honest worker. There is no way that I should cheat or slack. Cisco is good that people are responsible and very professional. That's what I like about it. Yet, with all the training and meetings and projects, it is pretty demanding at times. I now realize why people work until 11:59pm. I do that too. I exchanged email with Renee Furrow, the manager from SCA at 11:30pm. But I feel okay, as I could get home at decent hours.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Un mes más

¿Quién sabe? Cuán fúgaz el tiemp. Ya hace un mes que estoy eligible de aplicarme por la ciudadanía. Me dijo Alex que tenía una cita con la imigración el 8 de enero, el 2008. Vamos a ver si todo va a ir bien. No me hace daño nada. Si no me vaya bien, voy por Miami. Este trabajo con Cisco ya me aburre. No me pagan bien tampoco. No más suena bien. Sobre todo, es una compañía prestigiosa. El problema es que no hay lugar para mi. No hay puesto para mi. No es un lugar en que puedo quedarme por siempre. Entonces, tengo que buscar otro para siempre.

Si yo sé lo que quiero hacer, no estoy aquí confundido y a veces perdido. Todavía tengo que tener fe. Tengo que creer que yo voy a encontrar algo para mi, algo significado, algo de valor.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

香菇肉燥, 滷蛋 + 九層塔炒蛋

GSM operations 的人沒事12/20辦什麼potluck, 害我一直找有什麼可以煮的. 本來想做牛肉類的, 像是蘿蔔牛肉, 又礙於印度人不吃牛,所以作罷. 食譜書翻來翻去,就是找不到什麼可以稍加熱後可當午餐的菜, 所有的都是要馬上進食,否則,菜肉就會變乾,變老. 香菇肉燥加上燙青菜好了. 問題是怎麼燙青菜? 用微波爐. 但是從未試過.

剛剛去marina supermarket永和超市回來, 竟然找不到九層塔, 我看只好到Safeway去買了. 後來就買了瘦絞豬肉, 準備來做香菇肉燥. 加上滷蛋.

現在來做香菇肉燥. 實驗篇

3 oz的油蔥酥

醬料(小火, 一小時以上):
1/2 茶匙的五香粉

滷了兩個小時, 看起來,吃起來不錯, 但是好像有點鹹.

Safeway 的九層塔

Thursday, December 13, 2007

P.F. Chang + Bowling

It is nice that I happened to not have a lot with Labels and packaging suppliers today, even though I got 4 more quotes in later on this afternoon. Well, despite the fact that I don't quite like the company gathering stuff, I ended up going to the lunch and the bowling party with the Cisco people. Everyone mad it there, at least for the lunch. (I sensed that it is "not good" to miss the team event. Another cultural thing here that I picked up myself.) I did not bowl, because I can't hold the ball anymore. So, I was the scorekeeper. I helped track the scores for each player, because we swap teams and lanes at mid-game. It was fun. I got 2 photos to share. Ok, find me.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

¡Que difícil! Mi primera desilución con excel

no tengo projecto nuevo hoy, pero estoy trabajando en este problema de excel en que quiero convertir los partes duplicados en solo un linea. ya le pregunte a Barry. no es una tarea facíl, por eso decidía conseguir ayuda exterior.

Es miércoles. Es la noche de patinar. No tengo interés hoy. Tengo mucho sueño y ya son las 5 con 10 minitos y me voy preparando para salir del trabajo. Hace mucho frío hace una semana, creo. No me gusta este maldito frío.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Busy at work

Another day. I got very busy at work, which is a very good thing. I still many problems to solve. For example, I want to filter out the duplicates and keep the latest entry. I want to be able to split a workbook by a certain parameter and "click", and it's done. Apparently, there are so many things that I want excel to do, but it can't do those yet.

Also, the "find" function has its limitation. Over 25 character or something... Who cares.
tomorrow I will have lunch with Pamela. Thursday, I hope I get to go with the Memory Group, if not, it is quite alright. I will stay in and help Yoli out. It is better this way.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Tan ocupado el lunes

Quién sabía que iba a estar tan ocupado. ahora siento el estrés. No me gusta, pero tengo mis opciones. Es que no soy empleado regular, no es necesario que yo trabajo en casa. Pero la verdad es que ahora trabajo en casa. Estoy chequeando los correos electrónicos para entender que esta pasando y preparandome para lo que pasará mañana. estoy comparando los costos de materiales. Hang, Yoli, Lori saben mejor que yo que está sucediedo. Yo soy imbécil, idiota, jiji... Está bién así. Tengo que aguantarme hasta que consiga mi ciudadanía.

Hoy Mary Jo me preguntó cual es mi sueldo preferido. No le contesté directamente cuanto, porque es una pregunta sin repuesta. Nunca puedo constestar bien esa pregunta. Yo no trabajo para dinero. Dinero si es importante, pero no es todo.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

American Top Model, Beijing Episode

I'm watching America's Next Top Model, the Beijing Episode. It is good to see Beijing from an American view point. It is so very modern. Well, at least, on TV. But I can also see that the smog problem is very severe. It is kind of fun to watch too much TV. Now that Jorge Marquina Sr is going to cancel Direct TV, I need to watch as much as possible. Well, not exactly. Just kidding. I really could care less. I really should watch less TV. I have never watched more in my life.

I went up to the City, aka, San Francisco. Did my work. I worked. I checked emails and knew that Yoli had sent out the RFQ to Bay Area Labels. I updated BU contact list. Drafted the emails to send out to the sourcing coomodity managers tomorrow.

I hope I can pass tonight okay. It was one week ago when I get sick. Now I am also having my Sunday Night blues. I don't have as much stress as before, but it is interesting and maybe a little ironic that my stomach acid is on an all-time high. So, life is really strange. Maybe I was really stressed with what is going on around me. changes of jobs, life-styles, struggles in searching for what I really need:

A government job in Miami for the rest of my life. I should not lose focus. I should stick to my plan.

Saturday, December 8, 2007


沒有人陪. 以前二十幾歲時反而很在意. 一個孤單的週末夜就好比是世界末日. 現在反倒非常隨意. 只要不是每個星期六晚都是如此就好了. 不是每天都是可以外出的陽光日. 也是有一兩天下雨得待在家裡..當個宅男也可以.當個干物也行.只要將來有個老伴就行. 現在有沒有我也不在乎.有當然是最好了.不過如果一段情的培養是那麼簡單,我現在應該不是單身. 不過,過去兩.三年,因為去墨西哥的緣故,沒法在某一地固定停留一年,所以沒有很積極地想跟任何人認真.
如今, 就算跟人認真,也不是要結婚. 因為結婚就是因為要有小孩. 但基於優生學,最好不要有我自己的.可憐的小孩會很辛苦. 就算比我高十公分,別人的小孩也高十公分. 排隊還是排在最後. 那只是身高方面而已. 而且還有其他遺傳性的疾病. 先天的不足, 後天上也沒有辦法在經濟上給予充裕的補助.在這樣競爭激烈的社會上,更難生存. 我自己就是個非常好的例子.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Oaxacaño toasted noodle soup

Ayer tuvemos algo neuvo: Oaxacano toasted noodle soup. No lo sabia. De todo modo, que pedo es esto? jijiji...

Hoy tenemos Posole Rojo with Pork. Una muchacha asiatica lo probo y leugo otra chica gringa le pregunto si estaba bien. Ella dijo, "mas o menos, un poco picante" y se marcho. La chica gringa se fue enseguida tambien. Yo tenia mucha gana, pero no podia. Tuve "chicken noodle soup" como recomendias.

Manana tendremos Chicken Mole Coloradito w/ Black Beans and Spanish Rice. Ayy, no lo puedo aprovechar.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

"friends with money" is such a gem

I have to say that I really like Jennifer Aniston and the other 3 actresses. The script was very nicely written and actors are excellent. it just reflects life. pretty real. I can identify with Jennifer Aniston's character, so honest, sweet, complacent, unambitious, love-sick, obsessive girl. "Maybe I don't have my life figured out like you." I wonder what it takes to be a maid. To be something lowly, humble and yet tough and strong. emotionally, of course.

I also saw "my super ex-girlfriend", a comic, brainless movie. In Spanish, of course. I got pretty much all the lines figured out. Well, it's so brainless that everyone can understand the movie without understanding the lines.

Work-wise, I missed today's team-building training at the City Beach in Fremont, plus a free lunch at P.F. Chang. It seems a lot to lose. But if i eat and get sick, it's not worth it. At this moment, I only hope I won't get into that terrible situation where I spend the entire night in the bathroom throwing up and having diarrhea. So aweful.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


從來只有聽說, 現在真正體驗過,才真覺得是一種很大的折磨. 除了上吐,還有下瀉, 上下夾攻. 從清晨兩點,一直到早上八點.
我學到了如果有吐或瀉, 就表示胃不舒服, 就應停食, 滴水不沾. 吐或瀉停止之後,四小時後, 才慢慢喝一點點水. 多休息, 接著才吃一點點非刺激性的軟食. 慢慢地,慢慢地,一星期恢復到正常飲食.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Another sunday

I finally updated the resume in hotjobs and monster and also just requested an account with facebook. I am also looking for some small gigs to do on weekends and weeknights.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Baby's good

Went to pay my rent at Jorge's parents' house and at the same time visit Jorge, but he's not there. I don't have much to talk with him anyway.

Then, I'm glad that Baby's still good and recognizes me still. She jumped to sit on my lap and I massaged her like we did before. It's good to have a nice dog like her and I don't have the responsiblities now. She wanted to go out with me, but we didn't let her. It's good that way. They should have the control over her.

I had a little coffee break and studied a little Excel and then hung out with Angel Sanchez. Yup, I only hang with latinos right now. Such a ever-changing life I got. I used to hang with Taiwanese, and then whites. Now latinos. But I doubt I would hang with another race anymore. I'm pretty dame old now. too old for another phase. The other day I checked myself in the mirror and found so much gray hair on my head. Man, can't tell you how frightening it was.

I forgot to mention my intention to Jorge's dad that I want to get a job with Immigration. I only mentioned I just filed my application. Well, at least, I remember that Jorge used to work for Immigration and Ruth is still working there. I'm glad that I have some connection there. If only they will help me, for sure.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Hoy mande mi tramite de la solicitud de ciudadania

vamos a ver si me van a preguntar mucho de mi history. Ojala que no. yo soy muy pequeno, pero bueno. No le hago dano a nadie. Solo quiero vivir sano y tranquilo. No es

Sunday, November 25, 2007


感恩節終於過去了. 不知不覺我已經可以申請入籍了. 只是我的工作紀錄可能不好看,因為我休息了一年沒工作, 但事實上, 墨西哥的工作似乎也可以算是沒有. 因為根本就沒紀錄. 沒有工作簽證, 沒有薪水支付紀錄. 現在在美國也沒有好看的工作紀錄. 所以我現在擔心移民局會找碴.

我會堅持我要搬到邁阿密的決心.現在的天氣轉冷,實在是很不喜歡. 所以一定要繼續. 所以移民局怎麼找碴,就盡力擋了.

Friday, November 23, 2007


終於去看醫生了. 這個叫marcel reichert的還願意花個十分鐘幫我看診. 他說我應該先看我的主治大夫. 可是我還沒有選定. 其實還算是有點趕,所以品質不算是很好. 開了抗胃酸的藥給我 zantac. 我們看看是不是會比較好. 共花了$15+$10+$27=$52.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Dia antes del Dia de Accion de Gracias

Ya lo vi a Jorge. estaba bien. Jorge sr. fue a llevar a la Baby a su casa. Estan juntos. el sabado pasado fui a llevar a la Baby a la peluqueria y visite a Jorge.
A Jaime le hube dejado 2 mesajes el sabado pasado, todavia no me vuelves la llamada. No se que esta haciendo.

Cuando me puse una cita con la peluquera, dije, "es para una poodle que se llama 'Baby'". "Baby Marquina?", me pregunto. "Si, Baby Marquina", conteste.
Como ves?

Feliz Dia de accion de gracias!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Bien ocupado

I have to say that today I'm having one of the busiest days here at Cisco. My left ear is buzzing right now. Last night before bed, I noticed that. I couldn't figure out what went wrong. First it was the right ear that was stinging. Now, my left ear is buzzing very loud. If it is still like that tomorrow, I'm going to see a doc.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Jorge llegó a casa

me alegro que mi compa de casa por fin llegó el miércoles pasado. Esta mas saludable y sano y me da gusto verlo así. no es que estaba malo. Así esta mejor.

creo que mi vida volverá a estar normal, o sea, aburrido. como decía antes, no se lo que estoy buscando. Lo que buscaba, lo he tenido. Lo que no es mío ya, no lo quiero. ¿cómo ves?

Ayer estuve muy ocupado con muchas cosas que hacer. Hoy decidí tomarme el tiempo hoy. no pasa nada. tengo que ir al gymnacio. Hace mucho tiempo que no voy. me ponga enfermo facilmente. mi estamago me duele, debido al estrés y la dieta pobre. Así que me voy a cuidar mas a partir de hoy. Ojalá.

Friday, November 16, 2007

My roommate returned!

to his parents' house, that is. He is not staying with me. The dog is gone, too. So, I am pretty relieved. I stupidly made an appointment with the dog's groomer and have the responsibility to take her to the groomer and pay for it (I'm not comfortable asking for refund from his family, since they are really not in a good shape right now.) And I'm not comfortable to leave them, either. Unless I have a good reason to bail out. The thing with San Mateo is everything is within 25 miles and commutable. So, i can't wait to move to Miami. For better or worse, it is my choice. I need to start my citizenship application. and I'm also starting browsing the federal jobs now.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Jorge llego a casa HOY!!!!

Tan rapido. Ayy... La Baby esta en casa todavia. Pues, no estaba seguro si iba a regresar hoy. Entonces van a regresar por la avion?

Entonces ya te despediste de Jorge y su familia? Les extranas, verdad? Hace mucho tiempo juntos con ellos.

From: Ayala, Sergio []
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 9:52 AM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: RE: Que buena onda

Ayer fuimos al hospital y hoy se van a las 2:30 llegando a San Francisco a las 3:50 Y como te dije ayer su futuro depende de que tan rapido consiga un buen lugar para la reabilitacion. Flor creo que ya tiene contactos en Palo Alto en la universidad de Stanford.

From: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco) []
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 4:13 PM
To: Ayala, Sergio
Subject: RE: Que buena onda

ok. me interesa saber si va a estar fuerte de pie pronto y enfrontar su futuro. hablamos mas tarde.

From: Ayala, Sergio []
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 3:12 PM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: RE: Que buena onda

No de eso no he hablado porque su futuro es incierto por lo menos un ano (12MESES) de rahabilitacion.

From: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco) []
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 3:09 PM
To: Ayala, Sergio
Subject: RE: Que buena onda

que buena noticia. Me alegro por mi y por toda la gente.

oye, hablaste con el de su futuro? que va a hacer? No se si voy a hablar de eso. eso es demasaido en serio, verdad?

From: Ayala, Sergio []
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 3:02 PM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: RE: Que buena onda

No se, te hablo en la noche o cuando salga del hospital.
From: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco) []
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 2:26 PM
To: Ayala, Sergio
Subject: RE: Que buena onda

jiji... lo hare con mi nuevo novio. por fin, puedo ir al gymnasio. me siento muy debil.

Si salen al medio dia, van a llegar a las 8 de la noche, verdad?
From: Ayala, Sergio []
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 2:18 PM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: RE: Que buena onda

La vas a extranar yo se ya no vas a tener con quien platicar o llorar o reir.

From: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco) []
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 2:10 PM
To: Ayala, Sergio
Subject: RE: Que buena onda

Genial. voy a entregar a la Baby a la casa de sus padres.
From: Ayala, Sergio []
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 2:07 PM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: RE: Que buena onda

Hoy me llamo Flor la hermana de Jorge esta aqui en Los Angeles y me dijo que manana se llevan a Jorge a San Francisco. Hoy despues del trabajo voy a ir a despedirme de Jorge al Hospital. Manana como al medio dia se van a San Francisco eso fue lo que me dijo Flor por telefono. Detalles mas tarde ¡

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Cuban International

No se como escribir este restaurante. Quiza fue la unica vez de la vida. La comida no fue muy impresionante. Pero la compania fue muy bien. Fui con Barry. De hecho, me invito. No se cuando se pone bien lleno ese restaurante. Es cuando quiero regresar a probar la comida de nuevo. Seria un imposible

Monday, November 12, 2007

El aburrido lunes

I think I have put on 5 pounds for a period of 5 months last time I weighed myself. 2 months ago, I guess. That means, I have gained 7 pounds by now. So, I registered with the Cisco gym and can use some weight training there. I don't think I'd like to do cardio there and have to shower there or drag my soaked body home.

It is another peaceful day today. I was given much to do as usual. But again, it sounds good to work in Cisco. When people do their keyword search, my resume will pop up, even though I have set my goal to become a passport-stamping immigration officer. Officer, not like a lowly quote analyst here. Well, what a shame. it seems all my past training, well, most of it, will go to waste. So, I need to take another Spanish class to brush up my skills for the future. I can always be a spy and eavesdrop what people are talking about. I'm already doing that already. It is pretty easy to do.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

thoughts on healing

I think everyone should avoid going to the doctor unless it's something serious like cancer or a bad emergency. Most illnesses are caused by our own bad eating habits, diets or lifestyle and can be cured by gradually improving it. Our body has a way to cure itself if we provide good fuel and maintain it well (which I don't, sometimes. hehe..) I'm not disgustingly obese yet, you see.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Primera lluvia


me queda en casa y me perdi. pues, como siempre.
Tengo que prepararme para el tramite de la ciudadania de EU.

Pues, tambien he hacido muchos quehaceres hoy: fui a Safeway y Marina Supermarket y la bibioteca, lave la ropa,

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

mis circunstancias

I'm usually in by 9:00 and take off at 5:30. The cafeteria is downstairs. I always just grab some salad and come back up to eat in my cube. Yeah, I never realized what "loner" means until now. It is even worse to eat at the cafeteria by yourself, isn't it? I guess we all live and learn. :)

Well, actually, they were more like confirmations of what is happening, which is progressive muscle atrophy. It progressed rapidly when I was in high school and slowed down the pace after that. No cause found. They couldn't really tell me what I have. But some, like the last one from Kaiser, said that I should just be prepared when the last muscle that helps control the functions of my fingers/hand is gone and I would not be able to tie my shoes, and other "easy tasks". A Mexican girl said that I should pray to God everyday and God would bless me. She stopped asking me why I did not find a girlfriend, though. She probably realized that she would not want herself to get in a "helping" situation for the rest of her life. I thought that's kind of funny. Hmmm..., since you don't buy that, we will have to come up with another story to explain why I am single. How about let's just say I have depression and suicidal inclination? :)

As a matter of fact, I really don't know if the Miami climate will help, but I just always know that I like the warmer weather and it makes me feel better. And that I got more cramps in the wintertime. I don't have as many cramps here in the U.S. as in Taiwan. Maybe it is the humidity plus the cold in Taiwan. Nobody knows.

Next Monday should be good. I don't have anything scheduled. Once my roommate comes back, I would start restructuring my routines/schedule/life, whatever you call it.

From: []
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2007 10:35 AM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: RE: It's officially November

I'm usually in by 8:15.....sometimes earlier if I wake up earlier, when it's not dark and cold :)

That's good news about your roommate! I think as serious as his stroke was, it's going to take a long time.

As for your medical condition, what have the various diagnoses been? If the Miami climate would help then it would make perfect sense to move. I don't buy the story as a reason for being single.....

I meant to ask you in my previous note, what do you think about dinner next Monday?

Barry Conklin
Import/Export Compliance Ops
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, Inc.

"Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)"
11/05/2007 09:53 AM
Subject RE: It's officially November

Good morning.

You got in earlier today?

My weekend was okay. I took the dog to the beach. It's an impromptu. Also, I got some good news this weekend. I went to visit my roommate's dad, who some mistakenly presumed my father in law, and he told me that my roommate might be able to come back in a week or two and would stay with them, as my roommate would still need carefully prepared diet and continuous speech and physical therapy. This time I dared to ask his dad what they would do about the medical bills (my roommate wasn't insured), and he said they would figure it out. Since they are sending him to Palo Alto to see the therapists, I think they somehow figured out something.

As for Miami, I think I should still try to get it there. I have my own medical condition which is kind of unique and calls for the move. I have been to as many doctors as one can possibly and spent 3 weeks in the hospital going through various exams and one surgery. Various doctors have come up with their different diagnosis. The last one from Kaiser said that if I continue to lose one certain piece of muscle, my right arm would go to waste completely. He said "the last straw" could be added anytime now. So, I don't know about the humidity, but I think the warmer weather is good for my nervous system. I figured out Miami is the most suitable city for me in the U.S. It is 100% a personal thing that I want to go to Miami.

I told that story to some very nosy straight friends why I am still single and not interested in getting married and why I went to Mexico alone trying to experience as much life as possible while I can. Now do you buy that story?

Monday, November 5, 2007

mi enfermedad, algo personal

My weekend was okay. I took the dog to the beach. It's an impromptu. Also, I got some good news this weekend. I went to visit my roommate's dad, who some mistakenly presumed my father in law, and he told me that my roommate might be able to come back in a week or two and would stay with them, as my roommate would still need carefully prepared diet and continuous speech and physical therapy. This time I dared to ask his dad what they would do about the medical bills (my roommate wasn't insured), and he said they would figure it out. Since they are sending him to Palo Alto to see the therapists, I think they somehow figured out something.

As for Miami, I think I should still try to get it there. I have my own medical condition which is kind of unique and calls for the move. I have been to as many doctors as one can possibly and spent 3 weeks in the hospital going through various exams and one surgery. Various doctors have come up with their different diagnosis. The last one from Kaiser said that if I continue to lose one certain piece of muscle, my right arm would go to waste completely. He said "the last straw" could be added anytime now. So, I don't know about the humidity, but I think the warmer weather is good for my nervous system. I figured out Miami is the most suitable city for me in the U.S. It is 100% a personal thing that I want to go to Miami.

I told that story to some very nosy straight friends why I am still single and not interested in getting married and why I went to Mexico alone trying to experience as much life as possible while I can. Now do you buy that story?

Friday, November 2, 2007

Jorge is still not coming home

My roommate is still not coming back. I'm not so worried about his financial situation now. Now I'm starting to think that they are taking advantage of this marvelous medical system in the U.S. to recover as much as possible. Since he will be bankrupt anyway. So, at this point, owing 5 million dollars is pretty much the same as owing 50 million. It's only my speculation. It's not a fact.

I don't like waking up in the dark, and cold, too. Definitely want to move to Miami.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

November already!

November is my third month at Cisco, which is my second longest job that I have this year. I have had 3 so far. November is also the last month of my very long 13-yr wait. 11/20 is the day when I am finally eligible for "applying" for the citizenship. Then, I can finally be free in/from this land of the free. It's very likely that I would move to Miami, but there are so many variances. I might move to Mexico or Peru, etc.

Speaking of costume, every year there are always the same old tiring characters such as vampire, superman, speedy, etc. And yet, there's Ugly Betty. So, it's not too bad. at least, there's always some new blood each year. I mentioned blood again. I'm glad you didn't put on your vampire costume and go crazy on blood.

This is my busiest week at cisco. They said it'd get busier. I'd say I could care less. (of course I did not.) I am biding my time here at Cisco / in the U.S. hehehe.... :-) 13+ years. I gave my youth to the U.S.. :-)

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Feliz Halloween 2007!

Intente ser un vaquero, pero no me salio bien. me falto una cintura vaquera. Sin embargo, fui a patinar como un vaquero. Fue mi primera vez celebrar Halloween asi. me excito. Me senti mas vivo.

He platicado con Barry.


I'm not really a tofu man. It's only my brain that is made of tofu. The rest is still flesh and blood. Red blood. Just to clarify.

wow, it took me a while to reply your email, eh? Well, we (I mean, they) just ended their first Quarter and I was busy putting out fire, filling holes, etc. So, I have been busy. Well, so have you. I haven't heard from you for a while, either.

It is Halloween. I hope you got lots of candies. I mean, I hope you have prepared lots of candies. It would be kind of scary for people at your age to go trick or treat. Yeah, it is a good idea. Go in your costume and trick or treat.

Have a good one.

From: []
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2007 3:06 PM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: RE: Hola!


I have no intention of calling you tofu man. You're brain certainly isn't made of tofu....and everything you said is exactly right. You would be bored stamping or scaning passports and visas....unless maybe, just maybe, it was in Key West.

As for the house warming party, I have never been a big fan since I really hate the idea of obligating people to bring gifts. But more importantly, it will be a while if I decide to do so since I haven't even unpacked yet. You will have an opportunity to see the house before I have a house warming party :)

This morning I had the bedroom dresser delivered after getting it fixed. They did a really good job! I can't even see where it was damaged. And it was certainly alot cheaper than a new dresser! Now I can finish unpacking the bedroom stuff....yippie!!!! I also have to do some cleaning the same time (sigh) since the previous owner wasn't the best housekeeper. Not that I'm that great of a housekeeper.... but I try :)


Barry Conklin
Import/Export Compliance Ops
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, Inc.

"Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)"
10/25/2007 12:45 PM
Subject RE: Hola!

Hi, Barry,

Yeah, you wondered what they were thinking and I wonder how they survive in the complex business world. Here, from the purchasing point of view, we can not just award all the orders to the lowest bidders in order to get the maximum cost savings just to meet the numbers and make our own department look good. We have to take other factors into consideration. it's about long term collaboration between supplier's organization and buyer's organization in all respects.

I have no idea what I was talking about. really. But come to think of it, anyone can say that kind of crap. really. My brain is made of tofu. really. Now that I am surrounded by the top-notched people from the world, I really think my brain is made of the "soft" type of tofu now. Not that it matters much, because hard tofu and soft tofu are still tofu. But just to point out, I feel even worse than before. it makes me think that I would be much better off working as a passport-stamping immigration officer in Miami. And when the technology catches up, I would get to swipe the passport or operate the iris-scanning machine. it shouldn't be too bad.

When are you throwing a house-warming party?


From: []
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 2:18 PM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: RE: Hola!

Hi Jason,

Late at work after 5:00 pm? hmmmph, I'm almost always here after 5:00 pm, sometimes 5:01 pm :) Maybe I should change my habits and start leaving at 4:59?

Well, after this morning, I think I should leave about 4:00. I was in a 4 hour meeting.....Supplier Performance Review....and I hate those. Not the reveiw as much as the meeting. Particularly when you get a couple of people in there that want to give an 'F' rating because they made one mistake. Jeeze, some people can't see the forest for the trees. Ok, now that I have that off my chest......

One way to fix constipation would be to give the dog prunes.....on second thought, the outcome might be worse than the symptom. Since she survived it, I hope she stays better.
Yes, seeing an animal that died while giving birth would be very upsetting. When I was little, I wouldn't have liked that either.

Tonight I get to give the keys back to the apartment manager. They inspected it yesterday and everything was fine. Said I didn't need to worry about cleaning it up. So hopefully if I turn the keys in tonight, I can get them to prorate the month of October and get a week's worth of rent back.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


今天開車回家還是想到我什麼也不想要, 一直想要有一種熱情.能夠支撐到老. 這種精神上的煎熬,跟死亡一樣. 雖然在思科工作, 聽起來算很好,但是是最基層的.頭腦一直越來越差. 跟一群優秀的年輕人一組,他們當我是白痴. 不過我還是會繼續撐. 我想繼續撐到拿到公民為止. 接著就找一份公職做到死.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

una semana despues

No pasa nada. pero siempre estoy ocupado los jueves. Ayer Lily me dijo que tenia que soportar el equipo de OEM/ODM. Luego me avisaron que tengo que ayudar a Enclosures y EM other.

no me importa. Solo quiero quedarme lo mas tiempo posible. No estoy buscando o logrando algo importante. Solo pido que puedo aguantarme hasta que logre mi ciudadania. Y luego voy por Miami.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

poor baby

Last night the dog has a very, very, very bad constipation. I don't know it is the worst, but I have never seen worse. hehehe... She tried about 15 - 20 minutes, I guess. I got bored watching her. At one point, I started cheering for her. At another, I was afraid that she might die. (when I was a child, I used to try to feed a strayed cat. She was not domesticated, so she was not ours. She died of miscarriage. I found her lay dead inside a manually-operated grain-fanning/sorting machine for rice* with a baby kitten only half way out. A very cruel scene for a little boy to witness, isn't it?) Well, she survived it. But I really think I have had enough of someone else's pet. A cat that does not shed hair will be ideal!

*grain-fanning/sorting machine for rice: rice grains are dropped through the funnel on top of the apparatus to undergo the stream of air. So, light grains or just shells will be blown to the other side while good, full ones go down. Similar to gold sifting. Nowadays, more sophisticated, convenient electric machines are invented to do the job.

Monday, October 22, 2007

platico con Barry

I can be very spoiled working here, as they make the environment so human friendly. I was thinking that I would complain a lot with my next job. Now I can picture myself whining about everything. "we used to have this, we used to have that, we used to...." hehehe... But I will get over it soon, since I grew up in a poor family and my first job for 6 1/2 years was with a start-up.

My roommate is still in LA. He walks a lot, talks a lot. but he still can't eat on his own. So, when he can come back depends on how soon he can eat on his own. The concern is that the food might go into his lungs and that is not good.

My roommate's old friends from LA were visiting last weekend. How funny that I got to host someone else's friends. Well, I met them before, so I guess I have become a (distant) friend. 3 of them drove one car, arrived on Friday and took off at noon on Sunday. They took me to a latin bar in Oakland on Saturday, even though I drove them up there. They were once joking that I was stuck with the dog, because my roommate has lost so much weigh, the dog probably won't recognize him when he comes back. I think the dog knows that I spend a lot of time with her, taking her out for a walk or to a party. Just as much as I can. But I am not really a dog person. I think a cat that won't shed a lot of hair will be ideal. Low maintenance. Not so clingy.

How's yoru move? I can't move until I got my citizenship. In less than a month, I would be able to apply for the citizenship. Before I get it, I have to stay put. That's the only thing that I am working on right now.

Well, it's all about me, isn't it? So self-centered. you have to write more than me in your reply!!!!

From: []
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 4:45 PM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: RE: Hola!

Having access to the Cisco gym is good. maybe you should just leave the gym the back way so they don't know you are there so late or early ;) although they have other ways to make you stay late or early....

Friday, October 19, 2007

conversation with Barry

Have a nice weekend.

Now I have to call another co-worker to tell her that I ran into Steve in the hallway holding my tea cup. He barely recognized me, but he's fine.

I just realized that as a badged employee, I can have access to the cisco gym at no charge. it is right across the street.

I guess they really tried to make people stay real late or get in real early, don't you think?
From: Barry
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 3:23 PM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: RE: Hola!

I'm glad to hear today was better! I figured you would sleep through the night, if only because you didn't sleep the previous night. It must have also been in anticipation of meeting the ex-coworkers and the thought of a girlfriend and getting married :) Is every Friday going to be 'ex-coworker' day?

Well tomorrow is moving day. If I don't talk to you, have a good weekend.


Barry Conklin
Import/Export Compliance Ops
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, Inc.

"Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)"
10/19/2007 12:23 PM
Subject RE: Hola!

Today is much better. Instead of barking all night, she was pretty much whining all night. I had to put her away and shut the door of my room . So, I was able to sleep through the night, despite that she's whining the whole time. I feel more energetic. I got a busy morning, Running sev eral reports. Other than that, life is okay. I also caught up with an ex co-worker and she's very eager to find me a girlfriend to get married.
Then, I ran into another ex coworker in the hallway on my way to the break room. He's a sales manager with my previous company. He still works there. So, he's our vendor. Sadly, they are only our, well, cisco's 3rd or 4th tier supplier.
So, I hereby announce that today is my "ex coworker" day.

From: []
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 2:51 PM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: RE: Hola!

If you didn't sleep well, I'm sure you are beat. at least you are safe :) although evil can be fun and it usually more fun than no evil, hehehe. And it's definitely better than no sleep....

does the dog like beer? that usually helps put them to sleep!


Barry Conklin
Import/Export Compliance Ops
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, Inc.

"Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)"
10/18/2007 11:11 AM

Subject RE: Hola!

Well, busier for sure. I don't know about the "better" part. :)

I'm glad you're doing fine. I am pretty beat right now. I can hardly keep my eyes open. I needed to get up one hour earlier this morning in order to prep this morning's meeting. So, my sleep was shortened. And then, my sweet dog was barking all night, protecting me from all the evil spirits. But safety comes with a big price, which is a total loss of sleep.

come to think of it, I'd rather be possessed by an evil spirit (the more evil, the better) than not sleeping at all and having to work all day...

What do you think?

From: []
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 8:46 AM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: RE: Hola!

Good morning Jason,

Thanks for the congratulations, again. Now I have the keys :) And the fun begins......but I'm mostly packed and made a couple of trips to the house last night with the car to move stuff I don't want to pack.

So since you survived another week, can I assume that the job is getting better? I hope so.

Talk to you soon,

Barry Conklin
Import/Export Compliance Ops
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, Inc.

"Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)"
10/17/2007 03:44 PM

Subject RE: Hola!

Hi, there.

Congratulations on getting the keys to the new house!!!

I have survived another week. So has my poor roommate. He is not coming back anytime soon. Almost 3 months now. That's one hell of a stroke.


From: []
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 11:37 AM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: RE: Hola!

You're welcome :) Escrow is where the Title company sets up a joint account between the seller and buyer on a property. All funds related to the purchase are paid into the Escrow account. Once all of the funds are received in the account, the Title company completes the transaction by dispersing the funds to the appropriate people (banks, seller, homeowners association, city, etc.). As soon as the funds have been dispersed, the the account is closed which is why they call it close of escrow. Then I can get the keys :)

Must have been a little rock....and a long time ago! can't tell you if it was fun or not.....

I'm glad the background check is fading :)


Barry Conklin
Import/Export Compliance Ops
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, Inc.
"Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)"
10/12/2007 09:39 AM

Subject RE: Hola!

Thanks for the email. I heard of Escrow from time to time. what do they do? I'm glad everything is going good for you. I'm starting to get jealous now. :)

Crawling out from under a rock sounds like fun? Was it a big rock? That way, I can size you up. when did you do it? How?

I don't think large companies will do a background check on every employee. So, how I was "randomly" chosen is beyond me, of course. That was quite a trip. Although in my mind it might never really go away, but I am glad it's fading now.

From: []
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 8:56 AM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: Re: Hola!

Good morning Jason,

I'm glad you are doing well. As you learn more at Cisco, you well be more comfortable with the job. Which will also be a plus.

The background report is interesting. Most all companies, at least large companies, do a background check on employees and usually through a 3rd party. What I find unusal is that the agency sent the report to you. That doesn't normally happen. That would indicate to me that they went beyond the normal background check so I can see why you are humiliated. I'm glad your okay now. I'm glad that you didn't pursue Samsung. They are being unreasonable about the whole thing.

It's probably interesting to see the background check (I've never seen mine, but then it probably says I crawled out from under a rock and I'm an alien from Mars :) I don't know that I would give that to a future prospective employer. They should do their own the normal way.

I'm doing well. Getting ready to move is a pain in the neck (or other places). I'm slowly getting packed (hence, one reason I haven't been online much). Escrow closes on Tuesday, 10/16, and then I get the fun part of moving furniture and boxes. It will be great to be in the house and out of the apartment. Once I get in and get things a little bit settled, we should go out to dinner and you can see the house, if you'd like.

Talk to you soon :)

Barry Conklin
Import/Export Compliance Ops
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, Inc.
408-717-6456 "Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)"
10/11/2007 03:48 PM

Subject Hola!


How are you doing? I'm doing good. Each day I learned something new, so that's a plus.

I went to my friend's house to pick up my mail over the weekend. I still use his address in SF for all my correspondence, even though I have come back from Mexico for almost 7 months now.
I found a strange letter from some sort of private investigation company. It turned out to be a report on my background that Samsung asked them to do on me. (So, I guess by law, the agency has to send me a copy.) Don't know why I have to have a series of unfavorable events with them. :( They did not trust me. They did not trust my resume, my said experience and skill sets that they had to hire a 3rd party to run a background check on me. It probably costs a lot to make it mandatory on any potential new-hire and I was "randomly" chosen. I felt very humiliated. But I'm okay now. Lucky me, I guess. Now I know my own history as well. On the plus side, I can show it to the next potential employer of mine and save them a lot of work. :)

Best regards,

Jason Li
Quote Analyst
Tel: 408-853-2244

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 2:48 PM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: Re: Thank you for the dinner and mostly for the company

Hi Jason,

You are very welcome and thank you for the great company. Yes, let's do it again. I think we should take Habana Cuba of the list, as I think you do.

Glad you made it home ok and hope the 'bitch' wasn' t too mad at you.

Take care and talk to you soon,

Barry Conklin
Import/Export Compliance Ops
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, Inc.
408-717-6456 "Jason Li -T \(jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco\)"
09/26/2007 02:06 PM

Subject Thank you for the dinner and mostly for the company

Hi, Barry.

Thank you very much for the dinner and great company, since the food was not up to the expectation.

We should do it again, but a different restaurant.

Take care.


Thursday, October 18, 2007

a busy day">

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

un mes nada mas

ha sido un mes que trabajo aqui. pues, no trabajo mucho. a veces si. empiece el 17 de septiembre de 2007. Me trata muy bien Cisco. es una buena compania y me gusta trabajar mas. me siente mas profesional, mas educado, mas sano, mas maduro.

Monday, October 15, 2007

¿Qué pasará?

Que pasara? No se que voy a hacer con mi vida? Es que no se que busco. Entonces, vivo dia a dia. David de Sutter Health me escribio y dijo que estaba bien y todo estaba bien. me gusta que tengo amigos en cada etapa de mi vida. Tengo que escribirle a Patricia, Esther, Jorge, Eber y Pricila, Rafa y todos mis amigos mexicanos.

Sunday, October 14, 2007


沒想到已經工作四個星期了. 比貿聯還強.

貿聯實在是不這麼樣, 不過我真的記憶猶新. 沒有任何學習, 長工時, 工作量多, 工作環境無聊... 又遠, 工資也不高, 也不曉得我當時在想什麼..Mountain View的住所又是一團亂.

才寫信給David Leydig, 就又在Safeway碰到那一位中東(?)的同事. 我沒有記下,記住他的名字,真是糟糕..希望他不會介意 他也沒稱呼我的名字.所以就算抵銷了.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

what the hell is samsung doing?

Each day I learned something new, so that's a plus.

I went to my friend's house to pick up my mail over the weekend. I still use his address in SF for all my correspondence, even though I have come back from Mexico for almost 7 months now.
I found a strange letter from some sort of private investigation company. It turned out to be a report on my background that Samsung asked them to do on me. (So, I guess by law, the agency has to send me a copy.) Don't know why I have to have a series of unfavorable events with them. :( They did not trust me. They did not trust my resume, my said experience and skill sets that they had to hire a 3rd party to run a background check on me. It probably costs a lot to make it mandatory on any potential new-hire and I was "randomly" chosen. I felt very humiliated. But I'm okay now. Lucky me, I guess. Now I know my own history as well. On the plus side, I can show it to the next potential employer of mine and save them a lot of work. :)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

training: cost management for sourcing commodity manager

I was in the all-day training today for the new CMQS (cost management & Quality system) also known as X1. It's the web-based ERP system on the Oracle platform.

Since I was already familiar with the system, I got semi-bored. So, I started checking people's finger to see if they are married. I realized that it is a conservative environment that most people are professional and traditional. They wear their wedding ring on the finger to keep off their sexual predators.

It's a ritual, a custom that people invented to tell the other people who they can mate with and who they can't mate with. Hang has one. Paul doesn't. Daniel Rossi does. Trent doesn't. I don't. So, people can start hitting on me. It is kind of like a tattoo. a simbol that people has to wear outside and only on that finger. Human beings are strange. I know. I wonder if I can start wearing one to overthrow the tradition.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Que feo Samsung! Que ridiculo!

fui a visitar a Joey para recoger mis correos y me encontre con un correo de una agencia la cual investiga mi historia de residencia, de empleo. No me confia Samsung. Por que me lo hizo a mi? Que feo.

Creo que fue una buena decision rechazar a Charles y Samsung. Nunca me senti peor, en caso de empleo.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

mis almuerzo sano y barato

jugo de papaya: $1.50
ensalada de vedura: $1.25
ensalada de arroz: $1.25

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Que tal, Sergio?

To Subject Sent Size
'' Saludos. 9/25/2007 4 KB

Hola, ¿qué tal? Estoy en mi nuevo trabajo. Es una empresa grandísima. Hay muchos edificios aquí. Yo no conozco a nadie todavía. La gente es muy trabajador y nadie habla mucho, excepto para trabajo. Aquí me gusta, por que mi cubico esta comodo, tengo mi propio teléfono 408-853-2244, laptop, y las botellas de agua, coca, sprite son gratis.

Me voy a quedar aquí por unos meses hasta que encuentra otro por aquí o por allá en Miami. ¿Cómo ves? Como te fue Bally"s?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Me quedo para la ciudadania y no puedo irme a miami

pienso que tengo que quedarme para la ciudadania. No tengo otra alternativa. Puedo aplicarme la ciudadania el 20 de noviembre, 2007. Si, tengo que consultar a un abogado para entender mas el proceso y el requerimiento de la aplicacion.

Debo dejar California atras. Debo buscar otros objetivos para mi vida. Ya tengo 36 anos y no se que hacer para mi vida.

Este es mi tercer dia para Cisco.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Primer día con Cisco

Aburrido y aburrido. No tengo a nadie que hablar. No tengo obra real para hacer. me dedique a conectarme con la red y tenerme el aceso-el credencial para entrar los edificios. Hang me parece muy bien. También, Karen. pero Lily, por otro lado, parece exigente.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Kongakut River, Alaska, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

interesting tv program. I never thought the summer scenary is so beautiful, green with unmelted ice on the river bank. Well, i think it is so cold. yet, the land is green (and white) and trees are green, flowers blooming, etc. Animals are alive: ducks, deers, sheep, arctic hare. We're talking about a place right by the arctic ocean.

A group of people, scientists, photographers, etc. were traveling, studying, shooting fotos, etc. I thnk they got 2 rafts to go withthem. Now they're flying away on their small plain.

It would be incredible to be up all night. Yes, I just saw the midnight sun, through TV of course. The animals are up all night, too, because the photographer is still taking photos. His name is Art Wolfe. The program is called travels to the Edge. KCSM is the channel. It 's veyr cool.

I am going to watch more KQED and Discovery and KCSM, etc.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


没关系, 我没还没准备好。 简体字真是难。 安其拉终于跟我讲已经搞定了。 下星期一就开始。 九点钟, Eric Ung, 他是Adecco的人。 真是奇怪。

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

My negotiation with Samsung

Hi, Chris.

Thank you for your prompt reply.

I was simply negotiating with a counter-offer. The golden rule is if you want a better deal, you negotiate. Especially when it concerns my own benefits.

Although it strikes me as odd that a senior professional position with responsiblities to handle issues with people in different time zones and to travel internationally would fall under "non-exempt", I respect the decision of the legal and labor attorneys. Correct me if I am wrong, but non-exempt employees are put under more strict time contraints. Companies have the non-exempt workers swipe the card 4 times a day: time in, lunch out, lunch in, end time and take 2 15-min. breaks at 10:00 and 15:00. Personally, I find it annoying, however do-able. Thus, I hope that it would be more simple with Samsung to account for my hours of work in the long run, in case the position unfortunately remains non-exempt.

Once again, thank you so much for your help all along. And I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

Jason --- On Wed 09/05, Chris Teresi-SSI <> wrote:
From: Chris Teresi-SSI [mailto:]To: jason_c_li@excite.comCc: Wed, 5 Sep 2007 13:27:27 -0700Subject: RE: Offer for Sr. Logistics Analyst Position
v:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}o:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}w:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}.shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);}
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The non-exempt to exempt cannot be changedfor this position since we recently reclassified all the positions for SSI andthis particular position falls under the non-exempt or hourly status which wasreviewed in great detail by the legal and labor attorneys.

I will with Charles to review the otherdetails of the offer and get back to you. So with the current offer we aregiving you, you are declining?

Please let me know.


From: Jason Li[] Sent: Wednesday, September 05,2007 1:18 PMTo: Chris Teresi-SSICc: Charles Yu-SSISubject: RE: Offer for Sr.Logistics Analyst Position

Hi, Charles, Chris. Thank you very much for your help.It has been such an honor to be considered for and offered this position. My question is that it has beem my understanding that the positon is an exempt position on a annual salary basis. Would it be able to make it an exempt position? And speaking of salary, my current going rate is $30/hr ($62,400/yr) with full benefits expected once turned permanent in 3 months. With the start date of Sept. 10 with Cisco approaching in 2-3 days, I am willing to become a bad sport, since my intention and desire to work for Samsung stands very firm over Cisco. Nevertheless, it would require that Samsung provide me more incentives.Please kindly revise the offer for me, if possible. I really appreciate it.Best regards,Jason--- On Wed 09/05, Chris Teresi-SSI <> wrote:
From: Chris Teresi-SSI [mailto:]To: jason_c_li@excite.comCc: Wed, 5 Sep 2007 09:35:00 -0700Subject: Offer for Sr. Logistics Analyst Position
Hi Jason,

From my conversation yesterday with Charles Yu, he wouldlike to extend an offer to you for the position Sr. Logistics Analyst. Theoffer is good till this Friday the 7th with a start date of 9/17/07.The start date can be sooner if you feel that you can leave your currentcontract in less than 2 weeks.

The original will be going out via DHL today for delivery tomorrowto your residence.

The other two documents I will need and can be forwarded tome via email once you have decided on the position.

Congratulations and thank you!


Chris Teresi
HR Specialist/Recruiter

Samsung Semiconductor, Inc
3655 North First Street
San Jose, CA 95134-1713

408-544-4096 (phone)
408-933-7313 (fax)
NOTICE:This email message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and maycontain confidential and/or privileged information. Any unauthorized review,use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intendedrecipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies,including without limitation electronic or printed versions, of the message.

Attachment: Jason Ji 9-5-07.doc (47.90KB)Attachment: Preferred Name Form for Pre-hire.doc (58.16KB)Attachment: ZESATI Form for Pre-hire.doc (55.42KB)

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Nunca digas nunca

Qué extraña la vida. Y me quieren Cisco y Samsung. Tanta estrés me presiona. Es tan difícil abandonar cualquier de los dos. Trabajaba mucho para las opciones. Si no hay nada, no hay nada. Si algo pasa, siempre pasan los dos juntos. Eso no me gusta.

Pienso tener que dejar el trabajo con Cisco por que no es algo permanente. Alex me dijo que tenía que seguir cualquiera ofrece más. Y eso sería Samsung. Qué lástima!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


今天是星期二. 離上禮拜三也快一星期了. 我已經不抱持希望. 這樣也好. 我本來就不認為我是一流的人. 我一直就沒有很努力,很努力,很努力得要上第一流的學校, 一直保持領先的地位. 沒人需要我一直保持領先.

跳蛙又寫信說他們內部有變動. 可能會再通知我面試.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Last week with Mills Peninsula

Well, I ran into Pat on my way out today and she said she's sorry to see me go and wish me the best in Miami. I told her I was still looking for a job in Miami. I don't know what I would do in Miami. But this is my last chance to move away. I don't know if I would be able to go away, because Jorge is still in the hospital. I really don't know how to make it over there.

Well, at least I got my excuse. I still have Jorge to blame. Jorge delayed my plan. I'm not so eager to move away now. Well, I don't know what to do with my life.

I checked the job market in Miami and it seems scarce.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Dragon Boat Festival in Foster City

Our team lost the first heat to our Team A. We won the second heat that we were in. Then, we fell to the the bottom of the 4 on our last heat. Well, at least we got 3 races and our best score is 2:06, I think. Not too shabby. My body will be sored tomorrow. My face is burning like crazy.

Friday, August 17, 2007

面試. 三星的面試.

今天去三星面試. 我在南亞的上司跟我講他幫我爭取到第二輪面試的機會. 說我根本就不被看上眼. 我真不知道如何感受. 如果我下星期面試不通過, 我也不會覺得無能.

剛剛才終於領悟面試,其實真的是考試. 面對面的考試. 我在南亞的上司還考我excel. 還好我還可以. 思科也考我excel, 還考邏輯, 還考商數分析.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Entrevista con Cisco

Tuve una entrevista y creo que iba muy bien. Pero quién sabe? Todo lo que pensé irme bien, me salió mal. Y todo lo que pensé mal va bien. Nunca digas nunca. Pero nunca creas en nada.

Alex me llamó y eso me asustó. Y le asusté a Joey pedir diez mil dolares. Fue una broma, pero creo que voy a cambiar la dirección y ya. no nos ponemos amigos. Porque no es el typo que me contacta a mi. Lo sé. Así es la vida. no voy a procurar esa amistad de un lado.

Después de la entrevista, regresé a casa. caminé Baby y ella no cargó muy bien. tomé unas fotos de ella intentandolo. muy fea. tuve que limpiar su pompi y eso me molestó mucho. Aquí son las fotos:

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

福不雙至, 禍不單行

今天接到兩個面試通知. 這個月實在是多事之秋. 室友還在昏迷之中. 那死狗還是很不聽話, 很難養. Sutter Health 又搞得我七葷八素, 又得多待一星期. 還好我知道離開 Mills-Peninsula/Sutter Health 應該是 '焉知非福". 現在有Samsung 和 Cisco.

Monday, August 13, 2007

No guardo rincor con Nikki Jarret

Si hay comunicación, no hay disculpa, no hay culpa, no hay rincor. Nikki y yo intercambiamos pensamientos y nos ponemos bien. Creía que era una perra unrazonable. la escribí para pedir perdon porque me parecía enojada porque copió a mucha gente con el e'mail. Y leugo me escribió para pedir perdon por haber sido irracional.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

las fotos para Jorge

Hablé con Jaime hoy y dijo que era la culpa de Jorge todo lo que pasó. Creía que sí. pero quiero apoyar en lo que podría. Estoy cuidando a Baby y eso cuesta mucho trabajo, porque es una pinche perra maleducada. haga lo que quiera en cualquier manera quiera cuando quiera dondequiera.

De todos modos, adjuntadas son las fotos de Beiby para Jorge.

Jorge sigue muy mal en el hospital, pero Jaime apenas informó que ya Jorge abrió sus ojos.
Antonio dijo que Jorge va a esperar que el nunca abriera sus ojos.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Last Dragon Boat Practice

I seemed to do better and better. It's a very straining exercise. It's fun, too. I can't believe that I got to do it here in the U.S. in stead of the place where I grew up.

Jane Cinquini took a foto of me and Jim(Jose) and Pranil. Yeah!

Friday, August 10, 2007


Radiology那個爛女人搞得我很不爽. 沒事就小題大作的. Email就給很多人. 我不想跟她一般計較. 這裡寫完了就算了. 跟那個Mark差不多. 大概這個行業的人就是這樣.

客服真的很不好做, 我雖然掛採購的名, 但是卻都是在做客服. 只是一直在服務實驗室那群人. 實驗室那群人真的是很差勁. 沒事就搞缺貨. 馬上下單, 馬上就要. 整理的功夫不夠. 再加上太多的實驗室了. 就因為如此, 所有坐我的位子的人, 都坐不久. 現在又把 Radiology, women's center 等等也加上來. 又不讓我加班. 所以現在我也不管他們了.

Guadalupe 和 David 都類似開玩笑的說 我還不能辭職.. 反正他們也沒有直接要我繼續留任. 剛好三個月滿, 我就走人..

Monday, August 6, 2007


今天費勁的開到Emeryville 去面試. 跟了三個人面試. 感覺不是很對. 我也很沒使勁的去討好他們, 去拍馬屁.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


David Leidig has been so good to me. I think he's so faithful and I'm glad that he's loyal to Mills-Peninsula.

I am going to announce it to them. It's really not big a deal anyway. I already told Mark Sevidal and only to find out that he's a phlebologist, someone who handles blood for the lab.

I can't believe that that didn't turn me permanent. Instead, they opened it to the public. I'm glad it offers me a way out, because I am so burned out with the position.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

algo de mi

Aunque lo niegues
Algo dentro de tu alma va a extrañarme
Estaré por siempre vivo en tus recuerdos
Y por mas que lo intentes no me olvidaras

Aunque te alejes y obligues a tu corazón odiarme
Y prohíbas al recuerdo recordarme
Será imposible olvidarme
Será imposible arrancarme

Algo de mi te va a impedir que puedas olvidarme
Un mal recuerdo, una caricia, o quizás un beso
No dejara que tú me olvides
Estaré por siempre muy cerca de ti

Algo de mi no dejara que me eches al olvido
Alguna fecha, algún lugar te hará extrañarme
Vas a negar que me quisiste juraras odiarme
Pero no será verdad
Algo de mi, algo de mi te hará extrañarme

Aunque te alejes y obligues a tu corazón odiarme
Y prohíbas al recuerdo recordarme
Será imposible olvidarme
Será imposible arrancarme

Algo de mi te va a impedir que puedas olvidarme
Un mal recuerdo, una caricia, o quizás un beso
No dejara que tú me olvides
Estaré por siempre muy cerca de ti

Algo de mi no dejara que me eches al olvido
Alguna fecha, algún lugar te hará extrañarme
Vas a negar que me quisiste juraras odiarme
Pero no será verdad
Algo de mi, algo de mi te hará extrañarme

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Se cayó Jorge

Jorge se puso muy, muy enfermo y no sabíamos que hacer Sergio y yo. le dimos mas drogas para su dolor, pero no se si va a sentirse mejor manana. Si no, le entregamos al hospital

Friday, July 20, 2007

Jorge fell sick

I managed to leave work at 4:00 just in time to go home to pick up Jorge and go to the airport. he said he's got a terrible heartburn.

I have no idea why or how someone could sweat so much. I wonder how we managed to get down to LA and make it to Sergio's House.

I was surprised to find out that Jorge didn't have any medical insurance and if I thought about it, I think it's because he's got pre-exisiting conditions and his premium must be pretty high.

I was also surprised to see that he asked for drugs to do with his pain. First time in my life that I saw people buying drugs in the parking lot outside the bar. a little bag less than 1 square inch costs 20 dollars.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


又長一歲. 歲月實在不饒人. 還破例繼續工作. 可惜是我最不值得工作, 報酬率最低的工作.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Mills Peninsula

Well, I know that I would not like to continue working for them as a lab buyer. what makes them think that I would stick around for a position nobody wants.

I don't think it's fair to increase work load to a new comer, who has to spend more time just to pick up the regular workload, let alone the increased amount of work. What's worse is that I was asked to work only 8 hours and no coming in on weekends. Harry told me not to

Well, then, the work will keep piling up if I don't stay overtime, period.

It is weird that Guadalupe and David kept mentioning that I cannot quit yet. Which is bad. Jeannie said that I shouldn't take the position there at mills-peninsula, because they would work you to death.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Contra viento y Marea

Siento un vacío que va
ahogándome una vez más,
te quema el aire en la piel
y vivir me da igual .
Me duele tanto saber
me duele solo pensar,
que moriremos asi
y de igual forma te vas,
tus palabras me pueden mentir,
tu mirada jamás.
Contra viento y marea
y tal vez contra el mundo,
lucharé con quien sea
sin dudar un segundo,
con todo el corazon
a matar o morir,
contra viento y marea
por estar junto a ti.

Llevo un silencio que da
la sensación de gritar,
tengo la mente en tu voz
que pide nunca olvidar,
tus palabras me pueden mentir
tu mirada jamás.
Con un sueño que pide,
con mi fe que te sigue,
y con todo el amor.

con todo el corazon a matar o morir, contra viento y marea por estar junto a ti.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Desfile de Orgullo en San Francisco

Pensé regresar al trabajo para que no me quede mucho el trabajo. Pero no pude.

Me dío daño el pan dulce de Jorge esta mañana. Pues, dejé mi coche por Milbrae y seguíamos manejando a San Francisco en el coche de Jorge. No sé por qué parqueaba en un garaje y pagó $15 dolares por su coche viejo. No valió la pena, creo. Seguíamos tomando el BART para llegar a la sexta y Market para unirnos con sus amigos.

Llevó una botella de liguor. creo que fue una botella blanco de Malibu con el favor de coco. Pinche Alcohólico.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Paulina Rubio, viva en concierto en San Jose

Por fin,

pobrecita, estaba asustada por la gente maleducada de San Jose. No comprendo por que seguían subiendo al escenario para acercarse a Pobrecita Paulina Rubio.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Lamento Boliviano

Me quieren agitarme
insitan a gritar
soy como una roca
palabras no me tocan
adentro hay un volcan
que pronto va a estallar
yo quiero estar tranquilo...

Es mi cituasion
una desolacio
soy como un lamento,
lamento boliviano
que un día empezo
y no va a terminary
a nadie hace daño...
Y yo estoy aquí
Borracho y loco
y mi corazón idiota
siempre brillaray

yo te amare
te amare por siempre
nena no te peines en la cama
que los viajantes se van a atrasar...

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Amada Amante – Carlo Reberto

Este amor que tú me has dado
Amor que no esperaba
Es aquel que yo soñé

Va creciendo como el fuego
La verdad es que a tú lado
Es hermoso dar amor

Y es que tú amada amante
Das la vida en un instante
Sin pedir ningún favor

Este amor siempre sincero
Sin saber lo que es el miedo
No parece ser real
Que me importa haber sufrido
Si ya tengo lo más bello
Y me da felicidad

En un mundo tan ingrato
Sólo tu amada amante
Lo das todo por amor

Amada amante
Amada amante
Amada amante
Amada amante...

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


搬來聖馬刁應該會是福多於災吧. Sutter Health的工作還是很多,而且有點無聊. 反正就看著辦好了. 也許是個可以久待的地方, 不過我不喜歡這些人. 都很奇怪. 我每天都要負責分很多傳真, 大衛也跟著我分. 是很不上道. 再找個舊金山的工作好了. 其實我還拿捏不定到底我可以做些什麼, 或是真正想做些什麼.

Monday, May 28, 2007

3050 Los Prados, San Mateo 94403

voy a mudarme con Jorge Marquina. Un gordo salvadoreno. Ya empece a trabajar para Mills-Peninsula / Sutter Health.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Chayanne en vivo en San Jose

fui a ver a Chayanne con Antonio Martinez. lo invite al concierto. para nada. Pues, lo promise
Solo quiero notar eso. Fue muy bonito todavia aunque lo vi en mexico.

Monday, May 21, 2007

First Day with West Bay Service Center/Sutter Health

I am glad that I landed this job so easily. Well, the keyword was "pivot table". yes, I know how to use pivot table and that excited Harry Bradley. I guess it is because the Mitch Goodman would like to recruit more capable people.

I didn't sleep well last night. Well, I did not sleep at all. I have no idea why that happened, but I functioned ok. Chris MacDonald took me over to Peninsula Hospital to get my photo taken and I got my badge which is useless, because I don't get to swipe it at all. Because we get in and out on the side door and there is no enforced security there.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


我離開貿聯, 我相信現在我在華人圈已經沒有太多的信用了. 也不盡然全是我的錯.
只是Foxsemicon更爛. 我覺得不要歹戲拖棚. 一年太久了. 對職業生涯也沒幫助. 企業也不會在乎一個小職員的任何貢獻, 數十年或五年都一樣.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

aún hay algo

Entre tú y yo
está creciendo algo
en mi interior
estás quedándote

Sé que tú y yo
tenemos un pasado
que a lo mejor
no vuelve a sucedernos

y a flor de piel
hay un adiós difícil de olvidarlo,
pero también
se dio un amor
que puede hacer milagros

Si alguna vez
piensas en mi
tal vez cuando me ves
te haces feliz
quizás entre los dos
aún hay algo de amor

Entre tu y yo
hay viejos sentimientos
pensé que no
volverían jamás

Se que tú y yo
tenemos una historia
que nos dejo
en medio de la soledad

y a flor de piel
hay un adiós difícil de olvidarlo,
pero también
se dio un amor
que puede hacer milagros

Si alguna vez piensas en mi
tal vez cuando me ves
te haces feliz
quizás entre los dos
aún hay algo de amor

Si alguna vez piensas en mi
quizás tal vez
cuando me ves
te haces feliz
quizás entre los dos
aún hay algo de amor

Mírame bien
que aún yo sigo aquí
muriendome...por encontrarte en mí
Mírame bien
que aún yo sigo aquí
escú sé vivir sin ti

Si alguna vez piensas en mi
tal vez cuando me vez
te haces feliz
quizás entre los dos
aún hay algo de amor

Thursday, April 26, 2007

ganas de volver a amar

Creo que la extraño y me desespero
hoy pienso en los momentos que pasamos juntos
el tiempo que le di
lo mal gaste

Creo que mis sueños los perdi por vivir para ella
por seguirla, por amarla y por respetarla
y me olvide de mi
no soy feliz

Creo que mi alma se ha secado de tanto amarla
y que la tristeza me acompaña en cada momento
y en mis oraciones yo la pienso a ella
creo se ha llevado mis ilusiones

Ella era mi mundo
era el motor que me daba vida
a ella le entregue todo sin medida
dejo mi corazon casi en agonia

Ella me dejo el sabor de un mal amor que duele
que quema mis entrañas, se llevo mis ganas
de volver a amar

(Hablado) y te has llevado contigo
mis ganas de amar
el trono de mexico

Creo que me muero por volver a verla
pero tengo miedo de tenerla cerca
se que no es para mi, me convenci

Creo que mi alma se ha secado de tanto amarla
y que la tristeza me acompaña en cada momento
y en mis oraciones yo la pienso a ella
creo se ha llevado mis ilusiones

Ella era mi mundo
era el motor que me daba vida
a ella le entregue todo sin medida
dejo mi corazon casi en agonia

Ella me dejo el sabor de un mal amor que duele
que quema mis entrañas, se llevo mis ganas
de volver a amar

Saturday, April 7, 2007

1067 California Street, Mountain View 94041

I just talked with Ron, he's a realtor in the 50s, he said. The location is great. between Shoreline and Castro in Mountain View. Right in downtown Mountain View. Furnished. He dropped the rent for $10. I think I can go in and ask for $650.

Alex is still sleeping. So, I will go by myself. He's acting strangely now. I think I have stayed here long enough.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Frustrating: house-hunting

Still looking for a place. Now that I narrowed down to Mountain View, Sunnyvale and San Jose Downtown. Either a studio or shared housing. I still prefer Sunnyvale/Mountain View area right along highway 237.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

星期四. 自由日.


Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Wednesday Night Skating

Went skating for the second time since I got back. Everything seems the same. There are still regulars there. But I haven't seen a lot of old-timers. Well, maybe it is really about time that I retired. Strangely, that my knees do not hurt like they did in Mexico City.

Monday, April 2, 2007

How Ironic! Que ironia.

I think I just failed the interview with Lite-On IT. Yalin Lai thought I wasn't quite qualified for their "fast-paced" environment. Who are you kidding? Which environment isn't fast-paced. This is Silicon Valley. I think it should be Death Valley, because it is. Well, I think I am very qualified and it's ironic because I wanted it more than the job with Bizlink and I actually did my study and research on the company, and she just turned out very cold. Well, it wasn't my fault that stupid Olga Machado called in sick and didn't make any arrangement for the interview.
I didn't study or work really hard for the Bizlink position and I got it and it turned out paying more than Lite-On IT. What a sweat shop. Less than 50k for a, listen up, Senior Logisitics/Sales Support Coordinator. A 25-yo kid working for B of A for 5 years is making $48,000.

All the chinese companies are sweat shops. However, I'm stuck with them, because only they can help me out in times of trouble. What can I do?

Que decepcionante

No puedo encontrar ningún departamento. Eso es muy decepcionante y cansado. Ay, que onda?

Ya compre tarjeta teléfonica para llamar a México.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Apartment Hunting

Now that I'm pretty sure that I would go work in Fremont, I need housing near Mt. View. I found one that's near Gladys and Tyrella in Mountain view. About 15 miles from Bizlink or Lite-On (I hope I got that position: Sr. Logistics/Sales Support Coordinator). That position is very similar to that with Nanya Technology. I might get the chance to travel to Taiwan and Mexico.

As for the apartment, here's the ad:

$750 Furnished loft room available now in great townhouse (mountain view)
Reply to:
Date: 2007-03-31, 11:51AM PDTHi!
a furnished 'loft room' is available NOW in a designer townhouse.

HOUSE: this is a 3 bedrooms / two bathrooms house, very peaceful, full of light, cozy, nicely furnished, plenty of amenities, wireless internet, cable TV, kitchenware, dish and laundry washers, fireplace. Total remodeling just completed: fresh paint and tiled floors throughout the house and the patio, new IKEA furniture etc. Double carport and plenty of parking both off and on the street.

COMPLEX: small group of semi-heichler townhouses, paired by two, surrounding the private park and the swimming pool of the complex. It's very quiet, few kids and few people using the pool. LOCATION: Desirable, quiet and safe neighborhood, right off 85, 101, 237 and Central Xwy. Stevens Creek Park & Trail entry is just outside home. One mile from downtown & Caltrain, half mile from light rail.

ROOM: is a loft above the living area, but closed /sealed from downstairs. Large (14 x 11 ft), hardwood floor + area rug, huge windows on two sides overviewing the park, slanted wood ceiling. Shares a full bathroom (remodeled, with natural stone tiles) with one roomy. The pic was taken before furniture was added. There now are shelves, a huge built-in desk, a full size bed (brand new mattress), chest of drawers, closet area.

ROOMIES: two friendly guys: Andrea, an Italian professional GWM employed at HP, and Dan, a SWM from the east coast who is working on his PhD in Linguistics. The house environment is very nice and relaxed: we have a good balance of sociality, friendship and privacy. If we are home together at night we may enjoy sharing a meal and chat or watch a movie together. We're not home much though due to work and other activities (Andrea teaches an evening Italian class and roams the bay on his sailing boat on sunny weekends). We have no pets.

RENT: $ 750/m, includes DSL, water/sewage, garbage, cable TV; gas and electric (it's about a 150$ value included in the rent!). First and last month requested, no deposit. YOU: young professional, intern or student; shorter term is OK; respectful, easygoing, no drama or drugs, helps keep place clean, no TV addict, not frequent cooker esp.of heavy/smelly food ;-). Occasional guest OK. If you come for short period and won't have a car, you can use use my bycicle.

ALSO: Andrea will be out of the country in June / September and will sub-rent his furnished master bedroom for 1000$/m during that period.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Offer from Bizlink

They finally offer me 50K, which is not a lot. But for a regular non-manager position, I think it's okay. Much better than Nanya Technology. I didn't have to bargain too much, but that was 3 years ago, tho. Anyway, I don't expect much from a Chinese company, period.

Got an appointment with Lite-On, and I'm thrilled about it. Monday at 3:30 pm. With Olga Machado.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


今天繼續很積極的發第二封郵件給光寶. 應徵Senior Logistics/Sales Support Coordinator. 我有做好我的研究, 我很確定是光寶, 所以我直接發到光寶的人力資源管理. 看看會不會回覆. 我相信我是很夠資格, 可以做好這份差事.

Senior Logistics/Sales Support Coordinator (santa clara)
Reply to:
Date: 2007-03-26, 1:07PM PDT

You will actively be involved in supply chain management for a leading world producer of optical storage & digital consumer electronics products. You will coordinate activities with sales, factories, OEM & distributors, retailers, etc. You will help in master production planning and revenue/forecast analysis. You will control and verify inventory level, generate various reports and perform other functions to meet organizational requirements and customer satisfaction. You may help to continously improve logistics and order processing efficiencies by developing more effective internal system and work flow. Position requires bachelor degree & min 3 years of logistic, order management or supply chain related experience. Fluent bi-lingual, oral/written skills in Mandarin/Engish or Spanish/English is desired. Strong MS Office application skills such as Excel are required. Familiarity with Oracle ERP system is a plus. No relocation expense will be offered for this position. Our company is located in Fremont, CA providing sales and customer service for North and Latin American customers. Its production facilities are in China & Taiwan, maintaining competitive quality & pricing for worldwide sales & distribution. The home office maintains friendly work environment emphasizing teamwork to achieve goals. We also have part-time openings availble.

Compensation: Excellent benefits pkg incl life,LTD, company-matched 401K, tuition reimburse, vac

Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
Please, no phone calls about this job!
Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.PostingID: 300834806

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


今天接到Yvonne Wang的郵件.說願意聘我, 但是要等Maggie Huang星期四回來在繼續聘請的過程. 我想這是件好事

Monday, March 26, 2007

Interview with Bizlink

I have no idea what to expect with Bizlink, a 52-people company in fremont. They told me I would get the answer whethere or not they would offer me the job in a week. So, we will see.

Continue watching Desperate housewives with Alex. It is a great show and I enjoy watching it. I feel very bored staying with Alex, but it is good that I got a car yesterday and I got my feet back so I can walk now.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Got my new car, 2004 Honda Civic LX

for $13,300, with about 16,000 miles on it. It was a good deal. Too good that I think it was very suspicious that they sold for so low. With such a small profit margin.

Keep on staying with Alex and I feel bad that he had to put up with me for a while. I have no intention of moving away. Well, that's not true. I do look forward to moving away in a week. Definitely by the end of March.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

The lives of Others

Went to see a good movie, called the lives of others, it's a german movie about the GDR surveillancing people before the berlin wall tumbled down .

Friday, March 23, 2007

繼續找房子, 汽車, 和工作

沒做什麼. 還是一直在找房子, 汽車, 和工作. 貿聯繼續給我另一個面試, 還真是感激Maggie Huang 這樣幫忙..

Thursday, March 22, 2007

El tren y la transportación pública

por la segunda vez tomé el tren para San Francisco. No me gusta mucho ya. El muni en San Francsico tardó demasiado para no poder ver a Sergio hoy. Me molestó mucho ya. No quiero seguir así con la transportación pública. Es muy inconfiable.

Tengo que conseguir un coche. pero el dilema es que no puedo conseguir uno si no tengo empleo. ¿Y cómo ir a las entrevistas si no tengo coche?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Busy looking for a car, an apartment and a job

I think these 3 things are very important right now. I have been back for 4 days now. My headache is still haunting me like crazy.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Caltrain, Chinatown and some fun

It's a cold, rainy day today.
Alx dropped me off at San Carlos Caltrain station. I managed to have my coffee, got the application form from Starbucks and hopped on Caltrain to go up to San Francisco.

So, damn cold. I am still sick from the cold that I got from Mexico. Went to wal-green to get some hygience products and later to Chinatown to get my haircut for the interview with Bizlink and a noodle soup in Chinatown. Got back to Castro to the coffee shop at the corner of 16th and Sanchez. I didn't realized that she's a spanish-speaker. Anyway, it was all good. I had a great time.

Alex picked me up at Safeway in Redwood City. I missed the train that would stop at San Carlos.

Alex is such a good guy. Young. Intelligent. Rich. Hard-working.

Monday, March 19, 2007

First Day alone in the house

Stayed home all day. I guess I wanted to check out Shirley and see how she worked. Sort of spying on her. She's fine. A little below the regular intelligence.

Got hungry and couldn't stand it any longer at 5:00 pm. Didn't eat all day, as a matter of fact. So, I managed to order pizza from Domino's. Yes, the thin-crusted pizza is still the best.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

San Leandro Honda

Went over to San Leandro Honda to check out a 2003 Pre-owned certified Honda Civic LX. They asked for $11,988 with about 40,000 miles on it. It was quite a nice deal and we checked it out. The salesman's name is Tony Munundr or something like that.

I couldn't help but suspect that something

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Welcome back, Jason.

I was so surprised that the immigration and the customs just let me pass without any questions. I was prepared to answer a lot of questions, but I also wouldn't feel comfortable having to explain a lot, especially the part where I carried a lot of mexican bills with me.

Anyway, felt sick and still got to Japantown with Alex. I didn't know why he did this, but it is very nice of him to put me up with him in his nice condon in San Carlos. We also dropped by Sweet Inspiration.

I feel that I have been relying on the kindness of strangers. I live on it.