Sunday, December 9, 2007

American Top Model, Beijing Episode

I'm watching America's Next Top Model, the Beijing Episode. It is good to see Beijing from an American view point. It is so very modern. Well, at least, on TV. But I can also see that the smog problem is very severe. It is kind of fun to watch too much TV. Now that Jorge Marquina Sr is going to cancel Direct TV, I need to watch as much as possible. Well, not exactly. Just kidding. I really could care less. I really should watch less TV. I have never watched more in my life.

I went up to the City, aka, San Francisco. Did my work. I worked. I checked emails and knew that Yoli had sent out the RFQ to Bay Area Labels. I updated BU contact list. Drafted the emails to send out to the sourcing coomodity managers tomorrow.

I hope I can pass tonight okay. It was one week ago when I get sick. Now I am also having my Sunday Night blues. I don't have as much stress as before, but it is interesting and maybe a little ironic that my stomach acid is on an all-time high. So, life is really strange. Maybe I was really stressed with what is going on around me. changes of jobs, life-styles, struggles in searching for what I really need:

A government job in Miami for the rest of my life. I should not lose focus. I should stick to my plan.

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