Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Feliz Halloween 2007!

Intente ser un vaquero, pero no me salio bien. me falto una cintura vaquera. Sin embargo, fui a patinar como un vaquero. Fue mi primera vez celebrar Halloween asi. me excito. Me senti mas vivo.

He platicado con Barry.


I'm not really a tofu man. It's only my brain that is made of tofu. The rest is still flesh and blood. Red blood. Just to clarify.

wow, it took me a while to reply your email, eh? Well, we (I mean, they) just ended their first Quarter and I was busy putting out fire, filling holes, etc. So, I have been busy. Well, so have you. I haven't heard from you for a while, either.

It is Halloween. I hope you got lots of candies. I mean, I hope you have prepared lots of candies. It would be kind of scary for people at your age to go trick or treat. Yeah, it is a good idea. Go in your costume and trick or treat.

Have a good one.

From: []
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2007 3:06 PM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: RE: Hola!


I have no intention of calling you tofu man. You're brain certainly isn't made of tofu....and everything you said is exactly right. You would be bored stamping or scaning passports and visas....unless maybe, just maybe, it was in Key West.

As for the house warming party, I have never been a big fan since I really hate the idea of obligating people to bring gifts. But more importantly, it will be a while if I decide to do so since I haven't even unpacked yet. You will have an opportunity to see the house before I have a house warming party :)

This morning I had the bedroom dresser delivered after getting it fixed. They did a really good job! I can't even see where it was damaged. And it was certainly alot cheaper than a new dresser! Now I can finish unpacking the bedroom stuff....yippie!!!! I also have to do some cleaning the same time (sigh) since the previous owner wasn't the best housekeeper. Not that I'm that great of a housekeeper.... but I try :)


Barry Conklin
Import/Export Compliance Ops
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, Inc.

"Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)"
10/25/2007 12:45 PM
Subject RE: Hola!

Hi, Barry,

Yeah, you wondered what they were thinking and I wonder how they survive in the complex business world. Here, from the purchasing point of view, we can not just award all the orders to the lowest bidders in order to get the maximum cost savings just to meet the numbers and make our own department look good. We have to take other factors into consideration. it's about long term collaboration between supplier's organization and buyer's organization in all respects.

I have no idea what I was talking about. really. But come to think of it, anyone can say that kind of crap. really. My brain is made of tofu. really. Now that I am surrounded by the top-notched people from the world, I really think my brain is made of the "soft" type of tofu now. Not that it matters much, because hard tofu and soft tofu are still tofu. But just to point out, I feel even worse than before. it makes me think that I would be much better off working as a passport-stamping immigration officer in Miami. And when the technology catches up, I would get to swipe the passport or operate the iris-scanning machine. it shouldn't be too bad.

When are you throwing a house-warming party?


From: []
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 2:18 PM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: RE: Hola!

Hi Jason,

Late at work after 5:00 pm? hmmmph, I'm almost always here after 5:00 pm, sometimes 5:01 pm :) Maybe I should change my habits and start leaving at 4:59?

Well, after this morning, I think I should leave about 4:00. I was in a 4 hour meeting.....Supplier Performance Review....and I hate those. Not the reveiw as much as the meeting. Particularly when you get a couple of people in there that want to give an 'F' rating because they made one mistake. Jeeze, some people can't see the forest for the trees. Ok, now that I have that off my chest......

One way to fix constipation would be to give the dog prunes.....on second thought, the outcome might be worse than the symptom. Since she survived it, I hope she stays better.
Yes, seeing an animal that died while giving birth would be very upsetting. When I was little, I wouldn't have liked that either.

Tonight I get to give the keys back to the apartment manager. They inspected it yesterday and everything was fine. Said I didn't need to worry about cleaning it up. So hopefully if I turn the keys in tonight, I can get them to prorate the month of October and get a week's worth of rent back.

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