Sunday, December 30, 2007

Very obnoxious White Guy at Muddy's, 24th and Valencia, San Francisco

He is blowing his nose so loudly like no one is around. coughs so loudly. I am sitting facing him across the room. Gees, I actually avoid looking his way. He's got greasy dirty hair, glasses, crimson T-shirt, low-rised pants. It is low-rised because his belly is too big. He is reading some book and seems smart, in his secluded areas of interests of course. He strolled his bike in and making big noise with his hard-soled shoes. It is very funny that he took the bike to the back of the shop and came running to grab a table, because he saw someone coming in and would like to get his table. So, everyone was looking at him, because of the noise of his shoes. And, he of course, didn't notice that, since his world only has a resident and that's himself. He smells so bad, because he came over to get something for his tea or his table...

Before I forgot, Karen was asking for the files that I generate by copying the information from the master file and spreading the information to several files. It is Stella's project. So, Karen was asking about the status. I kind of like her that she's a cold, no bull-shit woman. I don't remember getting thanks from her. Not even once. She once kind of scolded me because I went to Paul for some information regarding X1 when I was supposed to go to her or Hang. But Hang did not address the email to anyone and I mistook that she wanted to go to Paul. Hence, that's the root of my confusion. Anyway, I will reply to Karen tomorrow, as it is the last day of December. I will also reply in a cold way. Well, I really can't. She's one of my bosses, unfortunately. Such is life. You will always who treated you the worse and who treated you the best.

I wish the obnoxious guy could stop blowing his nose. Such an apple of the eye. The one that's rotten with worms, of course.

Saturday, December 29, 2007


唔知點講, 有D人成日被人飛, 自己又唔忍飛人, 呢個就好似我啦. 唔單唔知點同其他人分手, 又唔願意放低0添. 獨自默默受痛苦. 好痛苦o架. 我真係唔鍾意做我自己. 我真係好希望有人可以同我一樣,老0細都一齊.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

6 pies bajo tierra y la cristianismo

Anoche terminé la primera temporada de 6 Pies Bajo Tierra. Todavía no es mi show favorito.

estoy en una estapa en que estoy muy, muy contra la religión organizada del oeste. la del este es más tranquila y más personal. La del oeste exige que la gente viva en algunas maneras y la del este recomiende las. Como un puñal, es más fácil para mí vivir en el este, porqué casi no hay violencia contra los maricones. La gente alla no cree que es un pecado. La gente cree que si no se le hace daño a otros, es bastante bueno para ir al cielo.

La cristianismo o la biblia no es lo mismo como la de Jesús Cristo. Todo es fictional. Es una herramienta que los políticos utiliza para controlar el mente del publico. Antes, el emperador romano creó la biblia la que utilizaba para justificar su corrupción de congregar el dinero de la gente y empobrarla. Para mentir a la gente que el dios iba a salvarla de la pobreza si la gente tuviera la fe y rezara y también seguiera construyendo

Monday, December 24, 2007


今天去拜訪了室友.跟他家人, 他妹妹也在那裡. 貴賓狗當然也在. 蹓了一下狗,後來就去健身房. 接著就買了一堆火鍋料,煮了一鍋火鍋.看了很多dvd電影. 也上網聊天. 反正無事一身輕.

Sunday, December 23, 2007


或者是夢一場. 總覺得很虛, 很不真實. 陪人一段,所有的付出,是不是一定馬上要有回報? 很難講. 對方如果不是相等的回饋,是不是要覺得委屈? 是不是要馬上抽身離去? 我這樣如此分析,我自己都覺得有點"娘".

談戀愛很辛苦. 尤其是追求別人,花錢,花時間, 花力氣. 到頭來覺得很虛...當時無暇的天使,到頭來跟你我沒兩樣.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

I am Legend......... nah..

How that woman saved Will Smith's life is still beyond me. She was there until midnight. with her son. drag the big body back to his house. Well, this is just one of the loose ends of that movie. I went to see it with Angel. You can call it a date. or Whatever.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Last day of the year, work-wise

Everyone is gone, pretty much. I had to go to Building 11 to get lunch today. There were so many people there. I guess it is because the other cafeterias were closed for the holidays. Hang and Karen were not there. Yoli was probably not there, either. I had the stupid carwash thing to take care of. They moved to Building M from Building C. So, I had to walked in the cold to Building M from Building D. I then sneaked out to go to the gym at Building L at 4:00 pm. Well, considering that I worked long hours yesterday and another hour at home at night. I think it is okay. I am an honest worker. There is no way that I should cheat or slack. Cisco is good that people are responsible and very professional. That's what I like about it. Yet, with all the training and meetings and projects, it is pretty demanding at times. I now realize why people work until 11:59pm. I do that too. I exchanged email with Renee Furrow, the manager from SCA at 11:30pm. But I feel okay, as I could get home at decent hours.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Un mes más

¿Quién sabe? Cuán fúgaz el tiemp. Ya hace un mes que estoy eligible de aplicarme por la ciudadanía. Me dijo Alex que tenía una cita con la imigración el 8 de enero, el 2008. Vamos a ver si todo va a ir bien. No me hace daño nada. Si no me vaya bien, voy por Miami. Este trabajo con Cisco ya me aburre. No me pagan bien tampoco. No más suena bien. Sobre todo, es una compañía prestigiosa. El problema es que no hay lugar para mi. No hay puesto para mi. No es un lugar en que puedo quedarme por siempre. Entonces, tengo que buscar otro para siempre.

Si yo sé lo que quiero hacer, no estoy aquí confundido y a veces perdido. Todavía tengo que tener fe. Tengo que creer que yo voy a encontrar algo para mi, algo significado, algo de valor.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

香菇肉燥, 滷蛋 + 九層塔炒蛋

GSM operations 的人沒事12/20辦什麼potluck, 害我一直找有什麼可以煮的. 本來想做牛肉類的, 像是蘿蔔牛肉, 又礙於印度人不吃牛,所以作罷. 食譜書翻來翻去,就是找不到什麼可以稍加熱後可當午餐的菜, 所有的都是要馬上進食,否則,菜肉就會變乾,變老. 香菇肉燥加上燙青菜好了. 問題是怎麼燙青菜? 用微波爐. 但是從未試過.

剛剛去marina supermarket永和超市回來, 竟然找不到九層塔, 我看只好到Safeway去買了. 後來就買了瘦絞豬肉, 準備來做香菇肉燥. 加上滷蛋.

現在來做香菇肉燥. 實驗篇

3 oz的油蔥酥

醬料(小火, 一小時以上):
1/2 茶匙的五香粉

滷了兩個小時, 看起來,吃起來不錯, 但是好像有點鹹.

Safeway 的九層塔

Thursday, December 13, 2007

P.F. Chang + Bowling

It is nice that I happened to not have a lot with Labels and packaging suppliers today, even though I got 4 more quotes in later on this afternoon. Well, despite the fact that I don't quite like the company gathering stuff, I ended up going to the lunch and the bowling party with the Cisco people. Everyone mad it there, at least for the lunch. (I sensed that it is "not good" to miss the team event. Another cultural thing here that I picked up myself.) I did not bowl, because I can't hold the ball anymore. So, I was the scorekeeper. I helped track the scores for each player, because we swap teams and lanes at mid-game. It was fun. I got 2 photos to share. Ok, find me.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

¡Que difícil! Mi primera desilución con excel

no tengo projecto nuevo hoy, pero estoy trabajando en este problema de excel en que quiero convertir los partes duplicados en solo un linea. ya le pregunte a Barry. no es una tarea facíl, por eso decidía conseguir ayuda exterior.

Es miércoles. Es la noche de patinar. No tengo interés hoy. Tengo mucho sueño y ya son las 5 con 10 minitos y me voy preparando para salir del trabajo. Hace mucho frío hace una semana, creo. No me gusta este maldito frío.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Busy at work

Another day. I got very busy at work, which is a very good thing. I still many problems to solve. For example, I want to filter out the duplicates and keep the latest entry. I want to be able to split a workbook by a certain parameter and "click", and it's done. Apparently, there are so many things that I want excel to do, but it can't do those yet.

Also, the "find" function has its limitation. Over 25 character or something... Who cares.
tomorrow I will have lunch with Pamela. Thursday, I hope I get to go with the Memory Group, if not, it is quite alright. I will stay in and help Yoli out. It is better this way.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Tan ocupado el lunes

Quién sabía que iba a estar tan ocupado. ahora siento el estrés. No me gusta, pero tengo mis opciones. Es que no soy empleado regular, no es necesario que yo trabajo en casa. Pero la verdad es que ahora trabajo en casa. Estoy chequeando los correos electrónicos para entender que esta pasando y preparandome para lo que pasará mañana. estoy comparando los costos de materiales. Hang, Yoli, Lori saben mejor que yo que está sucediedo. Yo soy imbécil, idiota, jiji... Está bién así. Tengo que aguantarme hasta que consiga mi ciudadanía.

Hoy Mary Jo me preguntó cual es mi sueldo preferido. No le contesté directamente cuanto, porque es una pregunta sin repuesta. Nunca puedo constestar bien esa pregunta. Yo no trabajo para dinero. Dinero si es importante, pero no es todo.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

American Top Model, Beijing Episode

I'm watching America's Next Top Model, the Beijing Episode. It is good to see Beijing from an American view point. It is so very modern. Well, at least, on TV. But I can also see that the smog problem is very severe. It is kind of fun to watch too much TV. Now that Jorge Marquina Sr is going to cancel Direct TV, I need to watch as much as possible. Well, not exactly. Just kidding. I really could care less. I really should watch less TV. I have never watched more in my life.

I went up to the City, aka, San Francisco. Did my work. I worked. I checked emails and knew that Yoli had sent out the RFQ to Bay Area Labels. I updated BU contact list. Drafted the emails to send out to the sourcing coomodity managers tomorrow.

I hope I can pass tonight okay. It was one week ago when I get sick. Now I am also having my Sunday Night blues. I don't have as much stress as before, but it is interesting and maybe a little ironic that my stomach acid is on an all-time high. So, life is really strange. Maybe I was really stressed with what is going on around me. changes of jobs, life-styles, struggles in searching for what I really need:

A government job in Miami for the rest of my life. I should not lose focus. I should stick to my plan.

Saturday, December 8, 2007


沒有人陪. 以前二十幾歲時反而很在意. 一個孤單的週末夜就好比是世界末日. 現在反倒非常隨意. 只要不是每個星期六晚都是如此就好了. 不是每天都是可以外出的陽光日. 也是有一兩天下雨得待在家裡..當個宅男也可以.當個干物也行.只要將來有個老伴就行. 現在有沒有我也不在乎.有當然是最好了.不過如果一段情的培養是那麼簡單,我現在應該不是單身. 不過,過去兩.三年,因為去墨西哥的緣故,沒法在某一地固定停留一年,所以沒有很積極地想跟任何人認真.
如今, 就算跟人認真,也不是要結婚. 因為結婚就是因為要有小孩. 但基於優生學,最好不要有我自己的.可憐的小孩會很辛苦. 就算比我高十公分,別人的小孩也高十公分. 排隊還是排在最後. 那只是身高方面而已. 而且還有其他遺傳性的疾病. 先天的不足, 後天上也沒有辦法在經濟上給予充裕的補助.在這樣競爭激烈的社會上,更難生存. 我自己就是個非常好的例子.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Oaxacaño toasted noodle soup

Ayer tuvemos algo neuvo: Oaxacano toasted noodle soup. No lo sabia. De todo modo, que pedo es esto? jijiji...

Hoy tenemos Posole Rojo with Pork. Una muchacha asiatica lo probo y leugo otra chica gringa le pregunto si estaba bien. Ella dijo, "mas o menos, un poco picante" y se marcho. La chica gringa se fue enseguida tambien. Yo tenia mucha gana, pero no podia. Tuve "chicken noodle soup" como recomendias.

Manana tendremos Chicken Mole Coloradito w/ Black Beans and Spanish Rice. Ayy, no lo puedo aprovechar.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

"friends with money" is such a gem

I have to say that I really like Jennifer Aniston and the other 3 actresses. The script was very nicely written and actors are excellent. it just reflects life. pretty real. I can identify with Jennifer Aniston's character, so honest, sweet, complacent, unambitious, love-sick, obsessive girl. "Maybe I don't have my life figured out like you." I wonder what it takes to be a maid. To be something lowly, humble and yet tough and strong. emotionally, of course.

I also saw "my super ex-girlfriend", a comic, brainless movie. In Spanish, of course. I got pretty much all the lines figured out. Well, it's so brainless that everyone can understand the movie without understanding the lines.

Work-wise, I missed today's team-building training at the City Beach in Fremont, plus a free lunch at P.F. Chang. It seems a lot to lose. But if i eat and get sick, it's not worth it. At this moment, I only hope I won't get into that terrible situation where I spend the entire night in the bathroom throwing up and having diarrhea. So aweful.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


從來只有聽說, 現在真正體驗過,才真覺得是一種很大的折磨. 除了上吐,還有下瀉, 上下夾攻. 從清晨兩點,一直到早上八點.
我學到了如果有吐或瀉, 就表示胃不舒服, 就應停食, 滴水不沾. 吐或瀉停止之後,四小時後, 才慢慢喝一點點水. 多休息, 接著才吃一點點非刺激性的軟食. 慢慢地,慢慢地,一星期恢復到正常飲食.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Another sunday

I finally updated the resume in hotjobs and monster and also just requested an account with facebook. I am also looking for some small gigs to do on weekends and weeknights.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Baby's good

Went to pay my rent at Jorge's parents' house and at the same time visit Jorge, but he's not there. I don't have much to talk with him anyway.

Then, I'm glad that Baby's still good and recognizes me still. She jumped to sit on my lap and I massaged her like we did before. It's good to have a nice dog like her and I don't have the responsiblities now. She wanted to go out with me, but we didn't let her. It's good that way. They should have the control over her.

I had a little coffee break and studied a little Excel and then hung out with Angel Sanchez. Yup, I only hang with latinos right now. Such a ever-changing life I got. I used to hang with Taiwanese, and then whites. Now latinos. But I doubt I would hang with another race anymore. I'm pretty dame old now. too old for another phase. The other day I checked myself in the mirror and found so much gray hair on my head. Man, can't tell you how frightening it was.

I forgot to mention my intention to Jorge's dad that I want to get a job with Immigration. I only mentioned I just filed my application. Well, at least, I remember that Jorge used to work for Immigration and Ruth is still working there. I'm glad that I have some connection there. If only they will help me, for sure.