Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Feliz Halloween 2007!

Intente ser un vaquero, pero no me salio bien. me falto una cintura vaquera. Sin embargo, fui a patinar como un vaquero. Fue mi primera vez celebrar Halloween asi. me excito. Me senti mas vivo.

He platicado con Barry.


I'm not really a tofu man. It's only my brain that is made of tofu. The rest is still flesh and blood. Red blood. Just to clarify.

wow, it took me a while to reply your email, eh? Well, we (I mean, they) just ended their first Quarter and I was busy putting out fire, filling holes, etc. So, I have been busy. Well, so have you. I haven't heard from you for a while, either.

It is Halloween. I hope you got lots of candies. I mean, I hope you have prepared lots of candies. It would be kind of scary for people at your age to go trick or treat. Yeah, it is a good idea. Go in your costume and trick or treat.

Have a good one.

From: []
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2007 3:06 PM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: RE: Hola!


I have no intention of calling you tofu man. You're brain certainly isn't made of tofu....and everything you said is exactly right. You would be bored stamping or scaning passports and visas....unless maybe, just maybe, it was in Key West.

As for the house warming party, I have never been a big fan since I really hate the idea of obligating people to bring gifts. But more importantly, it will be a while if I decide to do so since I haven't even unpacked yet. You will have an opportunity to see the house before I have a house warming party :)

This morning I had the bedroom dresser delivered after getting it fixed. They did a really good job! I can't even see where it was damaged. And it was certainly alot cheaper than a new dresser! Now I can finish unpacking the bedroom stuff....yippie!!!! I also have to do some cleaning the same time (sigh) since the previous owner wasn't the best housekeeper. Not that I'm that great of a housekeeper.... but I try :)


Barry Conklin
Import/Export Compliance Ops
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, Inc.

"Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)"
10/25/2007 12:45 PM
Subject RE: Hola!

Hi, Barry,

Yeah, you wondered what they were thinking and I wonder how they survive in the complex business world. Here, from the purchasing point of view, we can not just award all the orders to the lowest bidders in order to get the maximum cost savings just to meet the numbers and make our own department look good. We have to take other factors into consideration. it's about long term collaboration between supplier's organization and buyer's organization in all respects.

I have no idea what I was talking about. really. But come to think of it, anyone can say that kind of crap. really. My brain is made of tofu. really. Now that I am surrounded by the top-notched people from the world, I really think my brain is made of the "soft" type of tofu now. Not that it matters much, because hard tofu and soft tofu are still tofu. But just to point out, I feel even worse than before. it makes me think that I would be much better off working as a passport-stamping immigration officer in Miami. And when the technology catches up, I would get to swipe the passport or operate the iris-scanning machine. it shouldn't be too bad.

When are you throwing a house-warming party?


From: []
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 2:18 PM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: RE: Hola!

Hi Jason,

Late at work after 5:00 pm? hmmmph, I'm almost always here after 5:00 pm, sometimes 5:01 pm :) Maybe I should change my habits and start leaving at 4:59?

Well, after this morning, I think I should leave about 4:00. I was in a 4 hour meeting.....Supplier Performance Review....and I hate those. Not the reveiw as much as the meeting. Particularly when you get a couple of people in there that want to give an 'F' rating because they made one mistake. Jeeze, some people can't see the forest for the trees. Ok, now that I have that off my chest......

One way to fix constipation would be to give the dog prunes.....on second thought, the outcome might be worse than the symptom. Since she survived it, I hope she stays better.
Yes, seeing an animal that died while giving birth would be very upsetting. When I was little, I wouldn't have liked that either.

Tonight I get to give the keys back to the apartment manager. They inspected it yesterday and everything was fine. Said I didn't need to worry about cleaning it up. So hopefully if I turn the keys in tonight, I can get them to prorate the month of October and get a week's worth of rent back.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


今天開車回家還是想到我什麼也不想要, 一直想要有一種熱情.能夠支撐到老. 這種精神上的煎熬,跟死亡一樣. 雖然在思科工作, 聽起來算很好,但是是最基層的.頭腦一直越來越差. 跟一群優秀的年輕人一組,他們當我是白痴. 不過我還是會繼續撐. 我想繼續撐到拿到公民為止. 接著就找一份公職做到死.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

una semana despues

No pasa nada. pero siempre estoy ocupado los jueves. Ayer Lily me dijo que tenia que soportar el equipo de OEM/ODM. Luego me avisaron que tengo que ayudar a Enclosures y EM other.

no me importa. Solo quiero quedarme lo mas tiempo posible. No estoy buscando o logrando algo importante. Solo pido que puedo aguantarme hasta que logre mi ciudadania. Y luego voy por Miami.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

poor baby

Last night the dog has a very, very, very bad constipation. I don't know it is the worst, but I have never seen worse. hehehe... She tried about 15 - 20 minutes, I guess. I got bored watching her. At one point, I started cheering for her. At another, I was afraid that she might die. (when I was a child, I used to try to feed a strayed cat. She was not domesticated, so she was not ours. She died of miscarriage. I found her lay dead inside a manually-operated grain-fanning/sorting machine for rice* with a baby kitten only half way out. A very cruel scene for a little boy to witness, isn't it?) Well, she survived it. But I really think I have had enough of someone else's pet. A cat that does not shed hair will be ideal!

*grain-fanning/sorting machine for rice: rice grains are dropped through the funnel on top of the apparatus to undergo the stream of air. So, light grains or just shells will be blown to the other side while good, full ones go down. Similar to gold sifting. Nowadays, more sophisticated, convenient electric machines are invented to do the job.

Monday, October 22, 2007

platico con Barry

I can be very spoiled working here, as they make the environment so human friendly. I was thinking that I would complain a lot with my next job. Now I can picture myself whining about everything. "we used to have this, we used to have that, we used to...." hehehe... But I will get over it soon, since I grew up in a poor family and my first job for 6 1/2 years was with a start-up.

My roommate is still in LA. He walks a lot, talks a lot. but he still can't eat on his own. So, when he can come back depends on how soon he can eat on his own. The concern is that the food might go into his lungs and that is not good.

My roommate's old friends from LA were visiting last weekend. How funny that I got to host someone else's friends. Well, I met them before, so I guess I have become a (distant) friend. 3 of them drove one car, arrived on Friday and took off at noon on Sunday. They took me to a latin bar in Oakland on Saturday, even though I drove them up there. They were once joking that I was stuck with the dog, because my roommate has lost so much weigh, the dog probably won't recognize him when he comes back. I think the dog knows that I spend a lot of time with her, taking her out for a walk or to a party. Just as much as I can. But I am not really a dog person. I think a cat that won't shed a lot of hair will be ideal. Low maintenance. Not so clingy.

How's yoru move? I can't move until I got my citizenship. In less than a month, I would be able to apply for the citizenship. Before I get it, I have to stay put. That's the only thing that I am working on right now.

Well, it's all about me, isn't it? So self-centered. you have to write more than me in your reply!!!!

From: []
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 4:45 PM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: RE: Hola!

Having access to the Cisco gym is good. maybe you should just leave the gym the back way so they don't know you are there so late or early ;) although they have other ways to make you stay late or early....

Friday, October 19, 2007

conversation with Barry

Have a nice weekend.

Now I have to call another co-worker to tell her that I ran into Steve in the hallway holding my tea cup. He barely recognized me, but he's fine.

I just realized that as a badged employee, I can have access to the cisco gym at no charge. it is right across the street.

I guess they really tried to make people stay real late or get in real early, don't you think?
From: Barry
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 3:23 PM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: RE: Hola!

I'm glad to hear today was better! I figured you would sleep through the night, if only because you didn't sleep the previous night. It must have also been in anticipation of meeting the ex-coworkers and the thought of a girlfriend and getting married :) Is every Friday going to be 'ex-coworker' day?

Well tomorrow is moving day. If I don't talk to you, have a good weekend.


Barry Conklin
Import/Export Compliance Ops
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, Inc.

"Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)"
10/19/2007 12:23 PM
Subject RE: Hola!

Today is much better. Instead of barking all night, she was pretty much whining all night. I had to put her away and shut the door of my room . So, I was able to sleep through the night, despite that she's whining the whole time. I feel more energetic. I got a busy morning, Running sev eral reports. Other than that, life is okay. I also caught up with an ex co-worker and she's very eager to find me a girlfriend to get married.
Then, I ran into another ex coworker in the hallway on my way to the break room. He's a sales manager with my previous company. He still works there. So, he's our vendor. Sadly, they are only our, well, cisco's 3rd or 4th tier supplier.
So, I hereby announce that today is my "ex coworker" day.

From: []
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 2:51 PM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: RE: Hola!

If you didn't sleep well, I'm sure you are beat. at least you are safe :) although evil can be fun and it usually more fun than no evil, hehehe. And it's definitely better than no sleep....

does the dog like beer? that usually helps put them to sleep!


Barry Conklin
Import/Export Compliance Ops
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, Inc.

"Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)"
10/18/2007 11:11 AM

Subject RE: Hola!

Well, busier for sure. I don't know about the "better" part. :)

I'm glad you're doing fine. I am pretty beat right now. I can hardly keep my eyes open. I needed to get up one hour earlier this morning in order to prep this morning's meeting. So, my sleep was shortened. And then, my sweet dog was barking all night, protecting me from all the evil spirits. But safety comes with a big price, which is a total loss of sleep.

come to think of it, I'd rather be possessed by an evil spirit (the more evil, the better) than not sleeping at all and having to work all day...

What do you think?

From: []
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 8:46 AM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: RE: Hola!

Good morning Jason,

Thanks for the congratulations, again. Now I have the keys :) And the fun begins......but I'm mostly packed and made a couple of trips to the house last night with the car to move stuff I don't want to pack.

So since you survived another week, can I assume that the job is getting better? I hope so.

Talk to you soon,

Barry Conklin
Import/Export Compliance Ops
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, Inc.

"Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)"
10/17/2007 03:44 PM

Subject RE: Hola!

Hi, there.

Congratulations on getting the keys to the new house!!!

I have survived another week. So has my poor roommate. He is not coming back anytime soon. Almost 3 months now. That's one hell of a stroke.


From: []
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 11:37 AM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: RE: Hola!

You're welcome :) Escrow is where the Title company sets up a joint account between the seller and buyer on a property. All funds related to the purchase are paid into the Escrow account. Once all of the funds are received in the account, the Title company completes the transaction by dispersing the funds to the appropriate people (banks, seller, homeowners association, city, etc.). As soon as the funds have been dispersed, the the account is closed which is why they call it close of escrow. Then I can get the keys :)

Must have been a little rock....and a long time ago! can't tell you if it was fun or not.....

I'm glad the background check is fading :)


Barry Conklin
Import/Export Compliance Ops
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, Inc.
"Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)"
10/12/2007 09:39 AM

Subject RE: Hola!

Thanks for the email. I heard of Escrow from time to time. what do they do? I'm glad everything is going good for you. I'm starting to get jealous now. :)

Crawling out from under a rock sounds like fun? Was it a big rock? That way, I can size you up. when did you do it? How?

I don't think large companies will do a background check on every employee. So, how I was "randomly" chosen is beyond me, of course. That was quite a trip. Although in my mind it might never really go away, but I am glad it's fading now.

From: []
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 8:56 AM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: Re: Hola!

Good morning Jason,

I'm glad you are doing well. As you learn more at Cisco, you well be more comfortable with the job. Which will also be a plus.

The background report is interesting. Most all companies, at least large companies, do a background check on employees and usually through a 3rd party. What I find unusal is that the agency sent the report to you. That doesn't normally happen. That would indicate to me that they went beyond the normal background check so I can see why you are humiliated. I'm glad your okay now. I'm glad that you didn't pursue Samsung. They are being unreasonable about the whole thing.

It's probably interesting to see the background check (I've never seen mine, but then it probably says I crawled out from under a rock and I'm an alien from Mars :) I don't know that I would give that to a future prospective employer. They should do their own the normal way.

I'm doing well. Getting ready to move is a pain in the neck (or other places). I'm slowly getting packed (hence, one reason I haven't been online much). Escrow closes on Tuesday, 10/16, and then I get the fun part of moving furniture and boxes. It will be great to be in the house and out of the apartment. Once I get in and get things a little bit settled, we should go out to dinner and you can see the house, if you'd like.

Talk to you soon :)

Barry Conklin
Import/Export Compliance Ops
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, Inc.
408-717-6456 "Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)"
10/11/2007 03:48 PM

Subject Hola!


How are you doing? I'm doing good. Each day I learned something new, so that's a plus.

I went to my friend's house to pick up my mail over the weekend. I still use his address in SF for all my correspondence, even though I have come back from Mexico for almost 7 months now.
I found a strange letter from some sort of private investigation company. It turned out to be a report on my background that Samsung asked them to do on me. (So, I guess by law, the agency has to send me a copy.) Don't know why I have to have a series of unfavorable events with them. :( They did not trust me. They did not trust my resume, my said experience and skill sets that they had to hire a 3rd party to run a background check on me. It probably costs a lot to make it mandatory on any potential new-hire and I was "randomly" chosen. I felt very humiliated. But I'm okay now. Lucky me, I guess. Now I know my own history as well. On the plus side, I can show it to the next potential employer of mine and save them a lot of work. :)

Best regards,

Jason Li
Quote Analyst
Tel: 408-853-2244

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 2:48 PM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: Re: Thank you for the dinner and mostly for the company

Hi Jason,

You are very welcome and thank you for the great company. Yes, let's do it again. I think we should take Habana Cuba of the list, as I think you do.

Glad you made it home ok and hope the 'bitch' wasn' t too mad at you.

Take care and talk to you soon,

Barry Conklin
Import/Export Compliance Ops
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, Inc.
408-717-6456 "Jason Li -T \(jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco\)"
09/26/2007 02:06 PM

Subject Thank you for the dinner and mostly for the company

Hi, Barry.

Thank you very much for the dinner and great company, since the food was not up to the expectation.

We should do it again, but a different restaurant.

Take care.


Thursday, October 18, 2007

a busy day">

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

un mes nada mas

ha sido un mes que trabajo aqui. pues, no trabajo mucho. a veces si. empiece el 17 de septiembre de 2007. Me trata muy bien Cisco. es una buena compania y me gusta trabajar mas. me siente mas profesional, mas educado, mas sano, mas maduro.

Monday, October 15, 2007

¿Qué pasará?

Que pasara? No se que voy a hacer con mi vida? Es que no se que busco. Entonces, vivo dia a dia. David de Sutter Health me escribio y dijo que estaba bien y todo estaba bien. me gusta que tengo amigos en cada etapa de mi vida. Tengo que escribirle a Patricia, Esther, Jorge, Eber y Pricila, Rafa y todos mis amigos mexicanos.

Sunday, October 14, 2007


沒想到已經工作四個星期了. 比貿聯還強.

貿聯實在是不這麼樣, 不過我真的記憶猶新. 沒有任何學習, 長工時, 工作量多, 工作環境無聊... 又遠, 工資也不高, 也不曉得我當時在想什麼..Mountain View的住所又是一團亂.

才寫信給David Leydig, 就又在Safeway碰到那一位中東(?)的同事. 我沒有記下,記住他的名字,真是糟糕..希望他不會介意 他也沒稱呼我的名字.所以就算抵銷了.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

what the hell is samsung doing?

Each day I learned something new, so that's a plus.

I went to my friend's house to pick up my mail over the weekend. I still use his address in SF for all my correspondence, even though I have come back from Mexico for almost 7 months now.
I found a strange letter from some sort of private investigation company. It turned out to be a report on my background that Samsung asked them to do on me. (So, I guess by law, the agency has to send me a copy.) Don't know why I have to have a series of unfavorable events with them. :( They did not trust me. They did not trust my resume, my said experience and skill sets that they had to hire a 3rd party to run a background check on me. It probably costs a lot to make it mandatory on any potential new-hire and I was "randomly" chosen. I felt very humiliated. But I'm okay now. Lucky me, I guess. Now I know my own history as well. On the plus side, I can show it to the next potential employer of mine and save them a lot of work. :)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

training: cost management for sourcing commodity manager

I was in the all-day training today for the new CMQS (cost management & Quality system) also known as X1. It's the web-based ERP system on the Oracle platform.

Since I was already familiar with the system, I got semi-bored. So, I started checking people's finger to see if they are married. I realized that it is a conservative environment that most people are professional and traditional. They wear their wedding ring on the finger to keep off their sexual predators.

It's a ritual, a custom that people invented to tell the other people who they can mate with and who they can't mate with. Hang has one. Paul doesn't. Daniel Rossi does. Trent doesn't. I don't. So, people can start hitting on me. It is kind of like a tattoo. a simbol that people has to wear outside and only on that finger. Human beings are strange. I know. I wonder if I can start wearing one to overthrow the tradition.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Que feo Samsung! Que ridiculo!

fui a visitar a Joey para recoger mis correos y me encontre con un correo de una agencia la cual investiga mi historia de residencia, de empleo. No me confia Samsung. Por que me lo hizo a mi? Que feo.

Creo que fue una buena decision rechazar a Charles y Samsung. Nunca me senti peor, en caso de empleo.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

mis almuerzo sano y barato

jugo de papaya: $1.50
ensalada de vedura: $1.25
ensalada de arroz: $1.25