Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Christi has Giardia

So hard to believe that Christi has Giardia and I have to pay for that, too.
I managed to go to the doctor's office to get the medication which costs $30.00. I managed to get her the first dose for the day. 1 down and 5 more days to go.

It seems Christi has gotten used to the potty pad.
I have left her in the kennel for a few hours by now. She usually whines for about 5 minutes and stops.
I have started to train her with some basic command. Today, I started with "sit", but I really don't know the techniques yet. I dropped by PetSmart and saw people training their dogs with a leash. So, tomorrow I will do that.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Rainy Days and Mondays

Yes, this is one of them. Last Monday, it was raining and hailing while I went to get Christi in Santa Cruz. I forgot to mentioned that Lance Armstrong was in town. So, it was packed and I couldn't get close/through the downtown area to get to Jamie Perkins' house. Speaking of Jamie, she finally wrote last Saturday.

Christi is sleeping right now. She slept at noon as well. Now it is 6:10pm.
Just got a call from Dr. Frank Merril and he said Christi has some internal parasite. Why am I not alarmed? Well, I don't know. It's all part of the payback. I don't know how much this payment is going to cost me, but I surely don't like this kind of responsibility anymore. It has been a lot of work and luckily, I am not working right now. My full time job is to take care of this new young baby bitch until she's all grown and fine.

Just got the piece of paper, AKC registration form, that dates the birthday of Christi Marquina: 12/08/08. So, as of today, she is 11 weeks old now. It is easy to tell that because on the form, the breeder, Pamela Diaz, signed and dated 02/02/09, which should mark the 8th week birthday.
This is she falling asleep while I was driving

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Raining All Day

Well, it has been 5 days since Christi has moved in. It is a lot of work raising a new-born anything. I am lucky that I don't have a baby. I can't imagine raising a human baby.

Yes, Gray is moving to Virginia. Charlottesville, VA. He said it is close to Richmond. I just checked and its population is 45,000 and it's about 70 miles from Richmond, VA. Wooo, that's really bad. I think that's reallly bad. If he can go there, I can go work in Santa Cruz. Well, not really, I don't want to live there at all.

I got to get familiar with La Tapatia in South San Francisco. They sell tamales at $1.50 each. It wasn't too much.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Left alone: 3 hours

I left Christi in her kennel for 3 hours today. I am glad that she can get used to being left alone, while we hit it at Esta Noche in San Francisco.

It started to rain this afternoon. Glad we finished the yard work before the rain came.

Friday, February 20, 2009

A surprise call from Talent Merchants

I got a called from Sam Merchant asking about my availability and my interest to continue working for Cisco and I said, definitely yes..

Regarding Christi, we made progress today with her coming down the stairs. So, we are okay. I put the bed at the corner I hope that she will be okay with sleeping there tonight. I checked last night and she was okay sleeping in it, except it was next to my bed. So, we will see if tonight will work out fine. I have to be more cautious with her pooping at the bedroom door. Right now, it is very hard to control her potty habits.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Christi's Dr. Appointment

Today we went to the doc's office. The doc said that he remember the breeder in Santa Cruz, north of the town and by highway 1. I said, that seemed to be the one. Dr said Christi seems fine, so I am relieved a little. Jamie Perkins (I don't know if that's her real name now. Her email address is greatebaythings@yahoo.com) has been avoiding me: not returning my emails, not returning my voice mail. Most important of all, she lied to me about the AKC registration. I think the whole thing is a scam. Taking advantage of pet-loving people. I didn't feel good about that place and had a second thought. Well, think of it as payback. Really. It's part of the overall price that I need to pay for losing La Baby, right?

Why should I cut the check to Charles Capone, anyway?

We dropped by Petsmart and purchased some more toys. Christi's getting used to her bed now. She has managed to walk with the leash now.

Her stool sample!!! $109 is the charge for today's, say, 10 minutes encounter with the Doc, including the shot.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

La Casita para Christi

Compre una casita para Christi.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

First Day with Christi Marquina

We went to Jorge Marquina's funeral. Deep down, I still blame myself for causing them a string of bad luck. The poor Marquina family. We brough Christi, because I don't know what to do with her. She stayed in the car for 1 1/2 hours. Luckily, she was able to sleep in the car most of the time, despite of the cold. I guess, I will get used to it more and more.

I did not sleep well last night, because most of the time I was very concerned if the room temp is warm enough for her or if she would stray away in the middle of the night and knock down something and injure herself. It turned out that she was quite behaving herself. The various times when I woke up to check on her, she is in her own bed right next to mine.

I got her used to the leash now. at first she wasn't used to leash or had some bad experience with it, and she wouldn't budge at all. Little by little, I called her attention and got her to move. Eventually, she was okay with it. I want to do the same thing with her as with Baby. They will see the handle of the leash as a good sign that they will be going out. To Baby Marquina, she went crazy when I held up the handle.

Chrsti is now used to riding in the car with me. She waits for me in the car, and even though I put her on the passenger's sead, she would end up sleeping on my seat. She even tried to jump in the car (but failed, because she is still too small) when I was going to Jose's house to pick him up for Jorge's Funeral.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Christi Marquina

Yes, I bought her from Jamie Perkins from Santa Cruz. She's a black poodle. about 8 weeks old. I don't think she is. I don't think Jamie knows how old she is, since she doesn't have the paper yet. Christi resmebles Baby Marquina a lot. I guess, we intentionally wanted a dog like Baby, but not totally the same. But Christi is almost the same as Baby. All black. All active.

Jose and I were Jamie's house and He said, "This is the one. Take her. Take her." Well, I actually leaning toward the black one that seemed more amicable.

Well, welcome, Christi Marquina. Yes, still a Marquina, because she is not mine.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Another Week

Well, I am glad that there are new prospects this week. First off, I got a call from the Norland Group regarding a production control/procurement position with Northrop Grumman. Another is the one from Lorenzo telling me that in about 4 weeks, something positive might show up. We will see.

I have finished most Access Training and am getting myself ready to take the certificate exam. Next year, 2010, I will take the CPSM(Certified Professional in Supply Management) exam from Institute for Supply Management. There is a bridge exam from CPM. So, I don't have to take all modules, but I have to the bridge exam. We will see. This year, 2009, I think the Access Certification will do. It is called Microsfot Office Specialist in Access.

It is so easy to understand the modules in the ERP systems. I have lots of experience from Alliance Fiber Optic Products.

Monday, February 9, 2009

A ver si puedo seguir asi por mucho tiempo

quiero decir que estoy poniendo muy desesperado. Quiero ir al gymnacio ahora. Pues, en una hora. Porque tengo que dejar que mi probre estamago descanse un poco. Mejor a las 11:00. quiero reducir mi pancita gorda ya. mis pants ya no me caben. jajajaja.. Ay que vanidad, verdad? Pues, asi he vivido por muchos anos y creo que ese estilo de vivir es muy sano.

Friday, February 6, 2009

today's lunch

Thursday, February 5, 2009


昨天買了瘦肉,就來做肉燥. 加了香菇,油蔥酥,和五香粉就行了.

Somebody just abandoned a baby in the elevator at the San Mateo Library

Nowadays, nothing really surprises me.

I just heard this annoucement from the PA in the library:

"Is anyone missing a baby? Please come pick her up at the information desk on the first floor. The baby was found in the elevator. Thanks."

Holy Cow!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Getting More Desperate

Yes, I am getting more and more desperate right now. I dont' know. Maybe I just dont' feel as secure as before. I think I am running out of time. I should move up a notch in my career. I really should get inot management right now. Now.

I dont' like this operation, because I can't do much physically. I am confined to my house and library these days. I haven't been to a movie theater for a long time. I should go and relax. What I do for relaxation is take a bath. Haha. I take my 10 minute bath and wet the books that I checked out from the library. How does that sound? Not too bad,I guess.

Well, I am self-teaching Access right now. It is strange that I don't go to a class. I should. But I don't have extra money to take the class. Maybe I should look into EDD and see if they can sponsor me to get to learn more about Access, SQL and VBA.

Yes, I am very desperate right now. I checked a listing yesterday from Caltrain and they need somebody to count the available parking spaces at the stations i the peninsula and I even thought about applying.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Getting desperate

Yes, now I need to update my resume to indicate January 2009 was my last month with Cisco System. I am very glad that Reiko was trying hard to get me a post with STEC and NEC. I guess right now anything is better than nothing. I am going to try the NEC position: Product Specialist. It is on the marketing side. So, we'll see. I really do not want to get to that side.