Sunday, January 27, 2008

Que pasara?

es domingo y trabajaba por un rato para mañana. Me siento apresionado.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Saturday alone

Well, another saturday night alone. But. But I went out last night with Jorge and Anotonio to Splash. It was no pressure, because I was not in the mood to hook up with anyone. And I danced like crazy, like never before. It was really good to burn off so many calories.

Monday, January 21, 2008


長週末的三天就在這樣的陰雨天下告一段落. 還好我也沒有出去啪啪走. 亂花錢. 就呆在家裡.]

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Writing Macros

I am fascinated by Macros. I was thinking about the sequence, how to run it, etc, etc... There was something wrong with the cisco VPN. It was awefully slow. I couldnt' take it. So...

Saturday, January 19, 2008


看了鍾麗緹拍的泰國片. 晚孃. 堪稱為泰國的三級片, 全片以情色貫穿. 她的戲分不多,但是是屬靈魂的角色. 看到了她的假胸.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Commute by Train, Company Shuttle, Light Rail

I managed to go to work by public transportation. The morning air is piercing. The way back is stressful, because I kept worrying that I might miss the baby bullet at Mt. view, because the light rail train was delayed. But I finished the whole route. I am glad to have to commute by public transportation. I know better what to do when I am at the train now. I don't need to read, but I could if I want to. I think I should.

I am just glad that I can commute by public transportation.

Here's my schedule:

Out of house @ 07:25
Hillsdale Station @ 07:32
Baby bullet train @ 07:40
Mountain View Downtown/Cisco Shuttle @ 08:00
Cisco Building D @ 08:25
Out of building D @ 17:08
Light Rail/Champion station @ 17:18 (today it arrived late. @ 17:23, I think)
Mt. View, Baby Bullet @ 17:59
Hillsdale Station @18:18

parking at hillsdale: $2:00/daily
10-ride ticket from hillsdale: $34.00

So weekly cost will be $34.00+$2.00x5=$44.00

Monday, January 14, 2008


不清楚為什麼那麼趕, 下班之後趕了這些地方:

POPEYE'S, SUNNYVALE 買晚餐. 三根炸雞: 兩腿, 一胸.
MT. VIEW LIBRARY 去還DVD. romero 和 fresa y chocolate.
REDWOOD CITY LIBRARY 去借Panther Panchali 和 The world of Apu. (昨天,不小心看了三部曲的第二部:Aparajito.) 順便借了兩捲西文DVD: best rock 和Semen. Aparajito 在Redwood city library竟被歸到西文區. 哈哈...
SUPER SAVERS, REDWOOD CITY 去看有沒有西文小說和白色的衣架可以買,
BEST BUY, SAN CARLOS 去看有沒有筆記型電腦的護套賣, 我決定就買Cisco的就行了.
FOSTER CITY LIBRARY. 去還書: Excel formula

Sunday, January 13, 2008


I am glad that I watched the movie. It is the first regular Indian movie I've seen. I happend to watch parts of various Indian "musicals". I didn't like them.
I could identify with the movie,especially the interaction between Apu and his mom. It reminded me of my mom when she's waiting for Apu to come back. It was very saddening.

This is weird. How can anyone start a trilogy from the Middle/second one. Well,
I checked the library catalog and found that Foster City only has Aparajito. For "Panther Panchali" and "The world of Apu". So, tomorrow I would need to check Redwood city.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


跟楊承逢一樣, 是我從高中(台中二中)時就認識的好朋友. 不同的是林明俊是我的同班同學,但我們畢業後就失聯. 楊承逢則是個有趣的案例. 他是隔壁班的. 但是是林明俊的室友. 我已經忘記是怎麼跟他打熟的. 高中畢業後的十年是我跟他最熟的時候. 期中我去法國, 之後他來美國. 現在我們比較沒常聯絡.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Bill Richardson

Richardson, 60, announced his decision at the state Capitol, saying he was returning to "the best job in the world" as New Mexico's governor.

“Hablé de los temas que considero son claves para el futuro del país. Pero, lo ocurrido en Iowa y en New Hampshire nos han aconsejado el repliegue. Por eso he decidido regresar al mejor trabajo del mundo”,

Question: If it is the best job in the world, why did you even think about leaving it?

He dyes his hair black and sports a very unnatural tan. How can anyone that is untrue to himself be true to others?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Croatian Beef Cabbage Roll with Red Rice

I thought I'd note the dish I had for lunch. It was okay. the meatloaf inside the cabbage roll takes like the beef in Sopa de Albodigas. I don't feel super impressed. I should have taken a picture, but my camera is out of battery.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Contract extended from Jan 25 to March 7

Well, with the work and involvement like this, you can extend it forever, baby... Well, it is good that there is some extention, because I would feel good that I am taken advantage of the hard work of other team members, although I have no idea what everyone is doing and how much work they need to do. Mine is pretty minimum and I should not complain, other than that, I think it is really really minimum. Luckily, I am not paid well, either. So, I should not feel bad.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Fingerprints for Immigration

I went to SF for the fingerprints and I'm glad that's another step done toward citizenship. It wasn't too bad, although I was kind of worried that something might go wrong. Luckily, there was parking and I got in okay and went back to work at 11:30am.

KLA Tencor (through Butler International), Oakland Housing Authority

Talked with Anthony Urbina about a contract position and I got excited about it. It is right next to Cisco. I think that since my term with Cisco will end in 2-3 weeks, I should really get going and start looking. I wouldn't mind if it is only for 3 months. I will play by ear. I guess I would still have to stay here in the bay area for a few months.

The idea of taking Bart to Oakland to work is very enticing and I think it would be a great opportunity and it willl open the door for me to have a career in the public sector. I briefly checked their benefits: quite nice. 12 sick days per year. 10 days of vacation, and 10 paid holidays. So, that is not too bad. 32 days. Besides, the pay is pretty nice. at $5500 per month. I can live with that and also keep putting savings in the 401K. Sounds pretty damn good.

Jugué con José Durán

Me gusta geografía mucho y empezó a jugar con José por Borders en Milpitas. Pero ya creo que las preguntas son demasiado fáciles.

El no sabía que yo hablo español. Es que nunca lo mencioné tampoco.

Saturday, January 5, 2008


林明俊講的好. 我的高中同學. 我們很久很久沒有談這麼久. .
我們似乎也有好一些共同點. 他人在法國. 我在美國. 他已經有固定的伴侶.我沒有. 不過我們有很多過去的事可以聊,可以涵蓋很多議題..

Yong Le's Fusion: Worst Restaurant Ever, a terrible date made it even worse

It's good that the day ended with a nice, insteresting movie to take away the tragedy of a combination of a lousy date and terrible restaurant. How in the world would anyone recommend that restaurant. Sure, everyone is entitled to their opinion. But that restaurant should have gone out of business in an instant.

Over priced: we order spring rolls as an appetizer. main courses: wasabi noodles, seafood curry and steamed rice. it costed $43.00, including tip.
Why is $43.00 bad/over priced: well the ambient is ok. The chair is not steel molded with its back at the 45 degree angle, which makes it very uncomfortable when leaning back. The owner lady/hostess give us a cold, oblivious look when pouring the water.


If I want it raw, I would have gone to a Japanese restaurant, instead of an Asian Fusion crap.
The spring rolls need to be improved. Wasabi noodles is mediocre. Seafood curry was aweful, on top of the raw salmon. Besides, I never had salmon in the seafood curry before and I have been to so many different thai restaurants. The clientile there is dominately white with 2 other asian americans there. That really explains why it does not appeal to me.

Of course, I didn't want to make a complaint, let alone "a scene" in front of the date. I didn't even know why I agreed to drive so far, or even show up for someone that I knew I would not like at all. Of course, it turned out to be kind of a disaster. Not good looking to begin with. Cheap. Cynical. I blamed myself for this total disaster, because I had total control over my situation.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Shall we Dance?

Just finished watching the movie Shall we Dance?. It is always good to watch some feel-good movie once in a while. Now I feel quite inspired to maybe take a dance lesson at Mission Colllege or somewhere. I just started to work out regularly and I am starting to feel good about myself. I guess making myself feeling fit and nice makes me feel more confident and happier.

I watched the US remake of the Japanese hit, featuring Richard Gere, Jennifer Lopez, Susan Sarandon. It's fun to watch. very light and inspiring.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Cisco Gym

If I don't have anything planned for the evening, I am going to start hitting the gym across the street from Building D after work. It's so convenient. Why not? I feel stronger and better.

I put the Calendar that Reiko Soga gave me as a Xmas gift on my desk now. It is a very delicate, beautifully made calendar. I really like her style. Very neat, clean, delicate and thus high quality.

My days with cisco are numbered, although I haven't heard anything from Lily Liu yet. I keep hoping that it will be the end of January. For some reason, I am starting to feel strange about my current lifestyle. I want to really finish the naturalization process and get to Miami and settle down right there. I have no idea what's in store for me over there, but I do know that I really enjoy a nice warm/hot summer there.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2008 plans

1. CPA
I need to pass the CPA test this year. Probably one in March and one in June. Only 2 more modules to go: Value-adding strategies and Management. Both are quite fun.
I think I need to expedite the process: the preliminary test dates: march 1st and May 3rd.

2. Spanish Class:
Mission College. Spanish 004
I don't care if they won't let me register. I can audit the class. I just need to talk to Monica Rivas and have her sign something to approve it. I can finish it this semester. I don't think they are going to offer any further class than 004. Because most people will transfer to a regular 4 year college after that point.

3. Citizenship:
I need to get the citizenship and so I can finally put this immigration stuff behind. After almost 14 years, I think I really need to get it and to get the feeling of belonging. I have been feeling like an outsider. Now that the citizenship is close, I have started to care about the stuff that's happening in the U.S., meaning I am starting to read more and more political news. Well, I can't deny that I would be able to work overseas in Costa Rica or somewhere else. I think I want to be free, finally.

Who'd thought that Canada would fail my immigration application and that Mexico would deny my work visa. It is like of like the college application. You got accepted by Harvard or MIT and rejected by San Francisco State and Ohio State. Isn't it funny or rather ironic? I would never want to live in Canada because it's so cold. Mexico is nice, but the living standards are still falling way behind.

4. Miami
I think I have made enough sacrifice for Miami. Well, maybe it is just because I am lazy and because I am very good at finding excuses. Jorge Marquina is my best excuse. I keep telling people that I wouldn't leave people in a bad situation without lending a helping hand. Well, it is really not my fault how he fell ill and got hospitalized and so on. But I think it is a good excuse for not moving to Miami last year before I started the N400 process.

5. Real job
It's funny that I should say that. It is not like that I am a bum. I have been holding real jobs. Real contractual jobs. :) I think I really need to be gainfully employeed with all the benefits such as medical, dental, 401K and stock options, if possible. So, my life can take off. So, I can bring my finance back to normal. I can think about buying a house when i hit the big 4 zero.