Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Hoy mande mi tramite de la solicitud de ciudadania

vamos a ver si me van a preguntar mucho de mi history. Ojala que no. yo soy muy pequeno, pero bueno. No le hago dano a nadie. Solo quiero vivir sano y tranquilo. No es

Sunday, November 25, 2007


感恩節終於過去了. 不知不覺我已經可以申請入籍了. 只是我的工作紀錄可能不好看,因為我休息了一年沒工作, 但事實上, 墨西哥的工作似乎也可以算是沒有. 因為根本就沒紀錄. 沒有工作簽證, 沒有薪水支付紀錄. 現在在美國也沒有好看的工作紀錄. 所以我現在擔心移民局會找碴.

我會堅持我要搬到邁阿密的決心.現在的天氣轉冷,實在是很不喜歡. 所以一定要繼續. 所以移民局怎麼找碴,就盡力擋了.

Friday, November 23, 2007


終於去看醫生了. 這個叫marcel reichert的還願意花個十分鐘幫我看診. 他說我應該先看我的主治大夫. 可是我還沒有選定. 其實還算是有點趕,所以品質不算是很好. 開了抗胃酸的藥給我 zantac. 我們看看是不是會比較好. 共花了$15+$10+$27=$52.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Dia antes del Dia de Accion de Gracias

Ya lo vi a Jorge. estaba bien. Jorge sr. fue a llevar a la Baby a su casa. Estan juntos. el sabado pasado fui a llevar a la Baby a la peluqueria y visite a Jorge.
A Jaime le hube dejado 2 mesajes el sabado pasado, todavia no me vuelves la llamada. No se que esta haciendo.

Cuando me puse una cita con la peluquera, dije, "es para una poodle que se llama 'Baby'". "Baby Marquina?", me pregunto. "Si, Baby Marquina", conteste.
Como ves?

Feliz Dia de accion de gracias!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Bien ocupado

I have to say that today I'm having one of the busiest days here at Cisco. My left ear is buzzing right now. Last night before bed, I noticed that. I couldn't figure out what went wrong. First it was the right ear that was stinging. Now, my left ear is buzzing very loud. If it is still like that tomorrow, I'm going to see a doc.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Jorge llegó a casa

me alegro que mi compa de casa por fin llegó el miércoles pasado. Esta mas saludable y sano y me da gusto verlo así. no es que estaba malo. Así esta mejor.

creo que mi vida volverá a estar normal, o sea, aburrido. como decía antes, no se lo que estoy buscando. Lo que buscaba, lo he tenido. Lo que no es mío ya, no lo quiero. ¿cómo ves?

Ayer estuve muy ocupado con muchas cosas que hacer. Hoy decidí tomarme el tiempo hoy. no pasa nada. tengo que ir al gymnacio. Hace mucho tiempo que no voy. me ponga enfermo facilmente. mi estamago me duele, debido al estrés y la dieta pobre. Así que me voy a cuidar mas a partir de hoy. Ojalá.

Friday, November 16, 2007

My roommate returned!

to his parents' house, that is. He is not staying with me. The dog is gone, too. So, I am pretty relieved. I stupidly made an appointment with the dog's groomer and have the responsibility to take her to the groomer and pay for it (I'm not comfortable asking for refund from his family, since they are really not in a good shape right now.) And I'm not comfortable to leave them, either. Unless I have a good reason to bail out. The thing with San Mateo is everything is within 25 miles and commutable. So, i can't wait to move to Miami. For better or worse, it is my choice. I need to start my citizenship application. and I'm also starting browsing the federal jobs now.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Jorge llego a casa HOY!!!!

Tan rapido. Ayy... La Baby esta en casa todavia. Pues, no estaba seguro si iba a regresar hoy. Entonces van a regresar por la avion?

Entonces ya te despediste de Jorge y su familia? Les extranas, verdad? Hace mucho tiempo juntos con ellos.

From: Ayala, Sergio [mailto:Sergio.Ayala@bankofamerica.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 9:52 AM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: RE: Que buena onda

Ayer fuimos al hospital y hoy se van a las 2:30 llegando a San Francisco a las 3:50 Y como te dije ayer su futuro depende de que tan rapido consiga un buen lugar para la reabilitacion. Flor creo que ya tiene contactos en Palo Alto en la universidad de Stanford.

From: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco) [mailto:jasoli@cisco.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 4:13 PM
To: Ayala, Sergio
Subject: RE: Que buena onda

ok. me interesa saber si va a estar fuerte de pie pronto y enfrontar su futuro. hablamos mas tarde.

From: Ayala, Sergio [mailto:Sergio.Ayala@bankofamerica.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 3:12 PM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: RE: Que buena onda

No de eso no he hablado porque su futuro es incierto por lo menos un ano (12MESES) de rahabilitacion.

From: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco) [mailto:jasoli@cisco.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 3:09 PM
To: Ayala, Sergio
Subject: RE: Que buena onda

que buena noticia. Me alegro por mi y por toda la gente.

oye, hablaste con el de su futuro? que va a hacer? No se si voy a hablar de eso. eso es demasaido en serio, verdad?

From: Ayala, Sergio [mailto:Sergio.Ayala@bankofamerica.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 3:02 PM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: RE: Que buena onda

No se, te hablo en la noche o cuando salga del hospital.
From: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco) [mailto:jasoli@cisco.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 2:26 PM
To: Ayala, Sergio
Subject: RE: Que buena onda

jiji... lo hare con mi nuevo novio. por fin, puedo ir al gymnasio. me siento muy debil.

Si salen al medio dia, van a llegar a las 8 de la noche, verdad?
From: Ayala, Sergio [mailto:Sergio.Ayala@bankofamerica.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 2:18 PM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: RE: Que buena onda

La vas a extranar yo se ya no vas a tener con quien platicar o llorar o reir.

From: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco) [mailto:jasoli@cisco.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 2:10 PM
To: Ayala, Sergio
Subject: RE: Que buena onda

Genial. voy a entregar a la Baby a la casa de sus padres.
From: Ayala, Sergio [mailto:Sergio.Ayala@bankofamerica.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 2:07 PM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: RE: Que buena onda

Hoy me llamo Flor la hermana de Jorge esta aqui en Los Angeles y me dijo que manana se llevan a Jorge a San Francisco. Hoy despues del trabajo voy a ir a despedirme de Jorge al Hospital. Manana como al medio dia se van a San Francisco eso fue lo que me dijo Flor por telefono. Detalles mas tarde ¡

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Cuban International

No se como escribir este restaurante. Quiza fue la unica vez de la vida. La comida no fue muy impresionante. Pero la compania fue muy bien. Fui con Barry. De hecho, me invito. No se cuando se pone bien lleno ese restaurante. Es cuando quiero regresar a probar la comida de nuevo. Seria un imposible

Monday, November 12, 2007

El aburrido lunes

I think I have put on 5 pounds for a period of 5 months last time I weighed myself. 2 months ago, I guess. That means, I have gained 7 pounds by now. So, I registered with the Cisco gym and can use some weight training there. I don't think I'd like to do cardio there and have to shower there or drag my soaked body home.

It is another peaceful day today. I was given much to do as usual. But again, it sounds good to work in Cisco. When people do their keyword search, my resume will pop up, even though I have set my goal to become a passport-stamping immigration officer. Officer, not like a lowly quote analyst here. Well, what a shame. it seems all my past training, well, most of it, will go to waste. So, I need to take another Spanish class to brush up my skills for the future. I can always be a spy and eavesdrop what people are talking about. I'm already doing that already. It is pretty easy to do.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

thoughts on healing

I think everyone should avoid going to the doctor unless it's something serious like cancer or a bad emergency. Most illnesses are caused by our own bad eating habits, diets or lifestyle and can be cured by gradually improving it. Our body has a way to cure itself if we provide good fuel and maintain it well (which I don't, sometimes. hehe..) I'm not disgustingly obese yet, you see.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Primera lluvia


me queda en casa y me perdi. pues, como siempre.
Tengo que prepararme para el tramite de la ciudadania de EU.

Pues, tambien he hacido muchos quehaceres hoy: fui a Safeway y Marina Supermarket y la bibioteca, lave la ropa,

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

mis circunstancias

I'm usually in by 9:00 and take off at 5:30. The cafeteria is downstairs. I always just grab some salad and come back up to eat in my cube. Yeah, I never realized what "loner" means until now. It is even worse to eat at the cafeteria by yourself, isn't it? I guess we all live and learn. :)

Well, actually, they were more like confirmations of what is happening, which is progressive muscle atrophy. It progressed rapidly when I was in high school and slowed down the pace after that. No cause found. They couldn't really tell me what I have. But some, like the last one from Kaiser, said that I should just be prepared when the last muscle that helps control the functions of my fingers/hand is gone and I would not be able to tie my shoes, and other "easy tasks". A Mexican girl said that I should pray to God everyday and God would bless me. She stopped asking me why I did not find a girlfriend, though. She probably realized that she would not want herself to get in a "helping" situation for the rest of her life. I thought that's kind of funny. Hmmm..., since you don't buy that, we will have to come up with another story to explain why I am single. How about let's just say I have depression and suicidal inclination? :)

As a matter of fact, I really don't know if the Miami climate will help, but I just always know that I like the warmer weather and it makes me feel better. And that I got more cramps in the wintertime. I don't have as many cramps here in the U.S. as in Taiwan. Maybe it is the humidity plus the cold in Taiwan. Nobody knows.

Next Monday should be good. I don't have anything scheduled. Once my roommate comes back, I would start restructuring my routines/schedule/life, whatever you call it.

From: Barry.Conklin@hitachigst.com [mailto:Barry.Conklin@hitachigst.com]
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2007 10:35 AM
To: Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)
Subject: RE: It's officially November

I'm usually in by 8:15.....sometimes earlier if I wake up earlier, when it's not dark and cold :)

That's good news about your roommate! I think as serious as his stroke was, it's going to take a long time.

As for your medical condition, what have the various diagnoses been? If the Miami climate would help then it would make perfect sense to move. I don't buy the story as a reason for being single.....

I meant to ask you in my previous note, what do you think about dinner next Monday?

Barry Conklin
Import/Export Compliance Ops
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, Inc.

"Jason Li -T (jasoli - DML Technical Resources at Cisco)"
11/05/2007 09:53 AM
Subject RE: It's officially November

Good morning.

You got in earlier today?

My weekend was okay. I took the dog to the beach. It's an impromptu. Also, I got some good news this weekend. I went to visit my roommate's dad, who some mistakenly presumed my father in law, and he told me that my roommate might be able to come back in a week or two and would stay with them, as my roommate would still need carefully prepared diet and continuous speech and physical therapy. This time I dared to ask his dad what they would do about the medical bills (my roommate wasn't insured), and he said they would figure it out. Since they are sending him to Palo Alto to see the therapists, I think they somehow figured out something.

As for Miami, I think I should still try to get it there. I have my own medical condition which is kind of unique and calls for the move. I have been to as many doctors as one can possibly and spent 3 weeks in the hospital going through various exams and one surgery. Various doctors have come up with their different diagnosis. The last one from Kaiser said that if I continue to lose one certain piece of muscle, my right arm would go to waste completely. He said "the last straw" could be added anytime now. So, I don't know about the humidity, but I think the warmer weather is good for my nervous system. I figured out Miami is the most suitable city for me in the U.S. It is 100% a personal thing that I want to go to Miami.

I told that story to some very nosy straight friends why I am still single and not interested in getting married and why I went to Mexico alone trying to experience as much life as possible while I can. Now do you buy that story?

Monday, November 5, 2007

mi enfermedad, algo personal

My weekend was okay. I took the dog to the beach. It's an impromptu. Also, I got some good news this weekend. I went to visit my roommate's dad, who some mistakenly presumed my father in law, and he told me that my roommate might be able to come back in a week or two and would stay with them, as my roommate would still need carefully prepared diet and continuous speech and physical therapy. This time I dared to ask his dad what they would do about the medical bills (my roommate wasn't insured), and he said they would figure it out. Since they are sending him to Palo Alto to see the therapists, I think they somehow figured out something.

As for Miami, I think I should still try to get it there. I have my own medical condition which is kind of unique and calls for the move. I have been to as many doctors as one can possibly and spent 3 weeks in the hospital going through various exams and one surgery. Various doctors have come up with their different diagnosis. The last one from Kaiser said that if I continue to lose one certain piece of muscle, my right arm would go to waste completely. He said "the last straw" could be added anytime now. So, I don't know about the humidity, but I think the warmer weather is good for my nervous system. I figured out Miami is the most suitable city for me in the U.S. It is 100% a personal thing that I want to go to Miami.

I told that story to some very nosy straight friends why I am still single and not interested in getting married and why I went to Mexico alone trying to experience as much life as possible while I can. Now do you buy that story?

Friday, November 2, 2007

Jorge is still not coming home

My roommate is still not coming back. I'm not so worried about his financial situation now. Now I'm starting to think that they are taking advantage of this marvelous medical system in the U.S. to recover as much as possible. Since he will be bankrupt anyway. So, at this point, owing 5 million dollars is pretty much the same as owing 50 million. It's only my speculation. It's not a fact.

I don't like waking up in the dark, and cold, too. Definitely want to move to Miami.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

November already!

November is my third month at Cisco, which is my second longest job that I have this year. I have had 3 so far. November is also the last month of my very long 13-yr wait. 11/20 is the day when I am finally eligible for "applying" for the citizenship. Then, I can finally be free in/from this land of the free. It's very likely that I would move to Miami, but there are so many variances. I might move to Mexico or Peru, etc.

Speaking of costume, every year there are always the same old tiring characters such as vampire, superman, speedy, etc. And yet, there's Ugly Betty. So, it's not too bad. at least, there's always some new blood each year. I mentioned blood again. I'm glad you didn't put on your vampire costume and go crazy on blood.

This is my busiest week at cisco. They said it'd get busier. I'd say I could care less. (of course I did not.) I am biding my time here at Cisco / in the U.S. hehehe.... :-) 13+ years. I gave my youth to the U.S.. :-)