Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Today's work & trouble

I stayed home to finish Alias. one of my favorite tv shows. 4 more episodes to go.

I did make the contact with Mary and Terri to inform them of my availability. I applied for another job yesterday with Adecco. Rose is her name. I can will follow up with her tomorrow. It is Wedenesday.

Sergio called and asked why I did go visit Jorge and then made me go see them right now. I should've called Sergio earlier last week to inform him of my decision and the conversation with Jaime. I need to let him know that I want to cut off the tie with his family. I am afraid that our karmas work against each other and that explains all the messes. It is the best for him and for me. I can going to use Efrain's incident to bail out on my obligation to go see him. and we will see him tomorrow together. I have not much to say to him.

it is almost 5 and I want to update my resume and search the web a little bit more. The library will close at 6:00. so there is no point going to the library now. But I can go to the japanese supermarket to get my sushi for dinner and for tomorrow. meanwhile.
I think I am going with Jose to see Efrain and see how he is doing. Jose looks like an Indian eating Chinese food in this photo. I put it here, because it is recent. A little bit like Dr. Sanjay Gupta from CNN.

Looking at this episode of Alias and the in-patient wrist band on Nadia, it reminded me that Jorge had the same one on April 16, 2006 or so, about one year before I moved in with him and before he got sick. people just wouldn't learn until it is too late.

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