Monday, September 21, 2009
Stacy Perman's In n out burger
At first, I felt repulsive. Then I realized that I should be more open minded and should accept other people's freedom of speeach and to express their opinion. If they believe in Christianity, it's good. If they said: "if you don't know believe in god, you will be condemned", I will accept that. Whatever they say is just going to accept the majority of the white population, and the people who believe in it and the people who can't think for themselves and let themselves dragged into something that other people would like them to believe in. Of course, we won't expect in n out to go global with their christian self-righteousness.
I am blessed with my eastern culture and can make peace with people of different religious background.
Aside from that part, I think the basic things that I learn is that stick to quality, and with a strike of luck, you can succeed. I support in n out because of its commitment to quality. So, once in a while when I crave some hamburger, that is what I would get. I get to stick to a protein-style hamburger with no buns.
The snyder family is really just a usual, lowly educated schmuck that got lucky. I hold more respect for people with more education, generally speaking. I am interested to find out how Lynsi Martinez ousted her grandma from the company. I have not read anything about her yet. But based on what I have learned, she is a product of a white trash mom and a lowly educated, fat father who happened to be born into a local rich family whose restaurants took off because they stick to the only fundamental business principle: "quality".
Monday, August 31, 2009
Situation, situation
Just funished meeting with Stec. I just can't believe that someone could help me diligently like that. I really appreciate it.
On the other hand, I will have a difficult time dealing with bev and dave when the time has come for me to leave Ampex. The sooner, the better.
Meanwhile, I will wait for Cisco to get back to me. It will be very good to get back to Cisco to build up my expertise in supply management.
The situation will probably force me to choose Cisco over Stec, just as I did 2 years ago when I chose Cisco over Samsung.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
City workers vote to strike.
Palo alto seiu-represented workers plan to strike. 617 workers earn ana average $72,662 a year, $3900 overtime... other benefits, too. Their positions include utilities maintenance, secretaries, janitors.. that's outrageous. Those people are shameless.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Well, so far so good. Definitely a start-up environment where people wear many hats. But I have to be fare and square that I have already promised to go back to Cisco if given a chance. So, I will stay just as long as I can with Ampex. I hope that I will not have to stay long. The longer it is, the harder it becomes.
Oh, well, one thing very interesting is that my job title says "administrative assistant". I am very surprised that Apple1 gave me this position. I even turned down the opportunity to be presented at the beginning.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Buena Suerte
Hablar de pandigital, no me excita mucho ni me decepciona. Asi que me va bien cualquiera de las dos situaciones: me contratan o me despidan. Pues, espero que me contratan, porque necesito un trabajo como este para ganar dinero y establecer un futuro mas seguro y saludable financieramente.
De todos modos, buena suerte.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Dogs can't shed the poop-sitting habit
Then, there is Christi digging out Racoon's poop in Jorge's backyard...
I was going to take a photo with my cell phone and then Jose called. So, we went to do a little kind of cleaning. We cleaned the backyard and front yard of a house in Belmont today. It took 2 hours and I took some photos. Well, I helped out, but I didn't do all the heavy lifting. They did. Anyway, here are some photos:

Friday, July 17, 2009
Feliz Cumpleaños
No le dije a nadie que era mi cumpleaño hoy. Para nada. A nadie le importa. Pero recibí mesajes de Steve, Gerald y Alex. Gracias a ellos por recordarle de mi día. Son buena onda ellos.
Pero no tengo perspectiva, ni esperanza ahorita. Todo está tranquilo. Que pena.
Patrick de Pandigital me avisó que me iban a invitar a su compañía para una entrevista. Qué bueno!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Limpieza de Jardin

Pero necesitamos la publicidad para que crezca el negocio. Por eso, esta bien si nosotros ganamos poco al principio. Vamos a seguir participando en este proyecto para ganar una buena reputacion y luego vamos a ganar mas clientes y mas clientes para compartir con Efrain y Carmelo y sus parientes.

Friday, July 3, 2009
Jose tuvo un acidente
antes del acidente, tome etsa foto:

despues del acidente, tome estas fotos cuando danny terminaba su pastel:

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The trend is still going down
The thing is since I have signed the paper with the agency, I think I stand a good chance of being hired with salesforce.
Today I spent some time getting myself aquainted with the coupa e-procurement system. I am not surprised that the time has come and it is actually exactly what I thought it should be, after seeing the video clips from dave stephens and noah eisner, the 2 founders of coupa. young shots. good for them.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Hope sinks
I think my comeback is getting harder and harder as Paul just told me that new hires or temp help aare impossible right now. What a sad piece of news. Well, we'll have to find means to survive, as it is harder than I expected in january. Now that it has been 5 months, I really have to get down on my knees and BEG. Just depressing. I feel so small. I am small. I hope that the temp agencies can help me find something. Just like maria said, " a lot could happen in a month". Let's keep our fingers crossed.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Another $4,000 woman
It reminded me of the $4,000 story that someone once told. Basically, someone was saying that a ball could cost as much as $2,000 and a lot of women carried $4,000 everyday.
It was way out of propotion for that lady and just so not asthetically appealing. It makes me want to throw up.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Por que es mejor amar a los hombres
Y para mantener una relacion, los hombres sapientes son mas guapos que las mujeres. se muestra en todos los animales, incluyendo los humanos, por supuesto. Sin marquillaje, las mujeres se ven muy horribles. Ademas, el cuerpo de los hombres no se cambia tan facilmente como el de las mujeres.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
¿Como decirle que no?
Mi estrategía es pedir más dinero de esa nueva compañía para que no me vuelva a llamar. Quien sabe. Si les intereso yo mucho, quizás me van a llamar. Y voy a tener problema tomar mi decisión.
Informacion sobre G2 Technologia
A ver si voy a encontrar mas.
Tambien, tienen una cuenta con Used line para vender sus materiales excesivos.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
informacion sobre el examen de ciudadanía
PUBLICADO: 15 de septiembre de 2008, a las 9:34 am (centro)
ACTUALIZADO: 25 de abril de 2009, a las 10:30 am (centro)
WASHINGTON -- A partir del 1 de octubre comenzó a emplearse a nivel nacional el nuevo examen de naturalización, elaborado con el fin de asegurar que los solicitantes conozcan los principios de la democracia estadounidense y los derechos y obligaciones que confiere la ciudadanía.
El Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de Estados Unidos (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglés), desarrolló esta nueva prueba a lo largo de varios años de experimentaciones y en consulta con grupos cívicos, entre ellos varios de base hispana.
Las dos partes del examen
El nuevo examen se divide en dos partes: la prueba de cívica y la prueba de inglés.
Recuerde que hay excepciones para ambos exámenes dependiendo de la edad y del tiempo de residencia de los solicitantes. Consulte las excepciones aquí.
Parte A. Cívica. Aquí se pondrán a prueba los conocimientos del solicitante sobre Estados Unidos en lo que toca a los principios democráticos, el sistema gubernamental, la geografía, los símbolos patrios y la historia.
Hay 100 preguntas posibles de las que el postulante recibirá 10. Debe acertar un mínimo de seis.
• Las nuevas preguntas en español/ En inglés• Las preguntas viejas en español/ En inglés
Importante: Las personas mayores de 65 años que hayan vivido 20 años o más en el país sólo deben estudiar las preguntas que tienen un asterisco (* ) en la lista de la USCIS. Son 20 preguntas.
Parte B. Inglés. Se divide en tres componentes (oral, de lectura y escritura, todo en inglés).
Consulte estas palabras de vocabulario escogidas de forma oficial para el examen de lectura.
Consulte estas palabras de vocabulario escogidas de forma oficial para el examen de escritura.
¿Quiénes deben tomar el nuevo examen?
Depende de dos variables:
1. La fecha en que el solicitante haya pedido la ciudadanía mediante el formulario N-400.
2. La fecha asignada para de la entrevista.
· Si presenta su solicitud antes del 1 de octubre de 2008 y la entrevista está señalada para antes del 1 de octubre de 2008, le corresponderá el examen actual.
· Si presenta su solicitud antes del 1 de octubre de 2008 y la entrevista está señalada para después del 1 de octubre de 2008, se puede escoger entre el examen actual o el nuevo.
· Si presenta su solicitud después del 1 de octubre de 2008, le corresponderá el examen nuevo.
· Si la entrevista está señalada para después del 1 de octubre de 2009, le corresponderá el examen nuevo.
Si desea obtener más información puede consultar la página oficial de USCIS dedicada al examen.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Prueba de Usabilidad, Qué fácil es ganar.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Los Borrachos
Martínez también hablaba mucho en mi carro cuando le llevé a su casa. Entiendí mas que quería saber, pero está bien. No voy a contar a nadie lo que me decía.
Ayer le dije a José que le voy a aprovechar cuando se pone borracho, porque él habla mucho y después no recuerda lo que ha dicho anteriormente. Lo que se dice cuando ebrio es probablemente la verdad y vale mucho. Si yo quiero saber mas de cualquier cosa, voy a obtener la información asi. Él se quedó callado.
Por otro lado, Alex se puso muy callado y no pasó nada. Y yo, pues, no tomo y for eso, puedo guardar muchísimo.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Observatory - Los Angeles

Today's highlight is the trip to the observatory to check out where they shot the movies: "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle" and "Rebel without a Cause" and Paula Abdul's music video "Rush, Rush" of course.
This is the view from up there. compared to the view in San Francisco.
We later went to el Tempo and then El Barcito. Nothing too impressive like last night's Arena. It costs $15 to get in. I have no idea how much they charge there at el Tempo. El Barcito charges $4.00.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
The long lost brother
I asked Jose how his brother is going to carrying on his life, and he replied that he didn't know. Nobody knows. with 5 daughters and 1 handicapped son, the old man lost his house because of some contract that he co-signed for his relative...
Before we re-united with his brother, and after lunch at the Brea Mall, we stopped by a Starbucks and the models were posing by the fountain and the result is this:

Friday, May 22, 2009
Arriving at Los Angeles, Golden Dragon
We went to a restaurant in Chinatown on Broadway, called golden dragon. The food was quite nice, but I had to hit the bathroom immeidately after. So, something was not so right.
(We went to the same restaurant for dim sum on the day we leave L.A. same thing. Both Jose and I had to go to the bathroom immediately. So, something was definitely up. The photo was taken on the Memorial Day, 5/25.)

Thursday, May 21, 2009
5/28 finalized with IBM
The idea of testing out the new software before anyone else uses it is already very enticing. I would be happy to go on another session.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Another Monday
I have registered for one of IBM's usability test for 5/28, which is quite good. I am glad that I am finally able to do something. I will also be able to go in to the city to take a little break before I start working in June. It looks very promising at this moment and I feel very positive.
Okay, time to get back to real work.
Another Monday
I have registered for one of IBM's usability test for 5/28, which is quite good. I am glad that I am finally able to do something. I will also be able to go in to the city to take a little break before I start working in June. It looks very promising at this moment and I feel very positive.
Okay, time to get back to real work.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Got rid of the nav bar Then, I stole the codes to get rid of the nav bar. Now, it is gone. I have to give them credit for the new view of the blog.
I remember putting a "noscript" tag to counteract the javacript placed by So, my website is all blank and it's all mine, without any additional advertisement or endorsement. I think the url already gave it away, so I don't need to put additonal banner at the bottom of my page.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Today's work & trouble
I did make the contact with Mary and Terri to inform them of my availability. I applied for another job yesterday with Adecco. Rose is her name. I can will follow up with her tomorrow. It is Wedenesday.
Sergio called and asked why I did go visit Jorge and then made me go see them right now. I should've called Sergio earlier last week to inform him of my decision and the conversation with Jaime. I need to let him know that I want to cut off the tie with his family. I am afraid that our karmas work against each other and that explains all the messes. It is the best for him and for me. I can going to use Efrain's incident to bail out on my obligation to go see him. and we will see him tomorrow together. I have not much to say to him.

I think I am going with Jose to see Efrain and see how he is doing. Jose looks like an Indian eating Chinese food in this photo. I put it here, because it is recent. A little bit like Dr. Sanjay Gupta from CNN.
Looking at this episode of Alias and the in-patient wrist band on Nadia, it reminded me that Jorge had the same one on April 16, 2006 or so, about one year before I moved in with him and before he got sick. people just wouldn't learn until it is too late.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Smuggling coffee into the library
Yes, there is a outside balcany there. Very thoughtful. But from a business point of view, it is a bad design. Unless the library is subsudizing the coffee shop, with the tax money. Another sad example of bad design/analysis. Just like the Bart ramp between SFO and Millbrae. What a waste of money!
It could be on the same location, but only on the ground floor, so the neighbors or anybody, not just library patrons, can drop by to get a cup of coffee or pastry. They can also sethey can start early in the morning and close they want. So, they are fee of any limitations that the library is imposing on them.
Yes, sad. Do I want to support the coffee shop in the libarry, YES. The location is a problem? Definitely. Do I want to bring my coffee from outside? It depends.
Adding shockwave flash file
I embedded a flash slideshow in the profile to showcase Jose's work. All the photos that I have taken of him. Now everybody gets to see my work as well. He did most the manual work and I did the brain work. It took me a while to have come to this. I have to say that I'm really tech-savvy. I'm a very good user. I am very good with all the tools. It pays off to brush up the html or is it xhtml knowledge.
All I need right now is a real job and I want to use this blog to exhib my skills. It is not too shabby.
I'm texting from my google g1 phone right now. Technology moves too fast...
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Humberto y el coyote
Humberto va cruzar la frontera y Efrain esta juntando el pago para que le paque Humberto al coyote. Cuesta 5500 dolares. Es muy estupido vivir la vida asi, pero, de verdad, si ellos son bastante inteligente, no es necesario ir a los estados unidos para encontrar trabajo como obradors, jardineros, jornaderos, etc. Pueden ganar bastante dinero para sobrevivir en su pais. Mis amigos en mexico no tienen ganas de ir aqui para trabajar. Son profesionales alla. Pero Humberto es diferente. Su hijo solo tiene 1 ano y el solo tiene 20 anos, mas o menos. Que tragedia!
Friday, May 8, 2009
I'm like an orphan
Danny and I were talking about Mother's Day and it suddenly occured to me that i'm like an orphan without a family. I am here in the states without any relatives or family members. I could have a family of my own, but I know I won't. So, I will be all by myself all my life. It would sound pretty sad, but it is not always as it seems. If we know that we all come alone and leave alone, it is pretty normal to be alone. I will try to make the most of it. But I'm definitely ready to go anytime now without any remorse or regrets.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
So many losers are shopping at Ross
Including me, of course. There are people who shop with a shopping cart. Peopel who shop a lot and put charges on 2 credit cards. People who don't know how to swipe their card correctly. Only 2 cashiers right now. One black lady and one chinese lady. I have been waiting in line probably for about 20 minutes now. Yes, I can text and I don't feel too bad. I guess I still have at least 5 minutes to wait. It is very frustrating just to buy a door hanger. I am blogging here because I'm bored. I don't think I'll shop at ross again, at least not at this hour.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Blogger temp account cancelled/linked to
我的腦筋真的是豆腐作的. 一點思考的能力都沒. 只會寫一些有的沒的.
惠普沒戲唱了. 繼續再等思科,或是羅倫佐的消息.
La Baby 死了.
再找另一隻貴賓狗, 黑色, 純種, 未結紮.
Jorge Marquina Sr. 死了.
扶養Christi, 訓練Christi 好讓Marquina家接養. 與Marquina家斡旋,
Microsoft Access, 從零開始.
建立我的個人網頁, 從新學習HTML, 再進而學JavaScript.
拍照片, 學習剪輯, 寫簡單HTML, 幫Jose在Craigslist上登廣告.
剪輯MP3, 轉載MP4
Garden Services - Servicios de Jardineria
Mis servicios incluyen: plantación, mantenimiento, instalación de irrigación, cuidado de césped, fertilización, etc. Sería un placer participar en su proyecto distinto o sea un mantenimiento regular, el cual puede ser una vez a la semana o cada 2 semanas. Usted anotará las diferencias en su jardín como las que yo muestro en las fotos abajo.
Favor de mandar un correo o llamar al (650) 504-1694 para su estimación gratis. Pregunte por José por favor.
Palabras claves: yard, lawn, garden, plants, irrigation, landscape, landscaping.
HP declined the submittal.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
A ver si sirva mejor asi
Ahora vamos por el blog y describir. Yo quiero ver si esta bien escribir largo mensaje, por que me gusta escribir y expresarme asi. No me gusta twitter con solo una oracion. Twitter es para todo el publico, incluyendo la gente con poca edsucacion y no escribe bien.
Ok. A ver si sirva mejor asi.
Thursday morning- stupid mishap
Jason Li <> wrote:
>yes, I am brushing up my html knowledge now that I bumped into and
>successfully disabled their script in order to get rid of their banner at
>the bottom of the page. It was a good banner, but I just want to put
>something there that is my own.
>Now that I have also connected the blog to my email, I can write here as
>well. Maybe I can write something Chinese here to see the system is able
>to interpret it.
>Since I do not have a table in my room right now, I am writing here at one
>of the small rooms in the house. The room is used for.. what? I don't
>know. But it is good that I can use it to pretend to work, but they don't
>know what I am doing right now. It seems I am working on something, but
>nobody asked, so I will just continue to sit here until someone boycotts.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 Go, go, go
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Revisiting HTML
See how the message gets cut off if written via cell phone.
Twitter to my own blog now
I just found out that I can only send short messages or it will change from sms to mms and it won't get sent to blog. I have tried it with 4-message long text at a time, 3 message-long text and neither went through. Hence, "twitter". it wasn't coool for a writer like me, though.
It's just that the 400 text messages are already included in my $25.00 data plan with t-mobile. If only I could negotiate it down to get a cheaper, but I don't think it is possible. So, we will see.
Miised my yoga class today. TKB tomorrow then.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Twitter account
I can e-mail to blg. How cool.!
El lunes otra vez
Ya otro lunes sin trabajo. Pues, no me asusta nada ya. No quiero saber que hay en el futuro.
Hoy pensaba si hay algo muy facil para matarse, lo voy a tratar. Es que no tengo motivo para nada. Es que nada tiene sentido ya. Nunca me gusta mi vida. Nunca se que hay en esta vida para mi. Aun asi, no tengo el valor para matarme a mi.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Se ha ido Christi
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
A little hope resurfaced...
Monday, April 13, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Almost 3 months
A lot has taken place since then. The fall of J. M. and his family, etc. That's a lot of drama to swallow.
Today we are going to give Christi another shower and then apply Frontline for this month. I really don't know what's up with all her scratching. I did find a big patch of dry skin on her thigh... But the whining seems to indicate that she still has fleas or ticks. Well, I hope they won't affect me. What a trip!
Sergio Gomez Sanchez, the ex-lead singer of K-Paz de la Sierra, was born in 1973... Gee, I thought he's a bit older than me. Well, I don't know how old I am anymore...
Sunday, April 5, 2009
1960 Palm Street
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Christi's guarding nature has come out
I think this is the right thing to do to buy them a new dog. Theoretically, I am only responsible for Jorge, since la Baby was his dog. But since the situation got complicated and he lived with his parents, so la Baby became a family dog. I am sure that it's a lot for his mom to swallow for now.
I am trying to be responsible!!!!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Why is it that Picasa does not support hot link?
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Potty training almost completed
She can control her bladder better and better now. I can put her in the kennel all night without having to get up in the middle of the night to let her urinate. I remember leaving the bathroom door open to let her relieve herself. Well, those days were gone. Based on the AKC paper that Jamie Perkins (Big, big liar, by the way) provided, Chrisiti is 14 weeks old now. She will be 4 months old by 4-8-09 and she will not have any problem holding it all night until the morning.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
To shrink photos - to reduce the size of the photo

Monday, March 16, 2009
craigslist & html

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Otro Domingo y aún ando sin trabajo
Creo que no hay nada que puedo hacer. todos los solicitudes que mandé a las compañías y agencias eran en vano. Tengo mas ventajes con las llamadas de los agentes de empleo. Solo tengo que esperar hasta que me llame alguien. Puede ser Lorenzo Salhi o Ian Lopez o Samual Merchants, etc, etc.
Estoy mas y mas acostumbrado a la perrita. todavía no me gusta. La vida es loca. quién traía mala suerte a quién. Yo creo que era Jorge a mi. No me siento libre como la señora quien me dijo que no se sentía bien. Yo tampoco me siento bien. La causa fue la mala salud de Jorge. y ya nadie puede hacer nada con esto. Lo que pasó, pasó.
Christi y sus juguetes...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Talent Merchants
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Christi went for a short trimming
The lady at Bark N Bubbles told me that it wouldn't be until she's 8-months old that she can get a full groom. I did mention to her that Christi might have some ticks as she had been scratching a lot. So, she said she would look into that.
Gray is gettin ready to move to Virginia on March 18th, which is only 12 days from now. At least, they will be here for another 2 weekends, although i don't know what to do with them. Such is life.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Christi slept all night in kennel

But immediately after breakfast, she made another go.
I noticed that she started humping last week. At the age of 11 weeks, according to the paper I received from Jamie. (Yes, after a week of struggle and she still lied about the medical records.) This has been such a painful experience.) That means she's trying to show her dominance. She wouldn't budge when we went out to walk. That was a good sign that she has been very domineering since young. I saw her nibbing the neck of the other puppy at Jamie's house and it was kind of shocking.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Dim Sum at Tong Kiang
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Christi has Giardia
I managed to go to the doctor's office to get the medication which costs $30.00. I managed to get her the first dose for the day. 1 down and 5 more days to go.
It seems Christi has gotten used to the potty pad.
I have left her in the kennel for a few hours by now. She usually whines for about 5 minutes and stops.
I have started to train her with some basic command. Today, I started with "sit", but I really don't know the techniques yet. I dropped by PetSmart and saw people training their dogs with a leash. So, tomorrow I will do that.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Rainy Days and Mondays
Christi is sleeping right now. She slept at noon as well. Now it is 6:10pm.
Just got a call from Dr. Frank Merril and he said Christi has some internal parasite. Why am I not alarmed? Well, I don't know. It's all part of the payback. I don't know how much this payment is going to cost me, but I surely don't like this kind of responsibility anymore. It has been a lot of work and luckily, I am not working right now. My full time job is to take care of this new young baby bitch until she's all grown and fine.
Just got the piece of paper, AKC registration form, that dates the birthday of Christi Marquina: 12/08/08. So, as of today, she is 11 weeks old now. It is easy to tell that because on the form, the breeder, Pamela Diaz, signed and dated 02/02/09, which should mark the 8th week birthday.

Sunday, February 22, 2009
Raining All Day

Yes, Gray is moving to Virginia. Charlottesville, VA. He said it is close to Richmond. I just checked and its population is 45,000 and it's about 70 miles from Richmond, VA. Wooo, that's really bad. I think that's reallly bad. If he can go there, I can go work in Santa Cruz. Well, not really, I don't want to live there at all.
I got to get familiar with La Tapatia in South San Francisco. They sell tamales at $1.50 each. It wasn't too much.