Sunday, March 23, 2008


I was singing Roberto Carlo's "Amada Amante" and I remembered seeing a clip on youtube that some young kids were singing the Portuguese version and it led me to think that if you see a portuguese speaking person, chances are, he or she is from Brazil, because Portugual is falling back to become, well, more of a third country than Brazil. Now that the Brazilian population is way, way more than that of Protugual. It's a breeding country. People are having unprotective sex, thanks to their culture and religion. Isn't religion part of the culture? Well, what do I know? They don't like to use condoms and so, they would either get pregnant, or Aids, or some type of STD, I guess.

I always think about this kind of strange and boring "who cares" stuff. Well, this is me. I am boring, strange and "who cares".

Hang just sent out an e-mail taking her PTO tomorrow. So, abrupt and such a short notice. Perhaps this is the downtime, before the new quote cycle kicks in.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

No news is not good news

have not heard anything from Brock at Oracle. Maybe a little celebration with Alex at Sundance Steakhouse will turn the luck. I have justhad lunch with the X1 temp team. Some of us get to stay while others don't. Looks like Robert, Michael and I will stay for a little while. Hui-Ping Lo will stay for another 6 months. I dont' know if she's happy with that. It seems that her job is lighter than mine.

Monday, March 17, 2008


今天是回美國的一週年. 也是在思科半年. 很巧. 我竟忘記我是在聖派屈克節返美的.

一年了. 感覺沒什麼長進... 但事實上發生了很多事情. 能夠進思科有這樣的歷練也就夠了. 我覺得我的英文很差.倒是真的...

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Tools and Phrases While at Cisco

Takeaways=key points
wfh=work from home
eol=end of life
lobby ambassador
writeback=update. your splits will not writeback.
Emerging Markets = developing countries = third world

Inbiz - Item attribute display
Combat Report Portal - Spend Usage, Item attribute update, Quote Analysis
EMCO Access management - supplier onboarding, company profile, user profile,
Oracle E-biz:
Sourcing Buyer with Supplier Quote, DF Tac report, Component Splits and Standards (CSS), Impersonation, MFG subcontract Purchasing(Cost Roll)
Supplier Business Review(SBR), Business Units(BU), Aravo (Supplier Contact Rolodex)
Education Management System

Friday, March 14, 2008

Oracle - Brock Musgrove

tuve una entrevista por la teléfono. No pienso que lo hice muy bien. Ahora no tengo much estima, de veras, después de que me rechazaban unas pinche compañías. ¿Qué me importa?

Me siento bien que tenía algo que preguntarle a Brock, aunque no estaba preparado.

Friday, March 7, 2008

hasta el fin de abril con Cisco

Pues, esta mañana me avisó Mary que podía quedarme hasta el fin de abril y luego se iba a extender mi contrato por un cuarto a la vez si lo llamaba la situación. No está bien. Por que tengo planes de arrglar mis dientes. necesito un mejor seguro dental. Solo puedo lograrlo con una nueva compañía que ofrece mejor seguro dental.

Sin embargo, está bien. Ya lo sé que me rechazó autoridad residencial de oakland.