Monday, December 22, 2014

3 Mondays/interview in a row

12/08, 12/15 and 12/22.  One is better than the previous, but would I get an offer? I seriously doubt that.

I'm very tech, tool savvy and that's probably too good for the public sector.

Well see. I've sown the seeds. Something should come up

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Paul vs Jenn

How can someone who can't write, can't type, can't do a grant-funded SQ right, puts the blame on someone else for his own fault, who basically does not have the KSA got rated #1 among all the candidates ?

Monday, December 8, 2014

Another failed interview

I know when I tailed it because I felt it, because they made me feel it. I didn't remember his name, and it surprised me to see that deputy dir.. Oh, well, prepare more.  There is nothing to it. Always the most difficult situation, the most sensitive information, most complex projects, how you approach it, outcome, etc.

Monday, December 1, 2014

What an interesting career path

2003, director, office of contract management.
2010, manager, central buying division
2014, supervising buyer

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Let's postpone it to Monday,

Because tommorrow I will be out there (at the Giants celebration, at the Civic Plaza), with Shawn. 

All day? It did sound like that she would be there most of the day.  When does it translate to be a day to step out of work and have fun?

Luke could sense my negativity, but it's hard not to have it, if you're living in it.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Another referral

Just when I thought it has become more quiet, i got another from hsa. 

I hope i can get this neurology thing over with soon.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Need to get away from that lunatic

She would approve someone's travel expenses to san Diego for some kind of training/seminar and later extended that person's probation. When controller's office was offering FREE classes at CITY HALL, she rejected all my requests.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Technology Marketplace page


So bored...

Not because of lack of paper-pushing tasks, but because of lack of intellectual stimulation.

I'm holding on until further consultation and exams with kaiser, santa Clara. We will see if I need another surgery later on.

Then, we will need short term disability. We'll see.


Sunday, October 19, 2014

happy Monday!

this is the new office banner for the giants and Halloween.

Friday, October 17, 2014

What does this mean?

My not-so-bright boss, ms. jw, came over with the print out of the stupid, purposeless weekly workload report and said, "what do you mean, 'pending  psc'?" I said, the psc document was missing and dept was to send it over ". It seemed to me that she never read the weekly report before and it's been over a year that she made me do it. First by email, by cob every Thursday, then by cob, Wednesday, and finally by hard copy, by 2:30 Wednesday.

She returned the paper to me in the end, and said she didn't need it. 

Why can't I just email the report to her. Why 2:30? At her  "in" tray.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Staff meeting & weekly report

She pushed to have the weekly report printed and placed in her tray by 2:30 p.m. wednesday because she needs them for the Thursday meeting with her boss.  Then, today (Thursday, Oct 19th) she called in sick.

The report used to be due by cob on Thursdays and they never had their staff meetings on Friday. What's up with that?

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Useless meeting called by judy

We could totally do without the meeting.  No objective and no action items. No need to get 4 people involved for nothing.  Stupid gov. Management.  So brain dead.
Diane said it's a power thing that she set it up at 8:00am. Inconsiderate, controlling biatch that has nothing to do with it.

Monday, October 6, 2014

10-1 interview with samtrans

I didn't even tell hl. There was no need to tell her. We had different sets of value and I don't think I would like to hang out with her much.

The interview went okay. Very stupid word and excel questions that focus on the recognition of the icons that do save, delete, add a row, print, etc.  The written test was an old school paper and pencil essay-writing. It went OK, I guess.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Leftover from yesterday's universal meeting

Pathetic.  Costco pastry bought the night prior to the meeting, meaning Wednesday night.  Still some left today(Friday). Yes, they treat people cheap. No equality. Just sad.

Monday, September 22, 2014


I think I got mad when the Indian guy asked mwo to help type up the sole sourc e waiver. I'm sure she didn't mind and couldn't do much with it as she's under probation. It's just wrong to misuse the resources. So, inefficient.  I specifically said it's a typist's job and we have people here in the office that were hired as typists. He pulled a high-paid person to do a low-paying job. So, this placed is so messed up.

I'm not sure if I want to come in for the universal meeting. I think I need to see my doc about the ears.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

No owner of the sole source waiver process

The Indian guy said he's not the owner of the process. Everybody is.  That's just so wrong about that place or about the government system.  How can you be efficient if there is no one to oversees the process, to make sure that it runs smoothly and do the DMAIC thing to make it better and better.
He mentioned about talking with the male director and the female supervising purchaser about re-aligning the process or something like that.  I can't quite remember.   I was ticked off.
He got ticked off when I said that it is the owner's responsibility to train whoever he asks to help type.  He should brainstorm to improve the process.  Maybe the purchaser should already type it in in the first place.
How come the white sr. purchaser lose not one, not 2 but a few waiver requests from DPH that were submitted over 2 months ago?  There has to be a way to make the process better and who's owning it?

Monday, September 15, 2014

No gov jobs

checked all the way from san Bruno to mt. view.  nothing.  nothng.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


九月四號去他們大樓十一樓的oceanside 跟三個人面試 我覺得很好 希望他們會錄用我。蘿絲安娜應該是會用我的。

Sunday, September 7, 2014

No government jobs available yet

*sigh*   I looked and nothing yet.  -09/08/14

Paper and more paper

This is it for the rest of my life? I hate this job...   :(

Monday, August 11, 2014

Still lost

Haven't recognized this is it for me.  I just can't give up yet. Gotta continue learning. Gotta do it. Gotta leave the office of contract administration. The worst place I've worked at so far.

Sunday, August 10, 2014


是上個星期四的事情了 跟莎菈及蘿菈聊了不到三十份鐘 我覺得還好 但最後的結果很難講 明天又要去那個討人厭的地方  如果兒重青年和家庭服務部不要我 我要去買一個tablet再加油了

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


馬上要上去Fox  Plaza九樓進行第一輪的淘汰項目Excel 雖然對我而言不是困難的 但是還是要注意一下囉!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

No se puede borrar la historia

Lo que paso paso. Hay que seguir adelante.

No somos santos. Todos nosotros hacemos errores por casualidad o algo. Sin embargo, el que pide perdon siempre recibe perdon.

Yo si puedo borrar algunas palabras o fotos, pero no puedo eliminar la verdad y la historia.

Strange commentator

Got a few repetitive comments from an anonymous person. It reminds me of some not-so-good experience teaching Mandarin for a small school. The money wasn't much. But the time and efforts wasted mattered more. The owner refused to talk and even pretended not home when I rang the bell. 

What happened doesn't matter anymore.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Flexible work hours for all???

Mark leaves at 1:44pm yet he noted 8 hours on the sheet.


Unless he comes in at 5:45 am, the hours are inflated.  And that, my friend, leaves room for flexible work hours for others.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Little game for birthday

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

可愛的Pete Williams

還在持續的追蹤我的近況  實在是感激 我現況真的乏善可陳  氣若游絲 槁木死灰 生不如死 行屍走肉

What to do to not feel trapped?

I'm overpaid for what I'm doing.  I realized that not a lot of private companies will offer the same pay for little talent that I got.

Still feeling trapoed. Comparing to other less talented coworkers.  *sigh*

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Invitation to Bid: ITSF14000608/SQ - Grant Funded - Computers & Accessories



To: All Bidders

Number of Pages: 12

Bid Package includes the following:

608_SQ – Bid Sheets
608_SQ – Attachment A – General and Special Conditions

Bids are due either by email or fax on Monday,
June 6, 2014 at 5:00pm. See page 1 of the bid package.


Best regards,


Jason Li,  C.P.M. Rm 430, City Hall, SF, CA 94102 Tel: (415) 554-4564



Tuesday, May 27, 2014


I think it's getting harder to get a job the older you become. Oh, well. I wasn't all that excited with HSA anyway. It's okay. We'll find something else.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Erasing electronic bid record

Today I was cornered to erase itsf14000434 so mta can detach the preemcumbrance from the project code.

I think it's quite easy for others to say just remove it. So, I will ask Tina for a very good cause and see if she can work around to modify her report.

I can go ahead and say this is a favor I'm going to do for her and one time only.

Shawn has a good reason that this order was placed and po closed. Why?

Anyway, I'll stop insisting and go ahead and remove it when Diane comes back next week.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Thank you cards

I think that it's a good sign that I was told of the earliest start time if I were hired. I bumped into another posting and found that the pay isn't too bad. Anyway, somehow it occurred to me that I should write thank you cards. So, I made the effort to write Christina, David and Esperanza.  This is the first time in 9 years.

Let's hope that they will give me a call to hire me.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Another Day Gone by

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Preparing slides

Finalizing my presentation. I hope I get to use it, but who knows.  I woke uo and then kept thinking about all the inefficiency, drama and politics in the office. I didn't sleep well.  I need to get out of there.

I don't think I'm well prepared for the interview on Tuesday. But if I don't prepare, look at where I work at now. I didn't prepare for the interview and I answered all the stupid questions with some mumble jumble and they offered me an asst purchaser position and I accepted it.  What a mess...

So, the point is that I need to prepare myself.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Cleavage-showing boss

Yup, she did it again in the so-called universal meeting. Yes, I saw part of both boobies, because, unfortunately, only the chairs across the room on the opposite side were available. Willetta said, "Wow!" How could you not know that that dress was low-cut and the chest would be showing?  What was she thinking? 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Mid week

Not much happening. Still checking the interview questions on soft skills. aka people skills.

Riding the bus to Bristol Farm to get salad and Buffalo wings. Today is the wacky Wednesday and it's $6.99 per pound.

Then, my journey to downtown ended at McAllister and 7th, because there was a bomb threat and the nearby blocks were all blocked and the building was evacuated. 

I ended up buying the Louisiana Fried Chicken on 6th and walked back to City Hall.  There were people waiting for the 5 and I wanted to tell them, but there were a whole bunch of kids and I didn't want to scare them. So, I aborted.

We're living in a highly dangerous world. Anywhere could be our end of life. Weird. To paralyze san francisco is probably very easy for the pros.

Havent heard the explosion yet  I guess the risk has beeb mitigated.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Mental leave

I don't like it that I'm slacking and I can't get away yet.  I need to recognize my hand is no longer good and move on to be handicapped.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Another Canker Sore

Not sure why they keep coming.  I'm very tired lately.  I'm going to go to bed now.

Another Interview

I decided not to tell anybody this time. Instead, I'll just announce it here.  May 14th, at 2:00pm. With HSA.  I really don't expect much now, after a series of failed attempts. 

It's a government job. What can you expect?  I don't think I'll get to enjoy it, but I'll do my best to feign my interest.  Hahaha.

Monday, April 28, 2014





























1、如果臉上長出了討厭的小痘痘,應該選擇哪種食材? 酸奶
2、皮膚上出現了毛孔粗大的問題,需要依靠什麼來解決? 黃瓜
3、秋冬季節,人們總會受到皮膚乾燥的困擾,吃什麼可以保持肌膚水份? 獼猴桃
4、想要淡化色斑,除了化妝品。還可以吃什麼來達到理想效果? 番茄
5、想要擁有明眸的美妹應該吃什麼,才能讓眼睛真正擁有動人魅力? 胡蘿蔔
6、早晨喝一杯什麼,最有利於解除便秘煩惱? 水
7、女性常常受到體寒的困擾,用什麼徹底解決問題? 生薑
8、office lady工作壓力大,常常感到肩膀酸痛、只要吃什麼就可以大大緩解疼痛感? 杏仁
9、吃什麼可以增加女性荷爾蒙,使你青春常駐? 芝麻糊
10、要想成為骨骼強健女性應該吃?。 排骨湯
11、指甲出現白色星星缺乏? 鈣
12、中老年女性關節痛食? 海米
13、減肥吃? 豆沙麵包
14、茶飲對心情有好處? 大麥茶
15、湯飲能緩解緊張? 酸辣湯
16、面部浮腫吃什麼? 冬瓜
17、一整天對著電腦眼乾吃什麼? 香蕉
18、上班族下午3點吃什麼消除腦袋沈重感?堅 果、巧克力
19、有排毒功效的是? 山藥














4、草莓:只要多吃草莓就能充分補充維生素 C,草莓同時富含鐵,可以提高機體免疫能力。草莓中的染色物質和香精油,能形成特別酶,預防癌癥。











Sunday, April 27, 2014

that piercing, hateful look

not sure why he looked at me like that?  He probably mistook me for someone else.  Someone who left him to become how he is today. walking with a walker.

But what can I do?  I don't even remember his name. I am not responsible for all the misery that he is suffering.  I can't offer him money, or any comfort or anything. I really don't know him. I remember him, but that was probably one of the many mistakes that I did in my life.  If it was a mistake.

I wasn't mature enough to walk over to at least to say hi more closely, but I was with company and I really don't know what I can do further.  But that look... the piercing blue eyes...

I think his name is  Michael, but I'm not sure. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Canker Sores attack

it's been over a week that I have series of canker sores and I am feeling so tired, even though I'd slept at least 7 hours per day.

Maybe the thing with Man Crates also added to it.  who knows.  that one was dead, as of today.  Gotta move on and send some more resumes.

Monday, April 21, 2014


I need to make more money. Keep myself busy.  I will apply for the operations, logistics analyst position with man crate.  I checked a few pages of information on man crates, launchpad, jon beekman, chiwan and yantian (ports in Shenzhen). I will send in my application and see how that goes. Meanwhile, it looks like hsa is moving along a little.

Got my haircut. 

I'm really tired today. I'm getting old. Also, I've been attacked bt the canker sores. They drain my energy.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The bomb. When the other person tells you that s/he feels bored...

it's about time that it's come to an end.  How sad. Everything has an expiration date. How sad.

My hair is long . I'm going to cut it tommorrow.

Sunday con conejo de primavera

I'm not religious. Eastet doesn't impact me much. It has been relaxing to have some time to myself, roaming in the dolores-castro area. It's been a nice, warm shining day so far. Still thinking about leaving the public sector. But we'll see which one comes out first: hsa or another job in the private sector. I need to get motivated. I need to know other professionals that are working with just one arm. I need to get my act together.

It's also cherry blossom festival in japantown. I have scheduled to check out the parade.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Some Complaints

No problem at all, Helen.  Anything.    Remember Alt + PrtSc.


It also just reminded me that Judy once said to me, “Oh, we don’t want you to still work from home after work.” to reject my request to route the calls from the work phone to my cell phone, after explaining that it is faster and more convenient, cell phone is lighter and I have unlimited minutes.     There are just so many things I don’t like about her since day 1.  Everything went downhill after I got transferred from Jen to Judy.  And they punish me by sticking me with Judy.  So, I have to go....


She once asked me in her office before my 1-year mark, “Oh, do you like what you do?  Cuz we (again, we?) want you to be happy.”  I just had to fire her after my 1 year.  Then, when I brought it up that I was being abused, she fought me.   Oh, well, so much for happiness, correct?     


Best regards,



Tuesday, April 15, 2014

What can you do in a prison?

I suddenly remembered the Chinese movie, “Raise the Red Lantern”, because now I can very much relate myself to the main character.     This place is a mental prison. Pushing paper is what people do most.  Most people are dim-witted with very low skill sets and they get on each other. Anyway, the movie  has a very satirical ending as well.    It’s not a feel-good movie, for sure.   


Monday, April 14, 2014

Easter Cookie - Trashed

Even Jose didn’t want to eat it.  So, Saturday night, it ended up in the trash bin outside.  Why would anyone want to bring the sugar-loaded, not-so-good quality cookies from Safeway to “force” people to eat them?  I was referring to the same cookie that I found on my desk wrapped in a Kleenex.   Judy left it while I was out of the office that day to make sure that I had a taste of it.   I didn’t want to throw it away, but there was no homeless person to give it to and Jose didn’t want it, either.


Does she really like those cookies?  Is her standard that low?   I have to say that my standard is higher than that.  Even higher after working for Cisco.


Paul is chatting away, his son’s brother in law, this time.     Last time I heard his wife’s cousin’s husband’s party...  Carmen is chatting about her future trip in San Diego...



Let’s see if this one will work.  I like my photos and it shows my nice, natural, health teeth.   

Batteries were dead, but I switched the position and they came back alive.  I’m going back to my diary mode and will write something every day.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Easter Cookie

I found an Easter Cookie on me desk covered in a Kleenex Wednesday morning when I came to work. Helen said it's not from her. It's from Judy. I thought about that possibility, but I checked with Helen first.

I can think of it in a nice way that she wanted to make sure that I wasn't left out on the chance to taste the Easter bunny cookie. But it's the bulk box from Safeway, and later Whitney brought out the left over. It's Friday now and the leftover box is still sitting there with cookies in it. I brought it home Wednesday, as I didn't find a homeless person to give it to, and Jose hasn't touched it yet, either.

Why is it that she always treats people with bad pastries from Safeway?  Next time I should probably reject her right at the beginning.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Sick leave

Darlene called in sick and Paul didn't. Same rule; different standards.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

"I dressed down yestesday", she said.

"Whatevet gets thrown at me, I don't care." Giggled.

Whatever gets thrown at me, I don't care.

Last friday she said it out loud while giggling with paul and the other annoying person in the office. And she had the guts to press me to wear a dirty tie.

Taking mental leave today

Looking at jobs at Nest. 

I still need to send Luciana my updated resume and i will need to do that soon.

I'm the only person out of the office today.

Still haven't found my resting place.


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

What's going on?

I'm gradually accepting my uselessness for not being brave and strong enough to take on more challenges in life. I hope things will turn around better this year.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Man, don't I love working for the government?

I can't carry on like this much. This place is draining out my energy and I need to get a better life.


Thursday, January 23, 2014

Big fuzz over one hour of leave

Not sure why the old man, Paul, couldn't handle a small situacion to have someone cover the front desk dor an hour. Not only he couldn't handle it, he also whined about it to the group. I had a not so friendly talk with Judy and she apologized for the poor communication and authorized me to find back up on my own . I think I followed the protocol of sending an email one day earlier to judy, Paul, Whitney, Connie and Helen. I'm the helper, not the coordinator. It's Connie's job.