Saturday, December 27, 2008
I wasn't really aware that it could be appendix that was causing the problem. I just started to feel bloated, inflated and kind of painful in my abdomenal area.
Thought i could sleep it away, but it just lingered.
Went to the ER at Kaiser, Redwood City. The ER nurse kickded me to the Clinic. The doctor there, (can't remember her name now)(her name is Malika Kheraj) figured out that it's appendicitis and sent me back to ER.
Had an surgery immediately. stayed in the hospital unti the next morning (12/26). got home that afternoon. Gees, I still can't walk much.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
25 degrees fahrenheit
Monday, December 15, 2008
Rainy Monday
otherwise, it is a cold day today.
Monday, December 8, 2008
DOB - Christi Marquina
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Can't shake the cold
since I skipped Thanksgiving, I just haven't felt the holiday feel yet. It is not raining, either. So, I keep forgetting to put on a sweater. So, that slows down the recovery. I also noticed that I was trying to get used to my own crappy bed, too. On top of that, the jet lag is bothering me as well. Luan once commented that "Jason, don't get old". I thought that was quite interesting. She did not know that I am very old already. :)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Caltrain Complaint
I would like to complain about the rude behavior of the female conductor on southbound 216 today (11/12). She is white, overweight with fluffy long hair. The incident happened at Hillsdale Station that today experienced a sudden spike on the number of the passengers.
I arrived at my regular hour, but was forced to seek parking over the other parking lot near TGI Friday's. I finally got a spot # 172, paid the parking ticket and ran to finally reach the last car only to get rejected and door shut at my face. I politely asked her to validate my 10-ride ticket, but she refused and said I should get it validated before I get on board, otherwise, she would write me a citation. The other male conductor was at the last car this morning as well. And as a daily commuter myself, I know that by comparison, he is a much nicer person. He greeted people and provide friendly interaction when checking tickets. That said, he would not have said those things to me, let alone doing such a horrible act to any passenger. So, he and other passengers on the train and across the rails on the northbound platform are my witnesses. He knew that she shut the door at me and I was all peaceful without raising my voice nor creating a scene.
Everyone knows the proper manner to handle this is to let the passenger get onboard, kindly “warn” the passenger that this is to do them a favor and for this time only and validate this ticket. However, I expect more from a “professional” conductor. I expect service, not rude, unprofessional behavior.
I normally buy a monthly pass along with parking permit for $126. Since this is a short month, I opted to get the 10-ride ticket. I know that I will not get any more chance to run into a situation like this. But I certainly hope that this will not happen to anyone at all.
Monday, October 27, 2008
first day of the last quarter
After Paul came by to the cube to circle back to me on the status of the new req, I could tell that it was not going to happen. I wouldn't be surprised if there was another position alloted to Michael once I am gone. However, it seems more likely that there will be more reqs for the asian pacific region. If I were the boss, I would do that. Move the force east. Commodity Managers, commodity specialists, etc.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
GSM event
We can get out this afternoon, but I decided to stay in and work on the deliverables, so the presumed new boss of commodity specialists can have some insight on what the girls have been doing and how they have been suffering.
Today's supposed to be the first day of rain in this rainy season. We will see. If it rains, Jose will not work tomorrow, that means, I won't get to help out and do my weekend exercise by doing garden work. I hope it would not rain, really. It is better that I get out of the house and do something physical.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Marco Antonio Solis
Otra vez, los mexicanos me molestaron mucho por romper las ordenes a andar en el escenario a tomar las fotos y besar al cantante. La misma situación sucedió en el concierto de Paulina Rubio. Me molestó, pero yo tambien paga dinero para disfrutar el show. A nadie le gusta un concierto interrumpido. He pasado tiempo con demasiados mexicanos y conocido a los mexicanos. La mayoria de los mexicanos no siguen nada de la ley. Traen ese habilitad desde México. Qué lastima.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Labor Day Weekend 8/30
Sunday, August 3, 2008
那個墨西哥女人Georgina Olivera則屬於不可取的那種. 其實, 誰非常在乎1200墨幣, 但是她的態度,推託,撒謊的處理方式就會令人反感. 跟我講清楚有財務困難,收不到學生的繳費, 我就會放過. 反正當時也免費教Rafael.
上禮拜看到她出現在這個部落格撒野,真的讓我覺得這個人非常可惡. 不給錢是一回事, 說有支薪證明但又提不出發票. 空口說白話是另一回事.. 現在反倒自打耳光.
我倒是想看她的發票是什麼樣子. 她如果能夠提出來, 則又是個幌子和笑話. 以當時'打黑工',只收現金的身份, 是不可能收任何支票而兌現的. 整個工作簽證辦不下來,銀行戶口也當然無疾而終.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Sabes qué?
Pues, estoy esperando a José para que salgamos al cine más tarde. No pasó nada en especial. Tuve un día ocupado ayer.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
CPM exam, module 3
I missed Renne Zelleweger. Where is she? I remember she said "grand" in her Bridget Jones' movies. Oh, well. her time has passed.
I need to register for the last module and also start preparing.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
不過還是有接到生日祝賀. 還是不錯. 至少還是有人知道我的存在. 不過也讓我覺得我越來越冷...
不過本來就沒什麼值得好好大肆慶祝的事. 天底下每件事都一樣重複發生. 太陽底下沒有新鮮事...
Friday, June 27, 2008
今天沒去參加GSM All Hands, 結果被Hang 抓包. 跟John Hu 聊了一下,才知道自己知道的真的很少. 應該好好再加油.
South Park 已經看完第六季了.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Interview with Tyco
Well, it is strange that Mary Tong just told me that they extended my stay until October 24th. So, what does that mean? Well, I have to stay poor for another 4 months there. Yeah, right! It just feels good and sounds good to work for Cisco. I am an "individual contributor" as categorized, as opposed to someone at a managerial level. Oh, well, stay put for another 3 months then. I don't have to go out for interview for another 3 months.
I have had 3 interviews so far. another 1 phone interview with Oracle. We will see how it goes.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
South Park Frenzy
I'm also going to wach the Sopranos Season 5 as soon as it gets in the Library.
I'm 1/4 through the last season of OZ,w hich is season 5. Oz is quite boring now.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
damn canker sores again
Friday, May 16, 2008
-立即火葬. 骨灰灑太平洋. (無須棺材, 我不喜歡. 佔空間, 浪費資源又浪費錢)
-免除任何禮俗. (省了, 我死後會怎樣是未知數. 也不是一個禮俗就可改變的. 再則,我不信教.
-如有任何保險金,銀行存款等, 全數歸父親及哥哥.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Damn Canker Sores
I never really documented it. But I have those since 3 or 4 days ago.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Naturalization Interview
Anyway, I failed 3 questions out of 10 and I still passed.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
tax return filed
the stupid turbo tax costs $80.00 to file just state part. I even picked the cheapest filing method. 1040 ez, maybe. I don't remember that.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
My will: no ceremony. Burn my body. Scatter ashes in the ocean.
I think it is better to save the space, save the time, save everybody's energy and make it as simple as possible.
There should not be any ceremony. If it is my ceremony, I prefer not to have any ritual. It is not how the people want my ceremony to be. It is how I want my ceremony to be. People should not determine what kind of coffin I would prefer. If they know me, they should know that I don't want any coffin. Just burn my body and scatter my ashes in the ocean. Simple as that.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Where the Sopranos live (Season 2, Episode 10)
Anyway, this episode shows their address:
633 Stag Trail Road
North Caldwell, NJ 07006
Carmela Soprano is having an affair with the decorator.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
I always think about this kind of strange and boring "who cares" stuff. Well, this is me. I am boring, strange and "who cares".
Hang just sent out an e-mail taking her PTO tomorrow. So, abrupt and such a short notice. Perhaps this is the downtime, before the new quote cycle kicks in.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
No news is not good news
Monday, March 17, 2008
一年了. 感覺沒什麼長進... 但事實上發生了很多事情. 能夠進思科有這樣的歷練也就夠了. 我覺得我的英文很差.倒是真的...
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Tools and Phrases While at Cisco
Takeaways=key points
wfh=work from home
eol=end of life
lobby ambassador
writeback=update. your splits will not writeback.
Emerging Markets = developing countries = third world
Inbiz - Item attribute display
Combat Report Portal - Spend Usage, Item attribute update, Quote Analysis
EMCO Access management - supplier onboarding, company profile, user profile,
Oracle E-biz:
Sourcing Buyer with Supplier Quote, DF Tac report, Component Splits and Standards (CSS), Impersonation, MFG subcontract Purchasing(Cost Roll)
Supplier Business Review(SBR), Business Units(BU), Aravo (Supplier Contact Rolodex)
Education Management System
Friday, March 14, 2008
Oracle - Brock Musgrove
Me siento bien que tenía algo que preguntarle a Brock, aunque no estaba preparado.
Friday, March 7, 2008
hasta el fin de abril con Cisco
Sin embargo, está bien. Ya lo sé que me rechazó autoridad residencial de oakland.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Sometimes the most courageous act is what you did not do.
I need to finish "GN & GL" at home. This is a serious film and I have to watch it at home, not at Joey's apartment.
I found Galavision on Channel 73. I have been watching it a little. I want to continue watching it. But I don't have anything on TV at home. It was cancelled by the Marquina Family. Well, life goes on. I get to watch a lot of movies and TV series on DVD.
Overcast Saturday.
I went to check out Oakland Housing Authroity for Next Wednesday's Interview. I am glad that there is going to be an interview.
Patrick said that the interview is very robotic and formatic. The scoring system is so mandate that it ensures it is easy to score and objective. A panel of 3 interviewers that will consist of a lady, a minority at least. He said I should not worry about it. There is nothing to prepare. Just go in and be myself. He said a good night's sleep will be good.
I am very grateful that Hang Nguyen has been very helpful. It has been quite a honor and pleasure to work with/for her. I am surprised to find that she was a contractor for 2 years before they turned her permanent. Well, I am not sure if I am heading down that road. But I really don't think I have engouh
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Thank you cards
Yes, it makes me feel very pretentious to send Sebastian and Halil each a thank-you card, but what can I do? Now I feel it is completely a waste of time to do the interview and now the cards. But what can I do? It does not hurt to be courteous, right?
Friday, February 15, 2008
Oakland Housing Authority
The interview was quite boring in a simple Q&A format. They Q'd and I A'd.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
到圖書館去還DVD,借DVD-Reno 911, Six Feed Under, Oz, The Sopranos, etc.
到永和超市去買牛肉乾,寶礦力,巧克力豆漿, 菜肉包, 豆乾
Thursday, February 7, 2008
You are confirmed for a professional Interview with Expeditors International
Well, I am lukewarm about this position and the interview. But since it had dropped on my lap, I would just take it like a free gift. I don't really have to work for it. All it takes is an interview, so I will go in anyway.
You are confirmed for a professional interview
Thursday, Feb 14th at 4:00pm. Expeditors425 Valley DriveBrisbane, CA
Attire: Professional – business suit attire (shirt/tie/jacket) Upon arrival: please ask for Sebastian McClure, Distribution Services Manager. While he is not the Direct Supervisor for this position, he is conducting the initial interviews. You will meet with him and the current Process Analyst, Halil Gursoy.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Saturday alone
Monday, January 21, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Writing Macros
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Commute by Train, Company Shuttle, Light Rail
I am just glad that I can commute by public transportation.
Here's my schedule:
Out of house @ 07:25
Hillsdale Station @ 07:32
Baby bullet train @ 07:40
Mountain View Downtown/Cisco Shuttle @ 08:00
Cisco Building D @ 08:25
Out of building D @ 17:08
Light Rail/Champion station @ 17:18 (today it arrived late. @ 17:23, I think)
Mt. View, Baby Bullet @ 17:59
Hillsdale Station @18:18
parking at hillsdale: $2:00/daily
10-ride ticket from hillsdale: $34.00
So weekly cost will be $34.00+$2.00x5=$44.00
Monday, January 14, 2008
POPEYE'S, SUNNYVALE 買晚餐. 三根炸雞: 兩腿, 一胸.
MT. VIEW LIBRARY 去還DVD. romero 和 fresa y chocolate.
REDWOOD CITY LIBRARY 去借Panther Panchali 和 The world of Apu. (昨天,不小心看了三部曲的第二部:Aparajito.) 順便借了兩捲西文DVD: best rock 和Semen. Aparajito 在Redwood city library竟被歸到西文區. 哈哈...
SUPER SAVERS, REDWOOD CITY 去看有沒有西文小說和白色的衣架可以買,
BEST BUY, SAN CARLOS 去看有沒有筆記型電腦的護套賣, 我決定就買Cisco的就行了.
FOSTER CITY LIBRARY. 去還書: Excel formula
Sunday, January 13, 2008
I could identify with the movie,especially the interaction between Apu and his mom. It reminded me of my mom when she's waiting for Apu to come back. It was very saddening.
This is weird. How can anyone start a trilogy from the Middle/second one. Well,
I checked the library catalog and found that Foster City only has Aparajito. For "Panther Panchali" and "The world of Apu". So, tomorrow I would need to check Redwood city.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Friday, January 11, 2008
Bill Richardson
“Hablé de los temas que considero son claves para el futuro del país. Pero, lo ocurrido en Iowa y en New Hampshire nos han aconsejado el repliegue. Por eso he decidido regresar al mejor trabajo del mundo”,
Question: If it is the best job in the world, why did you even think about leaving it?
He dyes his hair black and sports a very unnatural tan. How can anyone that is untrue to himself be true to others?
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Croatian Beef Cabbage Roll with Red Rice
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Contract extended from Jan 25 to March 7
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Fingerprints for Immigration
KLA Tencor (through Butler International), Oakland Housing Authority
The idea of taking Bart to Oakland to work is very enticing and I think it would be a great opportunity and it willl open the door for me to have a career in the public sector. I briefly checked their benefits: quite nice. 12 sick days per year. 10 days of vacation, and 10 paid holidays. So, that is not too bad. 32 days. Besides, the pay is pretty nice. at $5500 per month. I can live with that and also keep putting savings in the 401K. Sounds pretty damn good.
Jugué con José Durán
El no sabía que yo hablo español. Es que nunca lo mencioné tampoco.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
我們似乎也有好一些共同點. 他人在法國. 我在美國. 他已經有固定的伴侶.我沒有. 不過我們有很多過去的事可以聊,可以涵蓋很多議題..
Yong Le's Fusion: Worst Restaurant Ever, a terrible date made it even worse
Over priced: we order spring rolls as an appetizer. main courses: wasabi noodles, seafood curry and steamed rice. it costed $43.00, including tip.
Why is $43.00 bad/over priced: well the ambient is ok. The chair is not steel molded with its back at the 45 degree angle, which makes it very uncomfortable when leaning back. The owner lady/hostess give us a cold, oblivious look when pouring the water.
If I want it raw, I would have gone to a Japanese restaurant, instead of an Asian Fusion crap.
The spring rolls need to be improved. Wasabi noodles is mediocre. Seafood curry was aweful, on top of the raw salmon. Besides, I never had salmon in the seafood curry before and I have been to so many different thai restaurants. The clientile there is dominately white with 2 other asian americans there. That really explains why it does not appeal to me.
Of course, I didn't want to make a complaint, let alone "a scene" in front of the date. I didn't even know why I agreed to drive so far, or even show up for someone that I knew I would not like at all. Of course, it turned out to be kind of a disaster. Not good looking to begin with. Cheap. Cynical. I blamed myself for this total disaster, because I had total control over my situation.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Shall we Dance?
I watched the US remake of the Japanese hit, featuring Richard Gere, Jennifer Lopez, Susan Sarandon. It's fun to watch. very light and inspiring.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Cisco Gym
I put the Calendar that Reiko Soga gave me as a Xmas gift on my desk now. It is a very delicate, beautifully made calendar. I really like her style. Very neat, clean, delicate and thus high quality.
My days with cisco are numbered, although I haven't heard anything from Lily Liu yet. I keep hoping that it will be the end of January. For some reason, I am starting to feel strange about my current lifestyle. I want to really finish the naturalization process and get to Miami and settle down right there. I have no idea what's in store for me over there, but I do know that I really enjoy a nice warm/hot summer there.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
2008 plans
I need to pass the CPA test this year. Probably one in March and one in June. Only 2 more modules to go: Value-adding strategies and Management. Both are quite fun.
I think I need to expedite the process: the preliminary test dates: march 1st and May 3rd.
2. Spanish Class:
Mission College. Spanish 004
I don't care if they won't let me register. I can audit the class. I just need to talk to Monica Rivas and have her sign something to approve it. I can finish it this semester. I don't think they are going to offer any further class than 004. Because most people will transfer to a regular 4 year college after that point.
3. Citizenship:
I need to get the citizenship and so I can finally put this immigration stuff behind. After almost 14 years, I think I really need to get it and to get the feeling of belonging. I have been feeling like an outsider. Now that the citizenship is close, I have started to care about the stuff that's happening in the U.S., meaning I am starting to read more and more political news. Well, I can't deny that I would be able to work overseas in Costa Rica or somewhere else. I think I want to be free, finally.
Who'd thought that Canada would fail my immigration application and that Mexico would deny my work visa. It is like of like the college application. You got accepted by Harvard or MIT and rejected by San Francisco State and Ohio State. Isn't it funny or rather ironic? I would never want to live in Canada because it's so cold. Mexico is nice, but the living standards are still falling way behind.
4. Miami
I think I have made enough sacrifice for Miami. Well, maybe it is just because I am lazy and because I am very good at finding excuses. Jorge Marquina is my best excuse. I keep telling people that I wouldn't leave people in a bad situation without lending a helping hand. Well, it is really not my fault how he fell ill and got hospitalized and so on. But I think it is a good excuse for not moving to Miami last year before I started the N400 process.
5. Real job
It's funny that I should say that. It is not like that I am a bum. I have been holding real jobs. Real contractual jobs. :) I think I really need to be gainfully employeed with all the benefits such as medical, dental, 401K and stock options, if possible. So, my life can take off. So, I can bring my finance back to normal. I can think about buying a house when i hit the big 4 zero.