Thursday, January 22, 2009

Slutty Izzi said she's in love with George

Geez, she's a trailor whore who got pregnant at a very early age and gave up her child. worked as a model and somehow became a doctor. Slept with Alex, dated Alex, fell in love with a patient, inherited his 8.7 million dollars, slept with George, who's married, strangely, to Calli, and now she's in love with George. That love is so weak!!!

New Perspective - Quanta Computer

How do I put this? This is a difficult time and a lot of people would say it's better to have a job than going on without a job. But this is with A CM and there will be lots of pressure.

After a brief chat with Pamela, not even mentioning this new position, I just realized that I needed a job to move on with this life. So, any job will do. Besides, it's a biggest CM for Notebook computers. It can't be too bad. At least, it will still look good on my resume. How does that sound?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Grey's Anatomy

Been watching this series since Xmas. I am slowly killing myself with this show. It was so fun this first season. Something new. Something that really opens the eye and mind. Then, things take a turn since season 2 and I realized why MadTV is so fun. It really just tells you what the show is about in a short 4-minute skit. "If you guys are talking about relationship, I want to, too." "Please, please, please let me talk about my relationship..." That MadTV skit is so funny.

I'm on Season 3 and what everybody talks is their relationship. Even guy doctors are talking about their marriages and their feelings toward their girlfriends, wives, about wanting to her happy for the rest of her life... Such a crap. It deviates from the reality so much that it is really disgusting. They used to have intersting medical cases to solve. Now I think the ideas have gone dry.

By season 3, inevitably, all the main characters have all slept with each other. Meredith with Derek, with George. George with Izzi, with Calli. Calli with Sloan, Sloan with Montgomery, Montgomery with Derek, Izzi with Alex, Alex with Victoria, Victoria with George... Christina with Preston... Chief with Meredith's mom. The only character that is not sexual is Dr. Miranda Burke, the short, chubby, black resident doctor, aka Nazi for the interns/the click.

I admire those male actors in this show, for they can sustain this hardship for so long...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

一生的愧疚 - La Baby

今天是第三天. 我還是覺得非常愧疚. 但是比昨天好了. 這種錯誤是不可補回. 由於我的疏忽和大意,她的生命轉眼就結束. 這種愧疚將一直存在,直到我生命不存在為止.

說Baby 只是一隻狗,就太傷人了. 她是我生命中一個很重要的部分. 對Jorge和他媽媽也是.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

La muerte de la Baby

La baby se muriò ayer. El primer dia de mi vida sin empleo. Que mala suerte.

Me cuesta tanto aceptar que la Baby ya no està. Yo tengo toda la culpa, aunque no fue mi intenciòn. Estoy muy, muy arrependito. Como puedo regresar la vida de la Baby? Yo soy el asesino. Se muriò por la culpa de mi descuidado. ¿Por què? Quiero creer que no soy el asesino. La señora si. Por que ella pisò a la Baby. Pero no puedo creerlo. Porque si yo hubiera podido poner mas atenciòn, todo no habià sucedido y la Baby estuviera con la family Marquina.

Dicen que todo sucede por una razon. Ojala que sì. Me he puesto mejor persona para las mascotas. Nunca mas voy a perder una vida asì. Fue una lecciòn muy cruel y muy efectiva.