Friday, June 27, 2008


今天算是好天. 因為牙齒沒發炎, 嘴巴,舌頭沒破洞, 嘴唇也沒水泡... 太好了.

今天沒去參加GSM All Hands, 結果被Hang 抓包. 跟John Hu 聊了一下,才知道自己知道的真的很少. 應該好好再加油.

South Park 已經看完第六季了.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

cold sores

ok. What is going on? What is the matter? eyes, mouth, lips, prostate... what's next?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Interview with Tyco

I went to meet with Jamie Zimmerman and Joy Embry at starbuks and then John Feldmeyer over at Tyco. He's been with Raychem for 31 years. Imagine that. that's something I won't be able to do.

Well, it is strange that Mary Tong just told me that they extended my stay until October 24th. So, what does that mean? Well, I have to stay poor for another 4 months there. Yeah, right! It just feels good and sounds good to work for Cisco. I am an "individual contributor" as categorized, as opposed to someone at a managerial level. Oh, well, stay put for another 3 months then. I don't have to go out for interview for another 3 months.

I have had 3 interviews so far. another 1 phone interview with Oracle. We will see how it goes.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Canker sores gone

Just in time for the weekend. Well. This is just to keep a record of the attacks.

Monday, June 9, 2008

South Park Frenzy

I have been watching south park like crazy. The new girl at Cisco, Margaret Anderson, likes South Park as well. I'm at Season 4 right now.
I'm also going to wach the Sopranos Season 5 as soon as it gets in the Library.
I'm 1/4 through the last season of OZ,w hich is season 5. Oz is quite boring now.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

damn canker sores again

probably since last wednesday. I just don't know what do to with them. 2 of them right now.