Friday, May 16, 2008


-立即火葬. 骨灰灑太平洋. (無須棺材, 我不喜歡. 佔空間, 浪費資源又浪費錢)
-免除任何禮俗. (省了, 我死後會怎樣是未知數. 也不是一個禮俗就可改變的. 再則,我不信教.
-如有任何保險金,銀行存款等, 全數歸父親及哥哥.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Damn Canker Sores

I really hate them. They like my periods that visit every month and stay for a week or so. Right now I have 2. One on the left side of the blade of the tongue; the other on the left wall of the the mouth, close to the lips.
I never really documented it. But I have those since 3 or 4 days ago.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Naturalization Interview

With officer Yuen. She refused to take "Jason" as part of my legal name. Furthermore, she made me sign my name the old way just like when I first got here and when I used to sign chiasen li. Well, I pretty much forgot how to sign it that way. I'm used to signing Jason Li now.

Anyway, I failed 3 questions out of 10 and I still passed.